July 2023 Volume 19
Councilmember Justin Jones
July 22, 2023

Dear Neighbors, 

This past week my office was informed that the residents at Pilgrim Towers, the twin-towered senior residential facility, were going without air conditioning. They had also been challenged with being unable to access cooling centers.

We worked with the City team to ensure the residents were provided access to a mobile cooling station and transportation to a cooling station, such as the Jackie Robinson Community Center.

City departments, including the Public Health Department and Code Compliance officials, performed a walk-through the facility to ensure habitable temperatures inside the building. Our priority is the welfare of our residents, and we are committed to ensuring their safety and comfort during challenging weather conditions.

During this heat wave, it is imperative we all stay cool, especially our seniors and children -- whom we know are prone to heat-related health problems.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the District 3 Office for assistance. Call us at (626) 744-4738.

Yours sincerely, 
Justin L. Jones
Justin L. Jones
Upcoming community events, workshops, and more!
El Centro Comunitario Jackie Robinson, 1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave., es el único Centro de Refrigeración designado previamente en la Ciudad de Pasadena y está listo para abrir si hay una solicitud del Condado para activarlo. El Centro Comunitario Jackie Robinson estará abierto de lunes a jueves de 8 am a 8 pm, viernes de 8 am a 4 pm y sábado y domingo de 8 am a 5 pm Para obtener más información, llame al (626) 744-7300.

Visite el sitio web de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles  para encontrar otros centros de enfriamiento designados en el área del Condado de Los Ángeles.
El Centro Comunitario Jackie Robinson cuenta con el servicio de Pasadena Transit Route 20 y Metro Route 660 (salida de Fair Oaks/Jackie Robinson Center o parada Fair Oaks/Hammond). Los miembros actuales de Pasadena Dial-A-Ride pueden llamar al (626) 791-7200 para hacer citas para un viaje. Para obtener información sobre horarios y rutas o preguntas sobre cómo convertirse en miembro de Pasadena Dial-A-Ride, visite PasadenaTransit.net o llame al (626) 744-4055.
Jackie Robinson Community Center, 1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave., is the only pre-designated Cooling Center in the City of Pasadena. The center will be open from Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m., and Saturday- Sunday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

The center is served by Pasadena Transit Route 20 and Metro Route 660 (exit Fair Oaks/Jackie Robinson Center or Fair Oaks/Hammond stop). Current Pasadena Dial-A-Ride members can call (626) 791-7200 to make appointments for a ride.
While not official Cooling Centers, the Pasadena Public Library Department, and other local area public libraries offer an enjoyable, air-conditioned respite from the heat and are, of course, a great place to catch up on your reading too!

For more information, please call (626) 744-7300 or (626) 744-7311.
For accessibility information and requests, contact CSC@cityofpasadena.net or (626) 744-
Pasadena Water and Power to Resume Late Fees and Interruptions for Bills Generated on or after July 1
This is an informational update. Pasadena Water and Power is committed to providing reliable electric and water service to all customers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, PWP suspended late fees and service interruptions for delinquent bills. In February 2023, the Governor ended the COVID-19 State of Emergency. In accordance with this action, PWP will resume charging late fees only for delinquent bills generated on or after July 1, 2023. For example: The July bill must be more than 30 days past due, which means the late fee could be assessed in August. NOTE: Accounts with any past due charges not enrolled in a payment arrangement plan are subject to service interruption.

PWP encourages customers with any past due balances to enroll in payment arrangements. PWP also offers bill assistance programs for qualifying customers. For more information, visit our Bill Assistance and Low Income Programs page.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to PWP Customer Service at (626) 744-4005 or WPD_AnswerLine@cityofpasadena.net.
Living with Coyotes & Wildlife

Helpful tips to coexist with wildlife from Pasadena Humane and the City of Pasadena:
- Wildlife-proof garbage in sturdy containers with tight-fitting lids
- Keep trash in a secure location and only take out trash the morning pick up is scheduled
- Keep compost in secure containers
- Remove any outdoor pet food
- Keep your cats inside and supervise dogs outdoors
- Pick up fruit as soon as it falls to the ground
- Maintain perimeter fences and walls - install coyote rollers
- Close off crawl spaces under decks and around buildings
- If you encounter a coyote or wildlife - back away while making yourself appear large, make human-like noises, and never turn your back or run away
- Make safety your first priority. In case of an emergency, call 911
Report wildlife sightings at (626) 744-7311.
For more information, please visit Bit.ly/LivingWithCoyotes
Call Before You Throw

Keep Pasadena beautiful by calling before you throw! We have a fantastic community hotline and app to make sure the Pasadena community always has accessible information on the proper disposal of bulky items.

Citizen Service Center
(626) 744-7311
Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Residents are required to schedule a bulky item pick-up prior to placing materials on the parkway.

Citations will be issued to persons who place items on the parkway without a scheduled pick-up.

Mountain Street Neighborhood Traffic Management Program

[Programa de Gestión del Tráfico
vecinal de la Avenida Mountain]

The Mountain Street Neighborhood Traffic Management Program is a project to improve pedestrian accessibility and calm traffic for Mountain Street between Fair Oaks Avenue and Los Robles Avenue. This section of Mountain Street is a two-lane connector in a residential community that also serves as an East-West cross-city route.
The Project consists of a study along the corridor and community outreach to develop safety improvement concept designs for future.

For more information visit:
Need Help Paying
Water Bills?

If you need help paying water bills, you may qualify for assistance through the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), a federally funded program offering low-income residents a one-time payment to help pay outstanding water bills.

Text Before Tow

Sign-up to get a text message when your vehicle is at risk of being towed for the following violations:
  • 72 Hour Parking (Abandoned Vehicles)
  • Blocked Driveways
  • Construction Zone Parking
  • Temporary No Parking for Special Events and Moving Trucks

This program does not apply to peak tow-away, yellow or white zones, hazards or any other parking violations.
Applicants are limited to one phone number per license plate.
Run For The
Health Of It 

Since 1969, Grandview Foundation has been providing addiction recovery treatment to underserved adults, regardless of their ability to pay, through residential, outpatient, sober living, and mental health services in a cooperative community setting that advocates participation in wellness programs.

Join the community for RUN FOR THE HEALTH OF IT (run/walk event) happening on August 20, 2023 at Hahamongna Park.

Union Street Protected Bike Lane
The Union Street Protected Bike Lane will be located between Hill Avenue and Arroyo Parkway and will provide dedicated space for bicyclists of all ages and abilities. 

City Of Pasadena Seeks Feedback On Citywide Parking Strategic Plan
The City of Pasadena has been working with parking consultants to develop recommendations for the overall parking program in the City. The primary objectives of this comprehensive plan are to optimize program management, enhance a consistent user experience throughout the City, implement sustainable solutions, and adapt policies to increase flexibility.

Topics being reviewed include parking permit programs, merchant validation, paid parking rates, technology updates, garage improvements, and transportation alternatives. The City is soliciting feedback on the final draft of the plan. Residents are asked to complete a neighborhood parking survey.

All residents and business owners are invited to review the final draft of the Citywide Parking Strategic Plan.

Questions or feedback regarding the final draft of the Citywide Parking Strategic Plan should be directed to the City’s Parking Manager, Jon Hamblen at jhamblen@cityofpasadena.net

La ciudad de Pasadena busca comentarios sobre el plan estratégico de estacionamiento en toda la ciudad

La Ciudad de Pasadena ha estado trabajando con consultores de estacionamiento para desarrollar recomendaciones para el programa general de estacionamiento en la Ciudad. Los objetivos principales de este plan integral son optimizar la gestión del programa, mejorar una experiencia de usuario uniforme en toda la ciudad, implementar soluciones sostenibles y adaptar las políticas para aumentar la flexibilidad. Los temas que se están revisando incluyen programas de permisos de estacionamiento, validación de comerciantes, tarifas de estacionamiento pagas, actualizaciones tecnológicas, mejoras en los garajes y alternativas de transporte. La Ciudad está solicitando comentarios sobre el borrador final del plan.

Se les pide a los residentes que completen una encuesta de estacionamiento en el vecindario.

Se invita a todos los residentes y dueños de negocios a revisar el borrador final delPlan Estratégico de Estacionamiento en Toda la Ciudad.

Las preguntas o los comentarios sobre el borrador final del Plan Estratégico de Estacionamiento de la Ciudad deben dirigirse al Gerente de Estacionamiento de la Ciudad, Jon Hamblen, a jhamblen@cityofpasadena.net 
The City of Pasadena Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department (PRCS) invites you to the 12th annual Parks After Dark (PAD). PAD takes advantage of Pasadena’s beautiful summer evenings by activating park spaces to provide youth and their families opportunities to experience healthy, safe recreation programming. Activities include sports leagues and tournaments, recreation activities, movies, and swimming.
Parks After Dark Activities
For all ages to enjoy and participate in, unless otherwise specified.

El Departamento de Parques, Recreación y Servicios Comunitarios (PRCS, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Ciudad de Pasadena  invita a la comunidad a los programas anuales de Parques después del anochecer que se llevarán a cabo del jueves 6 de julio al sábado 5 de agosto de 2023 . Parques después del anochecer aprovecha las hermosas tardes de verano de Pasadena al activar los espacios del parque para brindarles a los jóvenes y sus familias oportunidades para experimentar una recreación saludable y estilos de vida activos.
Pasadena Paramedic Subscription Service
Emergency Medical Treatment and Transportation
The Pasadena Fire Department (PFD) recently implemented an Emergency Medical Services subscription program for our residents who are transported to the hospital by a PFD ambulance. This program costs $89/year and covers anyone living in your home. The benefit to this program is that you will incur no additional out of pocket expenses outside of what your insurance covers. Any deductible or co-pay that would normally be required by your insurance is waived. 

Additional information on this program can be found on the city website at 

Servicio de suscripción de paramédicos de Pasadena
Transporte y tratamiento médico de emergencia

El cargo por el transporte en ambulancia puede ser tan alto como $3,000. Incluso con un seguro médico, los copagos y los deducibles suelen oscilar entre $50 y $500 para el transporte en ambulancia, a veces más. Cuando necesite paramédicos, el costo no debe ser una preocupación.

Un nuevo programa ofrecido por el Departamento de Bomberos de Pasadena evitará tales gastos inesperados. La membresía en el Programa de suscripción de paramédicos de Pasadena brinda uso ilimitado del sistema médico de emergencia de Pasadena Fire para usted y los demás miembros de su hogar por una pequeña tarifa anual.
El Programa de suscripción de paramédicos de Pasadena es un programa de membresía voluntaria para servicios de paramédicos y transporte de emergencia en ambulancia. Cada dólar recibido por el programa se utiliza para mejorar los servicios médicos de emergencia para la comunidad y para mejorar nuestro sistema local de paramédicos.
Por solo $ 85 por año ($ 7 por mes), este programa voluntario brinda cobertura para las tarifas asociadas con cualquier servicio de paramédico o transporte de emergencia proporcionado.

Puede encontrar información adicional sobre este programa en el sitio web de la ciudad en:

The Citizen Service Center (CSC) is a centralized service to help Pasadena residents connect with their city! CSC is available via web, LiveChat, mobile app and phone to assist in answering questions about City programs, services, and events. 

If you spot graffiti in your neighborhood, hit a pothole on your way to work, or notice an abandoned shopping cart on your street, use the Citizen Service Center to report it. Open the CSC app, website or make a call to (626) 744-7311 to report an issue.
Lisa Barrios
District Liaison



100 North Garfield Avenue
Suite S228 Pasadena,
California 91101