September 2023

Membership Renewals Deadline Approaching! Don't Delay, Renew Today!

It is that time of the year again! Membership renewals! Members should renew by September 30th in order to remain in good standing. It is important to remain in good standing to ensure your club is in good standing, to be eligible to compete, to attend our annual conference, and to receive any incentives. Please contact your club treasurer or any club officer to renew your membership today!

Monthly Virtual Town Hall

On the fourth Sunday of every month at 5:00 pm.m EST, the District 27 Director will provide a forum and opportunity for all members to attend a virtual town hall where members can get the inside scoop of District 27 operations, ask your questions, voice your concerns straight to the District 27 Director Jeanna Lee, DTM. If you have any questions, please email District 27 Director Jeanna Lee, DTM at

This month's District 27 Town Hall is on Sunday, September 24, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. EST.

Zoom Link:

The D27 Trio Goes Clubbing

Let's Go Clubbing Together!

The first 15 clubs who are meeting in-person/hybrid to invite the trio to their in-person/hybrid meeting will receive a Toastmasters gift in addition to having one (or more) of the Trio being at your club meeting.

To invite the Trio, please email District 27 Director Jeanna Lee, DTM, at, with the club name, date, time, meeting location, parking information, and point of contact information. All of this information must be included in the invitation.

The Trio Gets Toastie in the Bahamas!

The District 27 Trio and several members attended this year's convention and gathered together to take this lovely group photo. During our Region 7 Gathering on Saturday morning, District 27 Herman Raybon, Jr. won the Table Topics with his entertaining speech on neon green hair and the District 27 Trio won the District skit contest!

District 27 Recognition

Celebrate 2023-2024 first

Distinguished Toastmaster

Annette Sanks, DTM 

Club: Helmsmen     

Obtained: 7/31/2023  

District 27

Program Quality Director​

Division Director of the Month

Hasani Jaali

Division A

As the second Division Director to fill out his entire team of Area Directors, District 27 recognizes Division A Director Hasani Jaali this month. Hasani has a full roster of area directors for his division, who will no doubt be valuable assets to him this year.

Area Director of the Month

Aundrea Veney, DTM

Area 11

The Area Director of the month is Area 11 Director Aundrea Veney. She is the second area director to have completed her first round of club visits in her area. She is also one of the first area directors to be trained and attended the DEC meeting

District 27 Fall Speech Contests


Virtual and only through the Area-level

Please ensure you read the newly updated Speech Contest Rule Book that can be

found on the District 27 website at

CLUB Level - August 1- September 24, 2023

AREA Level - October 1 - November 4, 2023

  •  Fall Contests Training for Division and Area Directors: Sept 9 at 1:00 pm and

Sept 23, at 4:30 pm

  • Chief Judge Training for Division Directors: Sept 6 at 7:30 pm and

Sept 24 at 2:00 pm (Prepares the Division Director as Chief Judge)


The Future of AI and How to Use ChatGPT

Listen as Dr. Anthony Choi from Mercer University School of Engineering explains to us the fundamentals of AI and demonstrates the practical application of ChatGPT not only in everyday life, but specifically in Toastmasters.

This is a free virtual event that will be hosted through Zoom. You will receive the Zoom meeting link once you have registered. If you have any questions, please email District 27 Director Jeanna Lee, DTM, at

Register via Eventbrite at

2024 Toastmasters International Convention

Toastmasters International is excited to host the 2024 International Convention at the Anaheim Marriott in beautiful Anaheim, California, from Wednesday, August 14, 2024, through Saturday, August 17, 2024. And for 100 days, through November 27, 2023, you can take $100 USD off the regular convention rate, now reduced to $625 USD.

From the Desk of the Club Growth Director


The Club Growth Director's Team is looking for volunteers for the following positions:

  • Club Retention Chair and committee members
  • Club Coach Chair and committee members
  • Club Quality Chair and committee members
  • Committee members for Club Extension Committee

Please contact the Club Growth Director for further information if you are interested in this leadership opportunity at or call 202-536-6974.

Volunteers are needed for the Falls Church Festival


Saturday, September 23, 2024 at 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Contact: Club Growth Director Ida L. King

Email: CGD@D27-TM.ORG

For more information click

2024 District 27 Conference - Volunteers Needed

Conference Chair -- Herman Raybon, Jr DTM

If you are interested in joining the Conference Team,

contact the:


April 26 -27

April 26 Virtual   

April 27 In-Person (Hybrid?)

Venue: TBD

Pathways Office Hours are back!

No need to register for office hours - just sign in!

Hosted by Frank Storey, DTM and Karen Storey, DTM

Meeting ID: 878 3511 9231

District 27 Toastmasters at Arlington County Fair

D27 at the Arlington County Fair

Kudos to Carlos Velazquez and his team of volunteers who participated at the Toastmasters exhibition table for the Arlington County Fair this year! If you and your club would like to volunteer at the next tabling/marketing opportunity, please check out the online calendar on the District 27 website at

Big thanks to all participating clubs: Challenger, Crystal City Evening Toastmasters, Tongue Tied, Old Town Toastmasters, Que Pasa, and First Edition.

District 27's Podcast “D27 Discuss with us!” is back!

Get to know District 27 Director Jeanna Lee DTM, Program Quality Director Annette Sanks and Club Growth Director Ida L. King as well as James Scarborough. They share great ideas on how you can help to make this a great program year. 

Listen to the District 27 podcast today at Spotify, Apple, and Google:

Email Christiane Mitchell at if you would like to be a part of the podcast or would like to highlight your club.

2023-2024 Incentives

District 27 Incentives


Toastmaster of the Year Award

This award recognizes a devoted District 27 Toastmasters member whose educational accomplishments, club service, dedication, and enthusiasm made a significant contribution toward achieving the District Mission. The recipient of this award must be in good standing, enrolled in Pathways and actively involved with District 27 Toastmasters.

Club of the Year Award

This award recognizes exceptional District 27 Toastmasters club whose service, achievements and commitment has made led to the success of the District. This club not only diligently follows the Toastmasters’ club mission, made a significant contribution toward achieving the District Mission. The club that receives this award must be in good standing and distinguished, and actively involved with District 27 Toastmasters. The club must also have submitted a club success plan and a club officer list by District 27 deadline dates.

Area Director of the Year Award

This award recognizes a District 27 Area Director who exemplifies the core values of Toastmasters: integrity, service, excellence, and respect. This Area Director will have completed all area club visits on time, successfully held both the fall and spring speech contest, and attended a majority of all meetings. For the Area Director to receive this award, all of the clubs in their area must be in good standing.


Division Director of the Year Award

This award recognizes a District 27 Division Director who exemplifies the core values of Toastmasters: integrity, service, excellence and respect. This Division Director must have completed all club visits within their division and submitted the “Division Director Report” by the deadline, successfully held a spring speech contest and attended a majority of all meetings. For the Division Director to receive this award, all of the clubs in their division must be in good standing.



Program Quality Director Incentives


Perfect 7 (TLI Dream Team - Summer)

  • Area 11, Helmsmen
  • Area 55, Kohoutek  
  • Area 53, Presidential Spkrs  
  • Area 42, Tamara Hamilton Aspiring Spks 
  • Area 11, Pentagon Legacy 
  • Area 22, SALT  
  • Area 22, Page Turners  
  • Area 42, GUTS  
  • Area 43, USPTO   


Congratulations on July & August 2023 Education Awards


We’re excited to announce our PQD SPOTLIGHT Incentive educational award *** winners:

  • JULY WINNER:                 Kim, Juyang (PM1)                   Tongue-Tied Trainers
  • AUGUST WINNER:           Peterson, Christian (PI1)           Que-Pasa

 ***randomly selected using

WooHoo! District 27 had 57 Educational Level Awards!


Club Growth Director Incentives

Smart Start – Now through 9/10/23 - The first 50 individual members who renew their membership through September 30, 2024, by September 1, 2023, will receive District recognition and a Navy Tote Bag. Note: Please provide a copy of your individual email receipt showing the dates of your renewal period. This item cannot be combined with any other member retention incentive.


Jump Start – Now through 9/30/23 - Clubs that have 100% of their members renew their dues through September 30, 2024, by September 30, 2023, will receive a Customizable Virtual Background and District recognition. Note: Please provide a copy of your clubs roster to show the dates of your renewal period. This item cannot be combined with any other member retention incentive for clubs.


Volunteer Cheer – Now through 6/5/24 - District 27 will be marketing at several tabling events to promote Toastmasters. These events will require volunteers from the District’s clubs. For each of the these events, the first five volunteers who receive information that leads to an introduction meeting with the organization’s decision makers will receive a Navy Tote Bag. The first five volunteers who sponsor new members will receive a 2023 Convention Key Chain. The first three volunteers who become Club Sponsors once the club is chartered will receive a License Plate Frame.

Strive for Success – Now through 6/5/24 - The first 5 clubs who gain 5 new members within 30-days of hosting an open house will receive a $25 gift certificate from TI shop. Member sponsors will receive a stylus pen. Clubs are required to have their open house dates placed in the District 27 calendar. A copy of the application showing whom the new member sponsored will also be required. Note: Clubs may not combine this incentive with other club incentives.


Seven Up – Now through 12/31/23 - The first 10 clubs with 12 members or less that gain 7 new members by December 31, 2023, will receive District recognition, a Word of the Day Pack and a Moments of Truth Evaluation Chart. Note: Clubs may not combine this incentive with other club incentives.

Note: The Club Secretary should collect the relevant information and email the Club Growth Director the necessary documents at

Inspirational Message of the Month

If we take the time to reflect on the positive and empowering things in our lives, we will realize it is

usually due to what someone has done in the past or is currently doing! We all have the ability to serve.

When we step back and think of what we do and how it will greatly impact others, there should be a feeling of pride, excitement, and joy, in knowing you are making a difference.

On the flip side, seeing how the service provided by others has made a difference in your life, this should encourage you to also get involved and give back. We need to take the opportunity to learn new skills or improve upon existing ones. When you have the opportunity to serve, never take this for granted, look for ways to serve and make people and/or situations better for not only yourself, but for others.

Give some thought to things you want to see improved or you would like to assist with. What better place to serve and give back than within District 27! It’s time to put those skills and that knowledge to good use, get involved today!


District 27 Chaplin Deborah Jones