July 10, 2021
This last weekend of July 2, 3 & 4, our Church was filled with jubilation & praise, as hearts were joined together in worship of our Lord Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
This was at the Divine Adoration Prayer Conference 2021. There was Holy Mass on each day, frequent praise & worship, anointed talks, healing sessions, confessions & delicious meals.
This year’s conference centered on the theme, “Real Presence", and indeed our God was with us in such an intimate & powerful way on Friday night, all day Saturday thru the night and at our 10am Sunday Mass of Thanksgiving.
The anointed speakers were Fr Joseph Meagher, Fr Peter Okafor, Nkiruka Ike-Egolum , Sam Ejiofor and Jules Ngambo.
Lord Jesus, truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist,
thank you for feeding us with your Real Presence and for showering upon us with Your "divine favor" throughout the conference. Stay with us, Jesus!
See photos below.