Preserving a Northwest Treasure 

2300 Arboretum Drive East Seattle, WA 98112
hobbit house 

Display Garden Plant Sale

Saturday, March 2, 10 a.m. to noon

Come to the Arboretum This Saturday and Buy Some of the Stunning Plants from Our Award-Winning Display

Unleash your inner hobbit by growing some of New Zealand's beautiful flora in your garden. This Saturday morning, at the Graham Visitors Center, we'll be selling many of the fabulous New Zealand plants featured in our award-winning Garden Show display, A Hobbit's New Zealand Garden.

display garden plant sale 2013
Fabulous foliage! Some of the beautiful plants from New Zealand you'll find at the sale on Saturday.

You'll find an amazing array of colorful and unusual foliage plants such as astelias, sedges, cordylines, hebes, and corokias, as well as 8 different varieties of New Zealand flax (Phormium). All for sale at very reasonable prices.

Come early, because these gorgeous plants will sell out fast!

Plant list: Click here to see a full plant list, along with plant sizes, quantity, and price tags.

Free parking and admission. All sales benefit Washington Park Arboretum.

A Multiple Award Winner! The Arboretum's display garden picked up 6 top awards at the 2013 NW Flower & Garden Show:

  • Ethel Moss People's Choice Award
  • Judge's Gold Medal
  • Pacific Horticulture Magazine Award
  • Sunset's Western Living Award
  • 425 Magazine Award
  • Fred Palmer Exhibitor Award

Thanks! To everyone who contributed to the success of this year's display, including: our designers Bob Lilly, Phil Wood, Roger Willams, and Rhonda Bush; our partners at the Seattle-Christchurch Sister City Association; and our sponsor, the New Zealand Consulate General.


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Our Partners at Washington Park Arboretum:

 volunteers plant sale
Volunteers Needed for the Sale! 
We're looking for a few good volunteers to help with the sale on Saturday. If you'd like to be involved, please sign up on our Volunteer Spot page. If you have questions, please email Randall Hitchin or call him at 206-325-4510.