Volume 19 | December 2019
The mission of the District 95 Educational Foundation is to raise funds and provide resources for additional innovations that empower all learners to achieve personal excellence.
Looking to make a Year End Gift? Donate to the Foundation to support teacher innovation grants, District wide STEAM initiatives, Author in Residence, HS internship opportunities, and academic funding and basic needs for under resourced students.
**Winter break is a great time to make your films!**
Foundation Insight- Did you know...
Joanie's Closet Valentine's Dance on February 8
A fun-filled and memorable evening awaits you and your special little someone on Saturday, February 8th, 5-8pm! Don’t miss this popular parent and child date night which includes dinner, dancing, professional photos, raffle baskets and more. Click HERE to purchase tickets.
Silent Auction Prizes, Baskets, & Sponsors Wanted
The Foundation is looking for silent auction prizes for its Annual Fundraising Gala on March 7th at Concorde Banquets. If you are interested in donating an item (sporting event tickets, theater tickets, gift certificates, etc.) please email Erica at foundation@lz95.org. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year! We're also looking for committee volunteers and for empty baskets to package our prizes. Interested in being a sponsor?Click  HERE for sponsorship opportunities. Let us know if you can help!
Cultural Diversity Fair
We need community members to volunteer and sign- up to put together a booth at our inaugural Cultural Diversity Fair on April 26th! Click HERE to learn more and to sign up! We currently have volunteers for Bulgaria, Germany, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, USA (Puerto Rico), UK, and Ukraine. Feel free to join them or pick another country! Do you have an idea or connection for a cultural performance or ethnic restaurant? Please email Erica at foundation@lz95.org.
Fidelity Group
The Fidelity Group, a Foundation Corporate Partner, are commercial real estate developers who develop, build, own and manage commercial real estate developments. Since 1987 The Fidelity Group, Ltd. and it's affiliated companies have developed over 850,000 sq. ft. of retail and office space, most of which it still owns and manages. Fidelity Construction Company was established in the early 1990's to build Fidelity's projects, handle tenant build-outs and provide landscape and snow plowing services for the Fidelity family of properties. The Fidelity Group was founded by John Sfire, also one of the founders of the D95 Educational Foundation.
What does the Foundation do?
  • Teacher innovation grants
  • Resources for District 95 initiatives such as Lego League, Film Festival, Science Fair, and STEAM Summit
  • Partner for high school internship opportunities
  • Academic funding for under-resourced students
  • Author in Residence
  • Basic needs for under-resourced students through Joanie's Closet
Board of Trustees
Sandra Frampton- Chair
Tom Lilly- Immediate Past Chair
Lisa Warren- Treasurer
Ann Marie McConnell- Corporate Secretary
Lisa Ballotti- Vice Chair Communications
Andy Spetter- Vice Chair Grants & Initiatives
Kelley Gallt- District 95 Superintendent & Trustee
Brad Bailey- Trustee
Katie Gazdacka- Trustee
Jennifer McGrath- Trustee
Allen Ordeanu- Trustee
John Sfire- Trustee Emeritus
Erica Chianelli - Executive Director
Thank you to our Corporate Partners
District 95 Educational Foundation | 847-540-5494 | foundation@lz95.org | www.district95foundation.org