This time last year, the Legislature was preparing to override the governor’s veto to make Act 76 law. For some child care programs, the changes in reimbursements and family eligibility have changed everything about their businesses and allowed them to plan for the future — maybe for the first time.
Some programs have felt fewer effects of the child care law on their businesses. If you struggle to keep your classrooms open and your business afloat, FCF staff are here to help. While we can’t change the demographics of your community or make qualified staff magically appear on your doorstep, we are skilled in finding ways to make the current situation work. And we are not afraid to try creative “outside the box” approaches that may help you keep doing what you do.
The end of June and early July are often a great time to take stock of the past year and look ahead to the next one. The FCF VT team has cleared its calendars for the summer, and we are ready to listen. We’d love to know what’s on your mind!