Do We Have Time to Make America Great Again?

By Jan Markell

July 16, 2024

Cover Image New Republic Magazine

The face of “American Fascism”

For now, the whole country has dodged a bullet. God surely had mercy. But will he allow time to make America great again? It’s a catchy campaign slogan, but is it reality in light of God’s end-time planned scenario?

The Left has a terribly dark heart—driven by the god of this world. And they are driving the out-of-control spirit of the Antichrist that has been unleashed in America and the world. It is the same spirit that invaded Israeli kibbutzim on October 7, 2023. It is merciless.

You have to wonder how half of America will vote for this agenda to continue. How on earth did this happen? Because evil and Leftism control the media, academia, entertainment, and even the religious left.

But is there still time in God’s economy to make America great after years of unspeakable wreckage? Have you noticed the calamities throughout the planet that affect all of America's policies?

  • The time clock for the end of the Church Age, Israel, is in turmoil.
  • The globalists continue to destabilize Europe and shake up European leadership.
  • There is currently no one in power whom the world admires. It is, in fact, leaderless.
  • There is a longing for a Mr. Fix-It.
  • Violence and lawlessness reign.
  • Technology—and, specifically artificial intelligence—is taking over everything, just as it will in the Tribulation.
  • Hearts are growing cold (Matthew 24:12) as some in America cheer on the violence perpetrated against a presidential candidate.
  • Many church pulpits are silent at this time in history; others are riddled with false doctrine, led by wolves.
  • There seems to be a love of evil (II Timothy 3:13) as worldwide, people are celebrating anti-Semitic activity and denouncing people who have done nothing but bless the world.
  • Gog is preparing to make a move.

These and two dozen more bullet point issues will be difficult to reverse!

We have all been sickened by what we’ve seen in the last few years. Conservatives are portrayed as deplorables. Trump himself is repeatedly compared to Hitler. Endless rhetoric portrays Christians and conservatives as the fascists from the 1930s. Pro-lifers and Republicans are mocked and vilified as dangerous. The liberal media suggests that you and I will be the end of democracy.

Gov. Mike Huckabee made a profound statement that this near catastrophe—this assassination attempt—is a “spiritual issue.” America has a spiritual problem. It’s that spirit of the Antichrist. I think that’s what Mike Huckabee sees.

Donald Trump is not the Antichrist. That man is waiting in the wings. And, make no mistake, the globalists are cheering today. They must have instability and uncertainty. They want the world to look to them to provide both.

There is a seven-year period when they will get their wish.

I'm not sure if we can make America great again, or if it is actually time for a trumpet to blow and for this age to wind down. But can you imagine a world that is reeling from a televised assassination attempt to suddenly experience the absence of millions of people?

Is this the one-two punch that is needed for the installation of Daniel’s Seventieth Week? Is this a scenario that will push a Mr. Fix-It onto the world stage?

Perhaps so. Perhaps today. Are you ready?



"When They Say Peace and Security"

Jan Markell talks to Pastor Billy Crone for the hour. When they say peace and security, they will be calling for a world savior and a New World Order. What are Klaus Schwab’s ties to the White House? God’s New World Order is the Millennium, the destination for all believers.

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32 GB Flash Drive



The hour on God’s prophetic clock is late and sadly, many churches are not doing all they can to ensure people are spiritually prepared for the return of the Lord. The Pastor’s Kit is a library of information loaded on a 32GB flash drive. The material will help pastors and ministry leaders know WHY and HOW to teach and preach on Bible prophecy. The Pastor’s Kit can be given to a ministry leader to help them address the important subjects of Bible prophecy and eschatology with confidence and boldness. Pray for your pastors and encourage them as they are on the front lines and need our support.

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AUGUST 1, 2024

(link to time and location here)

Michele represented Minnesota's 6th District in the House of Representatives from 2007 to 2015. She ran for President of the United States in 2012. Currently she is Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia.

Michele has a unique perspective on current events, eschatology, politics, and more, that is valued and particularly in this election season. The evening includes a panel discussion and Q & A as well.



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