Using Micro-Learning for Conference Innovation
Many conference organizers are jumping on the micro-learning band wagon as a silver bullet for innovating their conference education. They believe that the next generation conference participants have short attention spans and prefer these formats. In the e-learning and training space, micro-learning is exploding as a progressive model for professional development.
We believe there are pros and cons to this emerging trend at premium conferences, . While innovative formats like IGNITE, Pecha Kucha, TED or flash sessions in open spaces appear new and innovative, they often provide very low learning value for the participant. These formats are basically mini lectures with no social learning experiences that make learning stick.
On the pro side of the equation, bite-size formats do tend to have entertainment value for the participants. Another pro is that it's much more difficult for a presenter to prepare for delivering a micro-learning session. The limited time, or prescribed format, forces presenters to do more fine tuning and rehearsing than they would for a 60 or 90 minute session. It helps make presenters better.
Micro-learning is not useful when participants are trying to understand complex issues, develop deep authentic learning or gain a better understanding of a complicated topic says education guru
Sharon Boller.
Instead, conferences should offer a variety of education sessions from short bursts to deep dives to full day immersion.
We're continuing our webinar series at 2:00 PM EST on Thursday, January 7th.
Seismic Conference and Attendance Shifts You Need to Adopt Now p
resented by Jeff Hurt. If you're interested in participating,
click here
to review and/or register. All webinars are promotion free, progressive learning opportunities.
In contrast to traditional educational experiences, which tend to be designed in 50 to 90 minute units, microlearning experiences may last anywhere from a few seconds - the time it might take to answer a quiz question, for example - to roughly 15 to 20 minutes - the time it might take to watch a video, for example. While microlearning does not necessarily imply online learning, internet and mobile technologies have certainly made creating and accessing microlearning experiences dramatically easier.
Attracting and keeping quality attendees on your show floor isn't getting any easier. The way we, as consumers and businesses, research and buy products and services has evolved - and so must the trade-show experience. The trade show of the future will focus on helping over selling, which is best accomplished by delivering valuable education in the exhibit hall.
Many L&D professionals are on a quest for the training Holy Grail: micro-learning. They want to know how to help people acquire knowledge in five minutes. Several factors are fueling this high interest in micro-learning. The Bersin and Associates research bulletin reports that today's modern learner only has 1 percent of their time available each week to devote to professional development and learning, which translates to 4.8 minutes per day, if we assume a 40-hour workweek.
We always seem to be looking for the next quick tip, idea, or feature to implement for our next conference. But not so fast - there's some work that needs to be done first. We like to see or hear about others' great ideas and copy them for our own meetings. We like to find lists of practical tips or steps to solve an issue and just plug them in. We're just like many of our conference attendees looking to pack in as many industry education sessions as possible to get the (insert number here) best practices or top great ideas for success. Face it, we're attracted to shiny objects for our conference innovation.
TED has exploded into mainstream consciousness due to many factors (especially CNN's TED Talk Tuesdays). TEDx, TEDWomen. With such a widespread organization, it's important to have rules for presenters. These guidelines come in the form of the 10 TED Commandments. Hilarious. When giving any presentation, apply the 10 TED Commandments to ensure success. Here are the commandments, as well as links to articles that can help you improve the skill addressed in each guideline:
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