Certification Course Students & Graduates at June 2022 In-Person Graduation Gathering.
Dear Reader,

Blessings to you on this Full Moon! Tomorrow (July 13) we're holding the second of three Q&A sessions via Zoom for anyone interested in finding out about the new chart study circle launching this September. If you're interested in a soulful way to look at charts and live life, consider joining us via the link to the right.

During our 3-year Chart Study course we meet online each week throughout much of the year, and only get to see students in person during our long summer weekend here on our little chunk of paradise in southern Vermont.

In these strange and transformative times many things are changing, but the truths of love living in the soul remain the same.

Here's to Love & Change,

Register to attend our Soul Level Astrology 3-Year Certification Program Q & A at 10 am Eastern on July 13 or Aug 10

Disruptions of Power, Recharging the Soul
By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax
Putney Mountain,Vermont

July began, on the very first day with Mars squaring Pluto, and ends, on the last day, with Uranus conjunct the Dragon's Head, or North Node of the Moon.
Mars in Aries now recharges the tired human spirit which has been weighed down by so many wrongnesses it's hard to keep count. But down in the soul, where it most counts, each of us has an indestructible force for liberation and breakthrough.

Squaring Pluto in Capricorn, that liberating shakti gets aimed at the false power systems of our time, because nothing less than a revolution is ever going to substantially change things. To be complete, the revolution has to occur inside you as much or more as outside, because when you awaken to the deeper truth of who you are and why you came here, the world tends to follow suit.

At the end of the month when Uranus in Taurus lands on the Dragon's Head, fierce eruptions of energy are going to surge through collective consciousness. Uranus, connected to the Tower card in Tarot, is the Great Disruptor. Like an earthquake, in Taurus it makes the very ground beneath us shake, so that the stuck foundations of obsolete thought get jackhammered.
If you get your news from mass media you'll never break out of hyper-polarization, but if you dig down into the soul, you'll contact an endless source of love and transformation.

Who Are You Really? Why are you here?
How Much Longer Are You Willing to Wait?

Mark Borax
Mark Borax is a teacher, astrologer, musician and author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in-person, and classes that catalyze individual evolution. 

The Cosmic Weather Report book can be ordered from bookstores and Amazon. Mark's international bestseller 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future can be ordered at www.markborax.com
Sanctify: Your Medicine In the Making
In-Person Gathering. October 13 - 16, Alstead, NH Learn More

Marcella Eversole
Marcella supports human evolution while recognizing the deeper forces at work. Learn More

A founding director of two international organizations for world change, Marcella specializes in programs that clear obstacles and point toward the high road where human intention meets optimal evolution.
PO Box 623,
Putney, VT 05346