The Philadelphia Eleven is this Saturday

St. James’s Adult Formation and WomanKind are excited to present a screening of The Philadelphia 11: Breaking Down Barriers, Transforming the Church. This documentary tells the story of the first 11 women ordained in the Episcopal Church and how their ordination changed the church. Watch Amelia's video about The Philadelphia 11.

Join us on Saturday, January 27, (that's tomorrow!) from 1:30 to 5 pm at the Byrd Theater for a reception, screening and discussion. Tickets are $5 and are available in advance or at the door.

Click here to purchase your tickets in advance.

If you have any questions, contact Rev. Amelia Arthur.

Lent Madness is coming

to take over St. James’s!


Join us this Sunday for a special Adult Forum to kick-off the Lent Madness season at St. James’s. We will learn about what Lent Madness is, how to play, and hear about some of the great matchups coming this Lent. Lent Madness is a great way to spend your time during Lent.


What is Lent Madness?

 Lent Madness began in 2010 as the brainchild of the Rev. Tim Schenck. In seeking a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints, Tim came up with this unique Lenten devotion. Combining his love of sports (think March Madness) with his passion for the lives of the saints, Lent Madness was born. There’s so much more to know – and we’ll explain it all at today’s 10 am adult forum in Valentine Hall. All you really need to know is this: You’re gonna love it! 


If you can't wait until Sunday to learn more, you can go here.

Come to Valentine Hall

this Sunday ....

to get your Lent Madness Bracket, learn about all of the Saints competing for this year’s Golden Halo, and enjoy fellowship. Brackets will be available in Valentine Hall until Tuesday, February 13th or you can print them here.

Contact Amelia for more information.

We still need a few volunteers

for Caritas Bridge Week. 

Thanks to everyone who has signed up for CARITAS Bridge Week, which starts THIS Friday. However we still a handful of volunteers to make our Bridge Week awesome. Click here to sign up.

To see a video about Bridge Week, click here.

All our work will be done at The CARITAS Center, 2220 Stockton St. in Richmond.

CARITAS has requested no elementary school aged children at the center, but middle and high schoolers may participate at your own discretion. 

PLUS you can volunteer at

Youth Ministry


Come volunteer at the Youth Ministry CARITAS night on Monday, January 29 from 5:30 to 8 pm! We’ll be serving chili and playing games with the women staying at CARITAS. Please sign up here. (Scroll down the page to Jan. 29)

Another way to help:

Backpack Drive for the Men and Women at CARITAS

We're still collecting Adult backpacks for men and women of CARITAS until this Sunday, Jan 28.

The backpacks are essential to our graduates, especially when they enter the work world. 

Please note, we’re moving the Worship section to the bottom of eChimes on Friday. It will still be at or near the top of the Sunday email. 

Friday, January 26 - Thursday, February 1

Caritas Bridge Week Begins

Saturday, January 27

The Philadelphia Eleven - 1:30 pm at The Byrd Theatre

Reception, screening and discussion.

Purchase your tickets in advance or at the door.

Tuesday, January 30

Tuesday Men's Bible Study - 7:30 am, Valentine Hall

For details and contacts see the DOERS guide

Wednesday, January 31

Living Faith Bible Study - 10 to 11:30 am

Currently on Zoom (in person gatherings TBD)

For details and contacts see the DOERS guide

Wednesday Noon Eucharist & Healing Service

held in the chapel inside the sanctuary

Thursday, February 1

Brown Bag Book Group - 12:00 pm on Zoom

The 2023-2024 book list is available here

February Book: The Last Rose of Shanghai by Weina Dai Randel

For details and contacts see the DOERS guide

This week's eChimes features

Let the Good times roll!

Join our Krewe of Doers for a night of fabulous food, drinks, raffles, and an exciting live auction. It's sure to be a fun filled night! Get your Madri Gras tickets here.

Your generosity will support St. James's Financial Outreach Committee by funding yearly grants to our 10 local outreach partners.

To read why all Madri Gras proceeds will be going to Outreach this year and who our Outreach partners are, go here.


for Mardi Gras

In order for our Krewe of Doers to have a great time at Mardi Gras we need a Krewe of Doers to put on the party.

Join us in making our legendary party an amazing night by helping with set up, decorations, check-in, serving, bartending, and more. Go here to sign up. 

Pilgrimage ...

in the footsteps of Paul


The previews are over, now it’s time to register for our pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey.

Registration opens on

Monday, January 28 at 12 pm.

You will receive a special email on Monday. Be sure to check your inbox.

If you missed the previews or have any questions, please contact Amelia at

St. James's & Beth Ahabah Interfaith Dialogue

You’re invited to our most ambitious Interfaith Dialogue ever – focusing on how Christianity and Judaism developed alongside each other and influenced each other. Each session stands alone but attending all four will make it a richer experience. The sessions will include dessert and fellowship. Note the location varies.

We’d love for folks to sign up in advance.

Save the date.

Friday Night, Feb. 9

Internationally acclaimed Duo Organists Elizabeth & Raymond Chenault, who also happen to be former organists here at St. James’s (plus members of The New Wine Singers), are having a special FREE performance here at St. James’s. Called “the world’s premiere organ duo” by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Chenaults are also the 2024 recipients of the Distinguished Artist Award from the American Guild of Organists (AGO). They’ll be honored in April at a special AGO Gala.

To learn more about their amazingly accomplished careers, go here.

In the meantime, save the date – Friday, February 9 at 7 pm – for a spectacular musical event here at St. James’s.

More Parish News & Ways to Get Involved

DOERS Doing.

REAL LIFE Valentine’s Day Bags

Our outreach partner REAL Life serves individuals who have been affected by incarceration, homelessness, or substance abuse disorder by giving them an opportunity to overcome the personal and community barriers that hinder their pathway to a thriving life.

For Valentine's Day, our goal is to provide Valentine Treat Bags for the 140 adults who are residents of the 12 REAL Life residences.

The items needed for the Valentine Treat Bags on the SignUp page are in 20 item increments (for example, if you want to donate 20 hand lotions, signup for 1 slot, if you want to donate 40, sign up for 2 slots, and if you want to donate all 140, sign up for all 7).

This is a great opportunity to involve people of all ages (especially making treats--see sign up). Sign up to be a DOER Doing for REAL Life.

Also, feel free to join us on Sunday, February 11 in Valentine Hall during Formation/Sunday school hour (10:15 am-11am) to help pack the bags and make valentines.

All items need to be delivered to THE PARISH HOUSE (Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm) or THE NARTHEX (Sundays) BY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 at 10 am so we can pack the bags. 

Children and Youth Sunday

One of the Most Anticipated Sundays.

There’s still time for you to be a part of Children and Youth Sunday, one of the most anicipated Sundays of the year. We are looking for lectors and ushers for the 9 am and 11:15 am service. 

Interested youth should email Katie at

Interested children and parents should email Ashlee at

We’re so close!

Help us reach our goal. 

Make your pledge today. 

 Every pledge, big or small, is important and contributes to our mission of being God's hands in the world. Your generosity will keep our mission active, fuel our programs, and empower our ministries to reach those who need our support the most. Our pledge goal is $1.8 million.

Together, we are St. James's and your pledge makes a difference!


There are multiple ways you can participate in our three 2024 missions - Hurley, VA, Harvest of Hope on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, and Our Little Roses Home for Girls in Honduras.

For starters, of course, you can travel to our mission locations and share in the work we’re doing. But there are also opportunities to support our partners and the St. James’sers on mission trips in multiple ways, right from home.

If you’re interested in either going on an experience to engaging with one of our partners or supporting the relationships with our mission partners, please contact ....

To learn more about our upcoming Summer missions, click here. 

Save these winter dates.

We've made it easy to know what’s happening here at St. James's. Click here to see the full Winter calendar (which is printable). There are also printed schedules in the Narthex and Valentine Hall.

Wednesday Night dinners are back starting

January 31.

Be sure to check your Tuesday emails for Wednesday Night menus

and more.


The 4th Sunday after Epiphany

In-Person Worship Services

7:45 am - Holy Eucharist Rite I (held in the Chapel)

9 am -- Holy Eucharist Rite II - Bulletin

11:15 am -- Morning Prayer I - Bulletin

Live-Streamed Worship Services

on at 9 and 11:15 am

and recorded versions on YouTube

The readings for

9 am and 11:15 am services

Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Psalm 111

Mark 1:21-28

Children's Chapel

during the 9 am service.

Nursery for children

age 4 years and under

 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Fellowship & Learning 10:15 am


We invite everyone to come to Valentine Hall this Sunday to get your Lent Madness Bracket, learn about all of the Saints competing for this year’s Golden Halo, and enjoy fellowship.

Sunday School & Youth Groups

Go to your regular classrooms.

Children will be participating in Godly Play and Growing in Faith.

Youth will be discussing Summer Missions, then Lent Madness.

It's the fourth Sunday of

the month...

...which means the loose plate contributions will go the Clergy Discretionary Fund (CDF). Cash, checks or electronic gifts collected this Sunday which are not pledge payments or money designated for some other use will be put into the CDF. Thanks!

Prayers of the People

Here are the names of those we're remembering in our prayers this week.

We do our best to keep this list current, but if you want your name added or removed, please email Mary Brown at or

call her at 804-355-1779 ext. 313

You did it! You read the whole thing. Give yourself a great big hand.

For Diocese of Virginia news and information, visit

Please not the new URL.

You can always find the eChimes at
St. James’s Episcopal Church | DOERS.ORG | (804) 355-1779
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