June 2024

District 27 Recognition

Division Director of the Month

Division C Director

This month’s Division Director of the Month is Division C Director

Dr. Janice Boss, DTM. Dr. Boss attended the District 27 conference this year in person and assisting with promoting it within Division C. She the most area director visit reports submitted and is planning a recognition program for the clubs in her division.

Area Director of the Month

Area 54 Director

Area Director of the month is Area 54 Director Portia Morris. She has completed 50% of her area director's club visit reports and attended both the summer and winter TLIs within District 27. Not only that, she supported the District by attending the annual conference in-person.

From the Desk of the Club Growth Director

May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024

Toastmasters are taught to run meetings on time, finish speeches on time and reach membership goals on time. In that spirit, Beat the Clock is a great motivator for finishing the year on schedule—on time and with record numbers! Clubs adding five new, dual or reinstated members with a join date between May 1 and June 30 receive a Beat the Clock ribbon to display on the club’s banner. Qualifying clubs also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward Beat the Clock credit. 

District 27 Club Growth Incentives

“Strive for Success”-9/1/23 to 6/5/24 - The first 5 clubs who gain 5 new members within 30-days of hosting an OPEN HOUSE will receive a $25 gift certificate from TI shop; Member sponsors will receive a Stylus Pen. Clubs are required to have the dates of their Open House placed on the District 27 calendar and a copy of the application showing the new member sponsor. Note: This can not be combined with other member extension incentives for clubs. Provide proof to cgd@d27-tm.org.

“Volunteer Cheer” - 8/1/23 to 6/8/24 - District 27 promote Toastmasters at tabling events. District club volunteers are needed. The first 5 volunteers with LEADs will receive a Navy Tote Bag item # 6845; the first 5 volunteers sponsoring new members will receive a 2023 Convention KeyChain; the first 3 volunteers becoming Club Sponsors will receive a License Plate Frame.

Anyone meeting the requirements of the italic statements, please identify yourself to the CGD so that you can receive your gift.

Finishing Strong” - 5/1/24 to 6/15/24 - The first 10 clubs who reach their Distinguished Club Program (DCP) required membership, by June 15, 2024, will receive District recognition and a Word of the Day Pack. Note: This can not be combined with other member extension incentives for clubs. Any club meeting this requirement, please contact the CGD to receive your gift.



How to Renew with Self-Pay: Simply go to Toastmasters.org, log in with your username and password. Go to My Home, click How to Renew, click Renew membership, Check the club(s) for which you want to renew, click Save and continue, enter payment information and process, click Submit, and confirm email.

CLUB OFFICERS Please encourage all members of your club who have not renewed to renew before June 30, 2024, in order to strengthen our clubs and our district. 

ADOPT A CLUB PROGRAM: We have four clubs that need either one or two members to be in good standing. If you are looking to join another club and are willing to assist these clubs through membership, please reach out to the CGD for further information.

Veleana: We can include the results of my last tabling event on this Saturday and the Virtual Membership Rally after we get the results.

Ida King, CGD

Guess who attended another Tabling Event? IDA KING attended the

DC Public Library Community Health EXPO for Black Healthy families on May 18., 2024. WHUR 96.3 Radio and Lamman Rucker - DC's very own - actor in film and television attended. The event showcased:

Speaker Sessions, Chess games, food, books, martial arts, fun, friends, and more!

From the desk of the Program Quality Director

Congratulations to our Distinguished District 27 Clubs!

18 Distinguished and above Clubs as of May 21, 2024 

Summer TLIs are up and running again. TLIs for June are virtual and open to all club officers and interested members.  

Saturday, June 22, at 9:00 a.m. EST. Register at



Tuesday, June 25, at 7:00 p.m. EST. Register at



🎉Congratulations to our D27 DTMs 🎉

 Annette Sanks - Helmsmen Toastmasters

Kimbaley Williams - St Margarets Achievers Toastmasters


Join the PAGE TURNERS club

Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EST virtually to discuss the novel, Revolutionary Improv, by Andy Evans.

Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EST virtually to discuss the novel, Completeness The Craviing for the Perfect Relationship, by Dr. Everette D. Bradford

Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89338778821?pwd=RGwrS2xvbDhPUWtVaXFTanFsRndmZz09

SPEAK UP CLUB 727 celebrate its

25th Anniversary

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 @ 12 p.m. EST

Zoom: https://usps.zoomgov.com/j/1615515891

Inspirational Message

Transitioning/Passing on the Torch

Finishing the race is important, but how you choose to finish the race is just as important! You are heading for the finish line, now what? When you finish with a task, experiment, term, etc., the hope is that you learned something new. If you are transitioning a role, do what you can to ensure your successor is fully prepared to hit the ground running, by sharing those lessons learned!

A well-prepared person can be a success in whatever they set out to achieve. Just to note, success does not always mean you brought things to completion but could also mean you had moments where you learned and experienced growth. As you wind down and prepare to finish your term, reflect on those lessons learned; those highs and lows, wins and close wins, in doing so, consider transitioning some of these to your successor. I do not believe in reinventing the wheel, but instead, taking what has worked and finding ways to make it better.

I see way too often where people will spend most of their term trying to figure things out, versus supporting the mission and doing the job they were assigned. Just imagine what could be accomplished if you transferred that information over to the next person, remember, it is about the mission, not the individual.

With just a few weeks left in the 2023-2024 Toastmasters year, do your part by passing the torch, begin creating a transition plan or perhaps just a meeting. This will get your successor started on a solid foundation, setting the new District 27 leaders up for success! This has been an amazing year, prepare to pass the torch, let us all make the next year and beyond even better!


Deborah Jones

District 27 Chaplain