May 2024

Neighborhoods United SF

Don't Let History Repeat Itself!

Upcoming Events

June 5 -- Attend District 7 Town Hall on Upzoning Impacts - Register Here

June 6 -- Attend Planning Commission Hearing on Upzoning - Info Here

The city proposes increasing building heights to 6 to 14+ stories along 19th Ave,

Junipero Serra, Ocean Ave, Sloat Blvd, and West Portal.

District 7 Town Hall: Impacts of Upzoning

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Scottish Rite Center, 2850 19th Avenue

Transit and Parking Options (see details)

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Register Here

District 7, along with many neighborhoods in western San Francisco, faces significant upzoning mandated by the State and the City, aiming to raise building heights throughout the area (view interactive map for details). These significantly taller structures won't address affordable housing but will instead lead to luxury high-rises, the demolition of single family homes, tenant and small business displacement, and neighborhood gentrification, profoundly impacting our neighborhood and quality of life for all residents.


No matter where you live, join us and rally your neighbors to learn more and take action—this issue impacts us all!


  • Michael Antonini, Former SF Planning Commissioner
  • Lori Brooke, Founder, Neighborhoods United SF
  • Dennis Richards, Former SF Planning Commissioner

Guests ​

  • Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Board President, District 3
  • Supervisor Joel Engardio, District 4
  • Supervisor Myrna Melgar, District 7 (to be confirmed)

Partner Organizations

  • Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods
  • Diamond Heights Community Association
  • Forest Hill Association
  • Greater West Portal Neighborhood Association
  • Ingleside Terraces Homes Association
  • Lakeside Property Owners Association
  • Midtown Terrace Homeowners Association
  • Miraloma Park Improvement Club
  • Neighborhoods United SF
  • Oceanview/Merced Heights/Ingleside - Neighbors in Action
  • Parkmerced Action Coalition
  • Save Our Neighborhoods SF
  • St. Francis Homes Association

What Can We Do About Sacramento’s

Land-Use Power Grab?

by Michael Barnes

Michael's Advice: GET MAD and VOTE ACCORDINGLY

Economist Michael Barnes presented at the Cow Hollow Association annual meeting, exposing the false "housing crisis" narrative perpetuated by the state, YIMBYs, and their elected allies - see presentation and other materials. This misleading narrative is being used to justify the state's overreach into local zoning, particularly in Charter cities like San Francisco that are supposed to be independent of such state incursions.

Senator Wiener, YIMBY lobbyists, real estate developers, and the tech industry share a goal: to deregulate zoning and allow unrestricted development, believing this will reduce prices through a failed trickle down strategy. However, proposed upzoning plans won't solve affordable housing issues. Instead, they will encourage luxury condo construction that exceeds existing height limits, threatening light, air, and privacy while fueling speculation, gentrification, and displacing renters and small businesses.

The current city administration aligns with the YIMBY agenda and has yielded to state demands. The state's unfunded mandate of 82,000 units by 2031 sets up San Francisco for failure, triggering the Builder's Remedy, which strips the city of zoning control and jeopardizes state funding for affordable housing and transit. The Builder's Remedy is not the penalty—it's the plan!

Residents must understand the positions and track records of Mayoral and Supervisoral candidates. Who will defend our neighborhoods and reject the misleading YIMBY narrative promoted by the state and embraced by the current administration? Consider who the YIMBYs attack most—that might indicate who will truly fight for our neighborhoods.