Welcome to District 65

10 Things to Know:

Getting Ready for the New School Year!

We are so excited to see your smiling faces at the start of this new school year! Whether you are a new or returning family, we can’t wait to welcome you and your family into our D65 community.

We suggest bookmarking this email, as there are many links and resources that may be helpful throughout the school year! In the meantime, enjoy the remaining weeks of summer!

Our first day of school for kindergarten through eighth grade students is Thursday, August 22. See you then!

1) No School Supply Lists!

We know the start of a new school year can be quite busy for families! We want to give you one less thing to worry about! There are no supply lists or need to purchase items this summer. Instructional supply fees are included in annual school fees. The District will use these funds to purchase the needed instructional supplies to ensure all K-8 students have what they need for the new school year! 

Students are encouraged to bring a backpack and a labeled reusable water bottle. All of our schools have water filling stations for student use.

Students are provided with a district-issued technology device to supplement classroom learning. Please ensure devices are charged nightly and brought to school each day.

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2) Student Health Forms & Immunizations

It’s important that we keep our schools healthy! The State of Illinois requires that schools have certain health information on file for students. This includes physical, dental, and eye examinations and verification of required immunizations. Our Health & Wellness Services webpage contains a listing of requirements, downloadable health forms, and other helpful information.

Please ensure the proper information is on file before the school year starts! It is so important for our staff to understand the health needs of students on the first day of school so we can keep everyone safe. Completed health forms can be sent in a variety of ways:

  • dropped off at your child’s school
  • dropped off at the Joseph E. Hill Education Center (1500 McDaniel Ave., Evanston)
  • emailed to the Health Services Department at D65health@district65.net
  • faxed to 847-866-7280

3) Student Meals

District 65 is committed to providing nutritious meal choices for our students! All schools serve breakfast and lunch daily. Elementary students place their lunch orders in their morning homeroom classes. Middle schoolers make their meal choices as they come through the lunch line in the cafeteria. Students may also bring their own lunches from home.

If you do not wish for your student to purchase meals at school, please communicate that expectation with them. For our younger learners, it may also be beneficial to express your wishes to their teachers.

Free and reduced-price meals are available to families who qualify based on certain income or eligibility requirements. Meal applications are available on our website. All families who believe they may qualify are encouraged to apply. Benefits go beyond school meals and may include free or reduced school fees, summer programming, internet access, and more!

Menus for school breakfast and lunch are available on our website. Did you know that school meals can be paid for online through MySchoolBucks?

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4) Join us for Kindergarten Playdates!

We know our kindergarteners will want to check out their new playground, try out our slides and swings, and meet new classmates before the start of the school year! 

Attend a kindergarten playdate! The full schedule is available on our website and there are still remaining dates this summer. These informal meetups are a great way for children and their caregivers to get to know each other.

5) Know Before You Go! Student Transportation

In District 65, we believe in neighborhood schools and most of our students live within walking distance. For those students who live 1.5 miles or more from their attendance-area school or walking would constitute a serious safety hazard, transportation is provided by the District at no cost to the family. Service may also be provided if required as part of a student’s Individualized Education Plan.

Students enrolled in magnet schools (Bessie Rhodes or King Arts) or magnet programming, African Centered Curriculum (ACC) or Two-Way Immersion English-speaking students (TWE), are eligible for a fee. Two-Way Immersion Spanish-speaking students (TWS) are provided with transportation at no cost.

If you believe your child is eligible and you would like to request transportation for the 2024-2025 school year, please email transportation@district65.net and include the child's name, school, grade, phone, home address, and pick up/drop-off address (if different from home).

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6) Access Important Information with PowerSchool Parent Portal

We want to empower our families by connecting them to important information about their child and their learning. District 65 uses a secure, web-based system called PowerSchool which parents/guardians can access through its Parent Portal. All families will receive an email with instructions for accessing the portal in the next week.

This system contains real-time access to student information provided at the time of registration and also has student schedules, classroom assignments, attendance information, student grades and assignments, health information and more! Information may vary by grade level. Student report cards and progress reports are also available via PowerSchool.

7) Know What’s Happening! Calendar Info

Our District 65 calendar page offers all the information you need for important events and activities throughout the year! As a reminder, the first day of school for K-8 grade students is Thursday, August 22

8) Before and After School Childcare Options

We know that families need flexibility and support beyond the regular school day. Parents/guardians have two options for before- and after-school childcare for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. These include our D65 School Age Child Care (SACC) program and Right at School (RAS). Both offer high quality programming, flexible care options, and competitive pricing.

For convenience, both programs are offered on-site at all D65 elementary and magnet schools so that students may seamlessly transition before and after the school day. Please note: Transportation is not available for either program. Registration is now open for currently enrolled D65 students!

Special Note on Enrichment Programming: In partnership with Right at School and community providers, District 65 offers on-site before- and after-school enrichment programs like cooking, martial arts, basketball, chess, and dance for K-5 students. Registration opens September 2, and more details will be forthcoming!

9) Preparing your Child for School

We are so excited to welcome your new student to District 65! We also understand that starting a new school year — whether as an incoming kindergartener, at a new school, or a new grade level — can come with big feelings. Our team recommends PBS’ back-to-school page for tips on establishing routines and preparing for the first day of school. There are also suggestions for coping with first-day jitters, building relationships and showing kindness, and planning easy lunch recipes and activities!

Watch our short video on what our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum looks like in the classroom:

This video shows what social emotional learning in District 65 is like.

10) Athletics: Announcing Partnership with City of Evanston

D65 and the City of Evanston are excited to work together on youth athletics programming! Seasonal, school-based sports will be available to third through fifth grade students.

Over the past two years our elementary athletic programming offered students and families a wonderful opportunity to build community, learn new skills, and turn up the J-Factor (Joy Factor)! It was a natural fit to partner with the City of Evanston's Parks and Recreation Department to strengthen and enhance the programming we are able to offer our families and community residents.

Beginning in September, students will have the opportunity to participate in flag football and cross country programs. Winter and spring sports will include basketball, cheerleading, soccer, tennis, and track and field. The program will remain at no cost to families who qualify for free and reduced-price meals.

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Video: Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hear from our kindergarteners and their teachers! Kindergarten teachers help our young learners adapt to their new environment, creating a community that fosters lots of learning and fun. Kindergarten learning includes early literacy skills, social-emotional skills, fine arts, math, and more.

This video shows what being a kindergartener in District 65 is like.

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