Conservation in the Kootenays
Monthly eNews
Identify and help species at risk on your land by contacting the Slocan River Streamkeepers, who focus on identifying habitats and occurrence of species at risk as well as recommendations on how to protect sensitive ecosystems and vulnerable wildlife.
2021 KCP Virtual Fall Gathering
October 15, Online
The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary venues to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region. This year the Fall Gathering will be a one-day virtual conference due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the Kootenays. Rather than planning small field tours in this time of uncertainty, we will aim for large spring tours as part of the 2022 Stewardship Committee meetings. The organizing theme for this year’s Fall Gathering is “Partnerships in Conservation”. We will showcase examples of Indigenous-led restoration and conservation projects, and explore considerations for planning and implementing restoration projects. We’ll take advantage of this opportunity to have a short (1 hour) Annual General Meeting for KCP Partners as well. Highlights will include the following presentations:
- Hunting Grounds Wetland Restoration, Norm Allard, Yaqan Nukiy: Restoration of this important wetland site in Creston.
- Branden Bark for Bats, Dave DeRosa, Okanagan Nation Alliance: Innovative approach to creating tree roosts for bats.
- Restoring Galena Creek, Shuswap Indian Band. Restoration of this important fish habitat in the Columbia Wetlands.
KCP Conservation Leadership Awards
Nomination Deadline: September 17, 2021
Do you know someone who deserves to be recognized for their conservation work in the Kootenays? The annual KCP Conservation Leadership Awards recognize individuals who have demonstrated leadership, innovation and dedication to conservation in our region. Nominees must be affiliated with a KCP partner organization (see our Partner Profiles booklet or contact us if unsure) and they must show a demonstrated commitment toward the KCP vision. We welcome your nominations on or before September 17. All nominees must have three nominators. Nominations will be valid for three years unless otherwise specified. Award winners will be announced at the KCP Fall Gathering on October 15.
Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund - Call for proposals now open!
Deadline: October 29, 2021
KCP in partnership with the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) provides funding for projects that benefit conservation in the area from Spillimacheen to Canal Flats through the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund (CVLCF). Read the announcement here. The closing date for project submissions is 4:30 pm PDT October 29, 2021.
Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund - Call for proposals now open!
Deadline: October 29, 2021
KCP in partnership with the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) provides funding for projects that benefit conservation in the rural areas around Kootenay Lake, specifically Electoral Areas A, D, and E ( view the map) within the RDCK through the Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund (KLLCF). Read the announcement here. The closing date for project submissions is 4:30 pm PDT October 29, 2021.
Connecting People to Connect Wildlife
KCP's Kootenay Connect project completes Year 2
This media release summarizes the progress to date of Kootenay Connect, the four-year project (2019-2023) administered by the Kootenay Conservation Program and funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada through the Canada Nature Fund with equal matching funding from local partners. Over the past two years, Kootenay Connect’s work has focused on reducing threats and enhancing the sustainability of a spectrum of species including 31 federally-listed species at risk and 35 species of concern such as the Northern Leopard Frog, Western Painted Turtle, Western Toad, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Great Blue Heron, Northern Myotis (plus 12 other species of bats), American Badger, American Beaver, Mountain Goat, Grizzly Bear, and Wolverine. This release was published by media across the Kootenays in August.
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
4th Transboundary Dialogue: Transboundary Indigenous-led Conservation of Nature and Culture
Learn about ongoing efforts led by Indigenous Peoples working across what is today the U.S. and Canada border on conservation and connectivity of nature and culture. This conversation was recorded live on September 2, 2021 and includes Norma Kassi, Karlin Itchoak and Meda DeWItt on transboundary work relating to the Porcupine caribou herd that moves between Yukon and Alaska, the lands on which they depend, and the transboundary Indigenous Peoples that are intertwined. It also includes Leroy Little Bear and Terry Tatse who provide an overview of the transboundary work relating to restoration of bison (Iinnii), the land, and the transboundary people of the Blackfoot Confederacy.
Regional District of Central Kootenay
Interest in expanding Local Conservation Fund services grows
A proposal to create a conservation fund to finance environmental projects in the Slocan Valley got a lot bigger during discussion by RDCK directors. Director Walter Popoff moved that staff be asked to look into setting up a Local Conservation Fund service for Area H. It would establish a parcel tax, raising money from property owners for conservation projects to be managed by the Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP).
Regional District of Central Kootenay
Watershed Governance Initiative
The RDCK Watershed Governance Initiative is a multi-year initiative with the overall goal of creating the conditions for regional collaborative decision making that supports the long term protection of watersheds where drinking water sources are at risk. The RDCK has completed Phase 2 of the Watershed Governance Initiative (WGI) - Data Collation and Mapping, including the creation of the Watershed Governance Initiative Web Map to collect and display existing data; and the creation of the Watershed Governance Initiative Story Map to demonstrate how the web map data can be used by local community groups. The success of this pilot leads to Phase 3 of the Watershed Governance Initiative with a focus on continued relationship building and planning, mapping and monitoring.
Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners
Turtles have their habitat enhanced with new Basking Logs
The Western Painted Turtle (WPT) - Intermountain - Rocky Mountain Population (Chrysemys picta pop. 2) is B.C.’s only native freshwater turtle species and is provincially blue-listed. In 2021, the Lake Windermere District Rod & Gun Club engaged in a part of the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners (CWSP) Western Painted Turtle Project and placed basking logs in ponds where basking logs were lacking or in short supply (determined through CWSP inventory work in 2020). A deficiency of basking sites in certain areas of the Columbia Valley could force turtles to compete with predators or other larger animals such as skunks or dogs that are also more aggressive than turtles, for basking sites.
Valhalla Foundation for Ecology
Snk'mip Marsh Sanctuary update
This summer at the Snk'mip Marsh Sanctuary located at the north end of Slocan Lake, in addition to previous work restoring the main wetland water body to its full extent, six new ponds (large and small) were installed using amphibian-safe synthetic pond liners. Mother Nature’s response was swift and joyful.
Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society
Podcast Series: Voices of the Lake — New Episodes
The Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society have released the latest episodes of the Voices of the Lake Podcast Series. Episode 13 “Native Plants in Wild Spaces: Restoring Kootenay Lake’s Pollination Corridors” features Ethnoecologist Brenda Beckwith and Restoration Botanist Valerie Huff with the Kootenay Native Plant Society discussing KNPS and the programs offered. Episode 14 “Smoky Skies: Building Wildfire Resilience Around Kootenay Lake” features John Cathro, Independent Forester working in Community Wildfire Preparedness, who provides a synopsis of the current state of wildfires in the Kootenay Lake area.
Webinar Series: Indigenous-led Water Relationships within the Columbia Basin – Postponed
TBD, Online
The “Indigenous-led Water Relationships within the Columbia Basin” webinar series hosted by Living Lakes Canada that was originally planned for August has been postponed. Summer 2021 has been unprecedented for most Indigenous Peoples within B.C., not only with COVID vaccinations and roll out, but also Residential school announcements, and forest fires on top of usual cultural practices and responsibilities. Once new dates are finalized, details will be made available on the Living Lakes Canada website complete with speaker information and online registration.
Free Webinar: Seeding & Invasives
September 7, Online
Learn the steps required to re-establish desirable competitive vegetation after soil disturbance or invasive specie removal. This webinar offered by the Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society will take you through the steps to select suitable species for your ecosystem including setting objectives, considering palatability or wildlife attractants, height, native vs non-native, and potential seed contamination. It will cover best practices and provide information on how and when to monitor seeding. The webinar will cover several examples of successes and failures to learn from, and will have time for some specific questions from the attendees. It will take place on Zoom from 12pm to 1pm PT. Registration is required.
You're invited: Columbia Basin Trust Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project Idea Discussions
September 9 • 14, Online
Join an online discussion on September 9th or 14th to review potential projects aimed at maintaining and improving ecological health and native biodiversity. Your input will help inform which landscape-scale projects could be supported through Year 5 of the Trust's Ecosystem Enhancement Program.
Nakusp Community Weed Pull – Broom Bash!
September 11, Nakusp
The Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society is teaming up with the Nakusp Library on a Communities Weed Pull – Broom Bash event in Nakusp. They are seeking volunteers to help remove Scotch broom in order to improve ecosystem health and protect the community. The weed pull will take place from 1pm to 2pm PT.
Northwest Invasive Species and Climate Change 2021 Virtual Symposium
September 15-16, Online
Several regional agencies and organizations in the Northwest have partnered to create the Northwest Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (NW RISCC) Network. The goal of the Virtual Symposium is to bring together managers, scientists, and other practitioners to discuss the nexus of climate change, extreme events such as wildfires and droughts, and invasive species management in the Northwest including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, and neighboring states and provinces . This is a free event.
Introductory R Course
September 15-17, Online
Are you ready to learn R in a supportive online environment and use it to streamline your data analyses? This 3-day course will teach you how to use R and its user-friendly R Studio interface to create appealing data visualizations and perform basic statistical analyses. You can take this course on its own or in conjunction with the proceeding Intermediate R Course. This course will be held virtually over Zoom. Registration is now open.
Webinar: Outdoor Learning Tips, Tricks, Tools & Resources
September 16, Online
Join Jade Harvey-Berrill, Farheen Kadwa and a diversity of other educators who will share tips, tricks, tools and resources to enhance your outdoor learning practice. Whether you are new to this and looking for starting steps, or you are a seasoned outdoor educator, this group will be sure to offer you some insights that you can put into your teaching practice. A Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network and partners webinar.
Webinar: Indigenous Resources & Perspectives for Outdoor Learning
September 23, Online
Faye O’Neil is Ktunaxa and a member of ʔaq'am just outside of Cranbrook, BC. Her career in Aboriginal Education spans 22 years. Explore Faye’s perspective around outdoor learning related to her understanding and knowledge of her Ktunaxa roots and being born to the land. She will discuss the resources offered in the Indigenous section Canada’s Outdoor Learning Store and offer her point of view on how you can braid these resources into your classroom and livelihood. A Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network and partners webinar.
Columbia Basin Trust Virtual AGM
September 24, Online
Join the Trust online to celebrate the work of people and communities over the last year, and hear from our Board Chair, Jocelyn Carver, and President and CEO, Johnny Strilaeff. Ask questions about the Trust’s work in the Basin and your community. The meeting will run from 4 to 5pm PT / 5 to 6 pm MT. Register by September 15 to receive your attendee package.
BC Rivers Day
September 26, Columbia Valley
Join the Lake Windermere Ambassadors, Wildsight Invermere and Living Lakes Canada for a BC Rivers Day Celebration. Meet at the Athalmer Boat Launch at 10am on September 26 to paddle down the Columbia River through the ecologically significant Columbia Wetlands. This will be a casual unguided event with the opportunity to connect with others to discuss the importance of our rivers and ask what we can do to support our rivers. Columbia River Paddle is offering discounted rentals and shuttles at only $50 for boat and shuttle combo, or $20 for just a shuttle with your own boat (taxes additional).
2021 International Symposium on Conservation Impact
September 28-30, Online
In 2021, the Salazar Center’s third annual symposium will be offered in a virtual format. The event will convene leaders from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Indigenous territories to explore the state of progress toward national and international large landscape conservation goals, such as the America the Beautiful strategy (aka 30x30) and Canada’s Pathway to Target One. In particular, conversations will focus on transboundary partnerships, the role of Indigenous nations, and best practices to achieve 30x30 at the continental scale.
Nature Trust of BC “Together for Nature” Virtual Gala
October 7, Online
Together for Nature will be a 50th anniversary celebration of The Nature Trust’s land conservation work. Tune in for their 40-minute extravaganza featuring their team and learn about their current projects and what they are working on for next year. Beginning September 22 there will be an online auction leading up to the gala featuring over 60 items.
2021 KCP Virtual Fall Gathering
October 15, Online
The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary venues to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region. This year the Fall Gathering will be a one-day virtual conference due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the Kootenays. Rather than planning small field tours in this time of uncertainty, we will aim for large spring tours as part of the 2022 Stewardship Committee meetings. The organizing theme for this year’s Fall Gathering is “Partnerships in Conservation”. We will showcase examples of Indigenous-led restoration and conservation projects, and explore considerations for planning and implementing restoration projects. We’ll take advantage of this opportunity to have a short (1 hour) Annual General Meeting for KCP Partners as well.
Intermediate R Course
October 20-22, Online
Once you start learning R, there is so much more you can learn in order to take your R skills to the next level. This 3-day course will help you expand your current R skills so they include the ability to perform a range of data preparation, R programming and automated reporting tasks. This course may be taken on its own or in conjunction with the preceding Introductory R Course. Registration is now open.
Classrooms to Communities (C2C) Conference
October 22-23, Online (in-person in Victoria)
Hosted by the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network and partners. C2C 2021 will explore stories of hope and resiliency connected to the land and sea, from classrooms to communities, The conference will feature a variety of online sessions, workshops, gatherings and other opportunities for professional learning, collaboration and dialogue.
CSISS 2021 Virtual AGM with Guest Speakers
October 26, Online
The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society 2021 AGM will include updates from partners, including highlights from the Yellow Flag Iris Shuswap collaboration and Blanket Creek BC Parks project. Guest speaker presentations include: Chandra Moffat from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada to discuss regional biocontrol topics and Frank Joe, Terretorial Lands Manager from Splatsin Title and Rights to discuss collaboration on invasive species projects. The meeting will take place from 9am to 12pm PT on Zoom.
Introduction to “R” Software
November 2, Revelstoke
New to R? The purpose of this 1/2 day workshop is to give participants an introduction to R/RStudio so that you can take full advantage of the subsequent 3-day course: Stats Refresher for Biologists in “R”. This course may also be taken on its own.
Stats Refresher for Biologists in “R” Software
November 3-5, Revelstoke
Many scientific studies are full of statistical jargon, tables of averages and other statistics, and results of statistical tests which purport to prove a certain hypothesis. The purpose of this course is to review some of the basic sampling and experiment designs used by ecologists and to understand exactly what can and cannot be extracted from a set of data. Prerequisites: A “basic” knowledge of statistics, i.e., usually a single course somewhere in your background. A working knowledge of “R” software. If you are new to “R” then we have a 1/2 day Intro to “R” Software course taking place the day before this course.
Webinar: Place-Based Education - Finding the Good in the Pandemic
November 4, Online
Outdoors and place-based education got a big boost during the pandemic. Let’s explore what educators learned from pandemic-inspired outdoors learning and look at some good practices in place-based education from across North America. A Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network and partners webinar.
Trend Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment
November 16-18, Revelstoke
Environmental impact assessments want to know if trends over time differ between control and impact sites. Statistical methods for the analysis of trends over time use many of the same methods as the analysis of experimental data (e.g. ANOVA, regression) but must now deal with problems such as autocorrelation and process error. This course is primarily for students using R software. If you are using JMP software and have interest in this course contact Hailey to discuss:
Real Estate Foundation of BC General Grants
Deadline: September 8
These grants support projects that advance sustainable land use and real estate practices in British Columbia. First Nations, charities, non-profit societies, local governments, professional associations, universities and colleges, and social enterprises registered as C3s are eligible to apply.
Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program
Deadline: October 29
The Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program’s annual grant intake is now open, and they are accepting grant applications until Friday, October 29, 2021, for projects starting as early as April 1, 2022. This year FWCP approved close to $9.4 million for 100 projects in the Coastal, Columbia, and Peace regions. FWCP funds projects that address priority actions across its three regions to fulfill its mission, and work towards its vision of thriving fish and wildlife populations in watersheds that are functioning and sustainable.
Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund - Call for proposals now open!
Deadline: October 29, 2021
KCP in partnership with the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) provides funding for projects that benefit conservation in the area from Spillimacheen to Canal Flats through the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund (CVLCF). Read the announcement here. The closing date for project submissions is 4:30 pm PDT October 29, 2021.
Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund - Call for proposals now open!
Deadline: October 29, 2021
KCP in partnership with the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) provides funding for projects that benefit conservation in the rural areas around Kootenay Lake, specifically Electoral Areas A, D, and E (view the map) within the RDCK through the Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund (KLLCF). Read the announcement here. The closing date for project submissions is 4:30 pm PDT October 29, 2021.
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Deadline: November 5
The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation funds a variety of conservation work including: projects that restore, maintain, or enhance native freshwater fish and wildlife populations and habitats; environmental education, and stewardship projects.
Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program
Deadline: Ongoing
If you have an idea that will maintain or enhance grassland resources while meeting conservation, environment and recreation objectives, this program could help support it. This program is delivered by the Kootenay Livestock Association.
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Community Engagement Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Community Engagement Grants are typically $500 to $1,000 and help stewardship groups and others take action to benefit local fish and wildlife.
Columbia Basin Trust Career Internship Program
Deadline: First-come, first-served basis
The Columbia Basin Trust Career Internship Program provides eligible employers with up to 50 per cent of an intern’s salary (up to $25,000 over a seven to 12 month term) for full-time, career-focused positions that lead to permanent employment. Eligible employers are businesses, registered non-profits, municipalities, regional districts and Indigenous organizations within the Columbia Basin Trust region.
Regional District of Central Kootenay
Resource Recovery Team and Operations Supervisor
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) is inviting applications for this position Supervisory and Operational Leadership position in solid waste management. The Resource Recovery Team and Operations Supervisor oversees day-to-day Resource Recovery service delivery at RDCK locations, including landfills, transfer stations, and recycling depots. The primary role of this position is to lead the RDCK Resource Recovery Customer Service Team and ensure service delivery is meeting the needs of the RDCK and its constituents through optimizing customer service in accordance with policies, guidelines, bylaws, standards and regulations. Deadline to apply is September 9.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada and University of Guelph
Indigenous Land Trust Research Coordinator
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and University of Guelph are seeking a researcher to help support work emerging from the Indigenous land trust working group of the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership (CRP). The successful candidate will work with members of the CRP and NCC to undertake research related to the overall concept including through literature reviews, critical analyses, and interviews. Candidates can be based anywhere in Canada and work remotely. Deadline to apply is September 10.
Shuswap Indian Band
Research Scientist/Biologist
Shuswap Band is looking for a Research Scientist or Biologist to support their growing organization in the conservation and management of natural resources. The position will primarily involve supporting the Shuswap Band and its Territorial Stewardship department with research, development, planning, management, and implementation of environmental projects associated with various stewardship programs. The position will also be responsible for assisting the Director of Territorial Stewardship and Shuswap Band with the management of cultural and natural resources. Deadline to apply is September 30.
Invasive Species Council of BC
Invasive Species Action Team Supervisor (East Kootenay/Cranbrook)
The Invasive Species Council of BC is looking for an individual with exceptional interpersonal skills to be an Action Team Supervisor. As an Action Team Supervisor, you will lead a team of three people in field survey and management of invasive species. The Action Team Supervisor is knowledgeable, outgoing, and confident. Successful candidates are self-motivated and highly organized individuals who enjoy being responsible for and work well with a team. Start date is ASAP. Applications will be received until positions are filled.
Invasive Species Council of BC
Invasive Species Action Team Member (Nelson)
The Invasive Species Council of BC is looking for Action Team Members. Action Teams are 4-person crews involved in field survey and management of invasive species. Successful candidates are enjoy learning new skills and working on a team. Action Teams will receive training while working to protect and restore BC’s landscapes and habitats from the impacts of invasive species. Start date is ASAP. Applications will be received until positions are filled.
Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund
Technical Review Committee Member, Columbia Valley Region
The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) in partnership with the Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) are seeking qualified members for the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund (CVLCF) Technical Review Committee (TRC). The role of the TRC is to make recommendations on allocating annual funding for conservation projects for the area from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen. Applications will be received on an ongoing basis.
For a comprehensive list of up-to-date job postings, check the CBEEN Job & Volunteer Board, an excellent resource for Kootenay conservation career and volunteer opportunities.
B.C. Conservation Data Centre
2021 Taxonomy, Classification and Rank Updates
The BC Conservation Data Centre annually releases updates to conservation status ranks of selected species and ecological communities, additions of new species and ecological communities in BC, and changes in species taxonomy and ecological community classifications based on the most recent scientific data and information available. 2021 changes are now available including: taxonomy and provincial conservation status ranks for species, and classification and provincial conservation status ranks for ecological communities.
A Case for Conservation
KCP brochure promoting private land conservation available
KCP has created the “Case for Conservation” tri-fold brochure, which details 9 different reasons why conserving private land is so crucial to the health of the region’s ecosystems that support a myriad of plant, fish and animal species — many of which are currently rare or endangered or at risk of becoming so. The brochure opens up into an attractive poster that can be easily posted in offices, public spaces and homes. Printed brochures are available for distribution. If you would like copies, please contact KCP Program Manager Juliet Craig at
Kootenay Conservation Program
Conservation Resources for our Region
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) helps partners to coordinate and facilitate conservation efforts on private land, and in an effort to support this, KCP has developed a webpage that compiles some of the best conservation and stewardship resources available for our region.