June 21, 2024

Josh's Jottings

I wanted to thank everyone who lent a hand as we hosted Annual Conference. We received dozens of compliments and lots of gratitude from the delegates and attendees. I am particularly grateful to our media team for providing coverage for all the business and worship sessions, our food ministry who fed everyone delicious meals, our greeters and ushers for making sure everyone received a friendly hello as they arrived, our custodial staff for keeping the building in tip-top shape, our arts ministry for leading the conference in a community art project, our childcare staff for entertaining the children of our clergy, our singers and musicians for beautifully leading worship, and our administrative team for helping with scheduling and logistics. We have wonderful people here at St. John's. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU to everyone for their hard work. In the words of one long-time lay-delegate, "This was by far one of the best Annual Conference I've been to! Thank you!" 


Summer is in full-swing now. Next week, we will welcome children for our Annual Vacation Bible School. I hope you'll start praying for our volunteers and all the children who attend, that they will see God's Word come alive through crafts, and snacks, and the sharing of Bible stories. Then, a few weeks later, the youth will depart for Baldwin, Louisiana to volunteer at the UMCOR Sager-Brown disaster relief depot. Pray for them too, that they will be a part of our shared global ministry of compassion when disaster strikes. 

Good things are happening at St. John's and this is an exciting summer to be part of the church!


Looking to the Future Event is Postponed

Thank you to all who expressed interest in attending the Looking to the Future Event scheduled for this Saturday, June 22. Unfortunately, with summer schedules being quite busy, we did not have enough RSVP's to make for a successful event.

We will reschedule for the early fall, shortly after Labor Day. For more information, contact Pastor Josh, at jkouri@stjohns-abq.org.

Thanks to all who signed up. We continue to be excited about the future of our church!

Omelet Bar Mix and Match


Omelet Bar will be Sunday, June 23, one week early. Come by the SonShine Café Sunday between 7:45 am and 1 pm to get your made-to-order omelet that comes with your choice of toast and a drink, all for just $7! Choose from a variety of fillings of meats, cheeses, veggies, and salsas to make your omelet unique to you. Invite a friend to enjoy a conversation over a hot breakfast!


We need volunteers to make Omelet Bar happen. If you would like to volunteer to be a cashier, omelet runner or toastmaster, please sign-up HERE, or contact Nancy Douglas de Baca at squidgete@yahoo.com or Chef Tim at tnuzum@stjohns-abq.org or 505-883-9717.

Celebrating Fathers and Father Figures

at the Omelet Bar, Sunday

As a delayed Father’s Day gift, we would like to celebrate fathers and men who are father figures with a complimentary omelet on Sunday, June 23. Come by the SonShine Café between 7:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sunday for your free omelet. 

Women's Bible Study

June 25-August 13

Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense by Jennifer Rothschild

Tuesdays, June 25 - August 13, (8 weeks), 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., IN-PERSON, led by Shanlii Payment

  • Participants can register by
  • contacting Susan Perry at teachersusan@comcast.net
  • signing up in the Hospitality Center on Sundays or by
  • contacting the church office
  • Participants purchase their own books

Does God care? Is He fair? Is He even there? Although you may know all the right answers, they don’t always feel right. "Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense" provides a personal study experience for this video-driven women's Bible study. Explore these and other questions in this realistic look at the messy, mysterious uncertainties of faith. God’s ways don’t always make sense, but He is trustworthy. Come close to Him. Trust Him more than your feelings. God will reveal Himself and fill in your missing pieces.

Making Pies for Asbury Pie Café

Tuesdays, Starting July 2

"Stress cannot exist in the presence of pies"

It's summer... and that means it's our time to make pies for the Asbury Pie Café at the New Mexico State Fair 2024.

We will be making pies on Tuesdays, July 2, 9, 16 and 30 from 8 a.m. -12 p.m.

Even if you don't know how to make a pie, we'll have a task for you. Please consider volunteering.

It's fun and stress free. Contact Regina Hampton, Hamptonmason1@msn.com

Memory Café Albuquerque

Saturday, July 6

The next meeting of Memory Café Albuquerque is Saturday, July 6, at 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the SonShine Café at St. John’s United Methodist Church. We are celebrating Independence Day and the Anniversary of Memory Café. Special music by Roger Eaton and his Bluegrass Band. The Kellers are treating us to homemade ice cream. Table games and information for caregivers and loved ones will also be available.

Memory Café meets the first Saturday of each month at 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the SonShine Café. It is a supportive fellowship for anyone affected by memory loss/Alzheimer’s and their caring partners. Meet and share with others on a similar journey. This is not a drop-off event. For more information (505) 323-7522 or ssmjens@aol.com

Grief Support Group

Starting Thursday, July 11

Beginning Thursday July 11 for eight weeks through August 29, St. John’s will offer a Grief Support Group. We will meet in the church library from 1:30-3:00 on Thursdays. Rev. Molly Shannon and others will help facilitate the sessions, and an ongoing support group may evolve. 

Each week, we will explore different aspects of grief, knowing each participant is on their own journey. The group will be a safe place to share emotions, challenges, practical solutions and more. Your loss may be fresh, or you may feel stuck after some time has passed; you may have lost a spouse, a parent, a child – all are welcome. Everything shared in the group will remain confidential, and my prayer is that you will find empathy, understanding and encouragement from the leaders and fellow participants. We believe we can find solace and strength together and look forward to welcoming you.

Please RSVP your interest in attending (or if you have questions ) by emailing Rev. Molly at care@stjohns-abq.org or leaving a message at 505-883-9717, ext. 127.   

We Care Support Group

Saturday, July 13

We Care had a successful meeting on Saturday, June 8, and look forward to welcoming more Caregivers on July 13 and August 10, from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Church library, (room 231, on the second floor, there is an elevator). Please park in the west parking lot off Arizona street.

Topics discussed were Caregiver Burnout and thoughts on creative responses to stress. Future topics will come from participants, offering a safe and confidential place to ask questions, share concerns, maybe cry a little, and laugh a little. We hope to see you in July. Virginia Worrell and Rev. Molly Shannon are the group facilitators. 

Please contact Rev. Molly care@atjohns-abq.org, or 505-883-9717 ext. 127, for more information and to express your interest. 

Do You Have Freezer Space?

Pie parties are starting in July. St. John's needs volunteers with some extra freezer space to store frozen pies during the summer. If you want, you may bake these pies during the State Fair or not bake them and have the frozen pies picked up before the State Fair.

Even just 4 pies being stored in your freezer helps. Please contact either Debby Smith at dysmith0427@gmail.com; 505-554-4238 or Jenn Shields jennshields200@yahoo.com; 505-450-9978.

Family Promise Needs Help

Family Promise has a couple of weeks coming up that no congregations have signed up for. The dates are June 21st- 30th.  There are several grocery items that we need for that week and meals for several days during those dates. 

Please consider signing up to help drop off groceries, share a meal with the families or drop off a meal during these days. Contact Jenn Shields at jennshields200@yahoo.com or 505-450-9978.Click here for the link, if you want to sign up directly.

Thank You to Joy Heaviland

for Her Service and Ministry

For two and a half years, Joy Heaviland has served as our Office Administrator, often being the first contact with guests and a friendly face for anyone coming to the church during the week. This week, Joy let us know that she will be pursuing a new opportunity and leaving St. John's in mid-July. Joy has been an essential and well-loved member of the St. John's staff. While Joy's dedication, professionalism, and hard work will be sorely missed, we wish her the very best and every success in this new endeavor. 

If you are in the church office in the weeks ahead, please be sure to stop by and say goodbye to Joy. 


We also will begin a search for a new Office Administrator immediately. We are seeking a candidate who is well-qualified, dependable, and friendly for this full-time position. If you are interested, or know an interested party, we encourage you to provide a resume and references to Jamie Davidson by July 8th. Ideal candidates should have excellent communication skills, administrative skills including some bookkeeping knowledge, and an ability to multitask. 

Reel to Real

Our summer Reel to Real program continues this Sunday, June 23! All students entering 6th grade in the fall to high school seniors who just graduated this spring are welcome to join us in the theater room starting at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. We will watch a movie, eat some snacks, and then have a brief discussion about what we just saw, ending at 6:00 p.m.

This week will be a split between middle school and high school. Mid-school will be watching National Treasure, 2004, PG. High-school will be watching Mean Girls, 2004, PG-13.

Questions? Contact Brett Reece at youthdirector@stjohns-abq.org.

Summer Treats

As the heat rolls on, so do the cool treats! Join us at Bahama Bucks, 4411 San Mateo Blvd NE Suite E12, on Thursday, June 27, at 5:30 p.m. for a frozen treat, good company and games. All students entering 6th grade in the fall through class of 2024 seniors are welcome to join. If students are dropped off, the end of our time together varies from 6:30 to 6:45 p.m.

Hope to see you there!

Prayer Quilt Recipient

Samuel James Mulloy (grandson of Linn and Mike Furnish) is the recipient for the prayer quilt currently on display in the Hospitality Center.

If you pass through the Hospitality Center this week, please tie a knot in the quilt while praying for Sammy. Won't be in the Center this week? No worries! Either way, please pray this prayer (or your own prayer) for Sammy: "Our Father, we come to you and ask for continued good health for newborn Sammy. Fill Sammy with your love and glory and let him know he is loved by you and by us. Amen.”

June Special Offering:

Locker #505

Locker #505 is a clothing bank for students, K-12, in need in Bernalillo County.  It provides a comfortable and welcoming environment where children may get what they need and try on and choose outfits that they feel good about wearing.

Specifically, we can support them in two ways this month, with money and underwear!

During the month of June, we will be collecting NEW underwear and socks for all sizes, boys and girls, for Locker #505. The sizes range from small to large, both in children's sizes and adult sizes (for the teens). Place your donations in the bins in the Hospitality Center!

Thank you, St. John's!

Our worship services are livestreamed so you can watch them from home. To watch a worship service live, click on the service that you would like to watch on Sunday morning at its scheduled time.

8:15AM Mosaic Worship
9:30AM Abide Worship
11AM Traditional Worship

Submission Deadline for Disciple Connections is noon on Wednesday for the Friday weekly edition. Click here to send your articles to the editor.

Visit Our Website
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St. John's United Methodist Church | (505) - 883-9717

2626 Arizona Street NE | Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Pastoral Care Emergency Hotline | (505) 312-3763

Pastoral care is available for after-hours emergencies. Please send any congregational care needs to Rev. Molly Shannon at care@stjohns-abq.org as we all work together to love one another well. 

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