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February 2022 News

2021 Annual Report 

2021 was another challenging year for everyone, and for DDRC, 2021 brought into ever-sharper focus that community makes us stronger! We have come through the challenges of the year through the support of the people we serve, our Board of Directors, staff, many supporters and all who collaborated with us in our shared interests for a better community for all.

The 2021 Annual Report covers our scope, reach and impact, acknowledges our donors, illustrates our community connections, and provides an overview of fiscal year reporting.

We are delighted to say that the graphic images used in the report come from artwork of people we serve who created art as part of an “Art & Self- Advocacy” experience we organized.


See the 2021 DDRC Annual Report on our website or here.

Discover DDRC Technology Services 

Technology skills, comfort with using technology and access to devices are as important as ever! So, it’s great to know that DDRC’s Technology Services is available to help! For over 22 years, Erlen Marsh, DDRC’s Technology Instructor/Specialist, has provided personalized support for people with developmental disabilities, enriching their daily lives, goals and career aspirations. Family, people who provide supports and/or friends are also welcome to learn within DDRC’s inclusive learning environment. 

Technology skills and access to adaptive technology increases everyone’s confidence, independence, participation and inclusivity in social and workforce settings. For one woman with limited vision, DDRC’s Tech Services helped secure voice-over software to navigate travel and assisted her as she learned to use the tool, presenting unlimited possibilities for her. “For many people, technology is the bridge that connects them to the world, and I’m honored to help in that,” Erlen says.


DDRC Tech Services assists with entry level skills and Microsoft Office Suite training. Also offered is help with updating devices, ensuring safe navigation, creating email accounts, contact lists, calendar appointments/ reminders, and practicing safe social networking while enhancing cognitive skills. Financial assistance options for services and technology purchases are available as well. 

Technology Services also collaborates with DDRC Employment Services by applying technology in the job search, interview supports, skill-building and transportation needs. Adaptive technology skills enable individuals to work at home, pursue online career choices and be entrepreneurial. A person receiving services creates crafts and signs; and worked with Tech Services to learn to advertise and sell items online, and use technology to form business relationships. 

Do you or someone you know desire to increase technology skills - or need a new device? Contact Erlen Marsh at 303.462.6668 or, and reach out to your Resource Coordinator to explore your options. 

Funds to Help Families – Remember, Receipts Are Required

DDRC’s Family Support Services Program (FSSP) has funds to help families in Jefferson, Clear Creek, Gilpin and Summit Counties with a child or adult family member with developmental disabilities or delays living at home. Funding helps with out-of-pocket expenses for disability related services not covered by insurance or another program. A few examples of services or items that may be reimbursed include respite, therapies, adaptive items, medical dental copay/ deductible costs, counseling, therapeutic recreation, camps, classes, mileage reimbursement, bus passes for medical trips, and more


We can reimburse you for covered disability services provided on or after 7/1/2021, or advance funds for the purchase of covered services or items prior to 6/30/2022. Receipts are absolutely required, so please keep track of those to submit them for consideration for reimbursement. Funding is not guaranteed.


To apply, complete a Most in Need Form at or call your Resource/Service Coordinator. Call 303-462-6576 to have forms mailed to you. If DDRC has not already determined that your family member has a developmental disability, then ask to speak with an Intake Coordinator by calling 303.233.3363.

Early Intervention Policy Proposals by the State

Attention parents of young children receiving or eligible for Early Intervention (EI) Services. The Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood (OEC), in partnership with the Colorado Department of Education, has developed a Draft Policy for the implementation of an Extended Part C Option for children who are eligible for Early Intervention Part C services and qualify for Part B preschool special education services. The state’s policy proposal relates to “Part C” of the U.S. Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004, and the extension of the Part C option.

The proposal is posted on the OEC’s website. They are inviting public comment and are holding public hearings to further describe the policy, its purpose and implementation. The hearings are scheduled for Monday, February 14 (3:00 pm - 4:00 pm) and Thursday, February 17 (11:00 am - 12 noon). Public comment is open until 11:59 p.m. on February 18th. Details on how to participate and submit comments are also found at the link above.

Self-Determination and Supported Decision-Making

Self-advocates, their families and supporters: learn more about promoting self-determination and supported decision-making! The Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities (KUCDD) in partnership with the Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council is hosting an informational series on self-determination and supported decision making. The free series will include panels about evidence-based and promising practices to enhance self-determination and supported decision making. 

There are 2 sessions per month, each with different topics. Sessions are held via Zoom from 5-6 PM (MST). The upcoming sessions and topics are:

February 14   Self-Determination and families 

February 28   Self-Determination and supporters

March 14        Self-Determination assessment

March 28        Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction

April 11          Supported Decision Making

April 25          Deciding My Future


Register to attend here.

National Core Indicator Survey Is Beginning

The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), with its contractor Vital Research, is conducting the National Core Indicator Survey (NCI) for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and aging and disabilities, beginning now through the end of June 2022. 

People receiving Long-term Services and Supports will be selected at random and requested to participate voluntarily in the survey (with their family/rep, as desired). The survey will be conducted via video conferencing or the telephone. Individuals receiving services though the HCBS, SLS, DD and EBD waivers are among those included.

The NCI surveys evaluate members’ satisfaction with their services and level of community integration. The information collected through the surveys is used to better understand the effectiveness of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) administered by HCPF and to improve supports and services provided in the state.

For an overview about the project, including FAQ’s see:

HCPF’s survey project manager email contact is

Free COVID Test Kits, Testing and Surgical-Grade Masks

Covid PCR Test_ CROP .jpg

Please see the links below for details about free COVID related materials that are available.

Place Your Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests through the US Postal Service. There is a limit of 4 test kits per household/address.

COVID Home Tests | USPS


See where to get free KN95 and surgical grade masks at:


See more about the Rapid At-Home testing program through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Tests kits are shipped to the home (2 per order) or organization. See:


Testing for COVID-19:

Watch for the Save the Date for the DDRC/DDF Golf Tournament

DDRC and The Developmental Disabilities Foundation (DDF) are planning to hold our annual golf tournament and summer auction again in 2022. We’ve got some fantastic fun and great golf planned! 


We will be sending out “Save the Date” and event information in February/March, so please keep an eye out for emails or mailings. 

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Set Your Email Preferences for Emails from DDRC

DDRC sends important information via this “Constant Contact" email platform, including information about your services and supports, announcements of emergencies (e.g. operations during Coronavirus), events, service news, donor opportunities and more.

Please do not unsubscribe from Constant Contact emails since our communications will be restricted to U.S. mail and will take longer to get to you. If you prefer not to receive e-newsletters, invitations or donor opportunities please use our “Online Form” to indicate that you do not want to receive such emails. Official notifications (i.e. notices of your services and supports ) may still be sent via via Constant Contact, unless you contact us to indicate otherwise. Thank You!