TransLink Listens Online Advisory Panel |
Be a part of TransLink's Online Advisory Panel and get directly involved in the future of transportation in your region.
here to get more info and register for the panel.
BC Poverty Reduction Strategy: Provide Your Input |
The BC government is developing a poverty reduction strategy, and there are various ways that you can provide your input.
For more information, please click
SDPR: 2018/19-2020/21 Service Plan |
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR) released its
2018/19-2020/21 Service Plan on February 20 2018, in conjunction with the release of the 2018 BC Budget.
It was prepared under the direction of Minister Shane Simpson, in accordance with the
Budget Transparency and Accountability Act.
To read the Service Plan, please click
Thank You, Vancity! |
Vancity provided DABC with 5 tickets to A Conversation with Former U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on February 15th. Everyone who attended had a wonderful time. Thank you very much to Vancity for your generosity!
Fall Fling 2018: Sponsorship Opportunities
Fall Fling, DABC's annual fundraising gala, is on September 27th at the Italian Cultural Centre this year.
With your help, we hope to make this our most successful gala yet. For information on the event, please click
Sponsoring Fall Fling 2018 is a great way to support the gala and DABC's work. For information on Fall Fling sponsorship opportunities, click
here, and please feel free to share this information with your networks.
DABC's Snack & Chat: Friday, March 2nd
On PWD or interested in PWD? Come learn about disability benefits and meet new people!
March 2nd, 2018
| 12:00pm to 1:30pm.
Board Room, 204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver
Lunch included.
Please note: at this time, there are a small number of spots still available. If you are interested in attending, please contact us as soon as possible.
DABC Videos and Help Sheets for People with Disabilities Who Are Victims of Crime
DABC has had a great response to our new video series How I Need to Know: helping people with disabilities who are victims of crime understand the justice system. These short videos cover six topics on how the justice system works and what to expect in sign language, captioning and reader-friendly language. There are also information help sheets that cover the same topics as the videos. To check them out, visit our website:
You can access the videos at:
You can access the help sheets at:
DABC was Clicklaw's 3rd Most Clicked on Resource Provider in 2017!
Clicklaw has informed us that DABC's resources were the 3rd most clicked on in their resource library in 2017. This is up nearly 9% from the previous year! We're so glad that people are finding our resources helpful.
We are currently in the process of updating our BC Disability Benefit Help Sheets and our Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) Guides and will be printing the updated versions soon. Updated but un-proofed versions of the Help Sheets and Guides are currently available on Clicklaw and on our website; we will make an announcement once the finalized versions have been completed and printed.
Becoming a DABC member is a great way to show your support for DABC and its work benefitting British Columbians with disabilities.
There are also benefits to becoming a member, including:
- Transition magazine, 4 times a year
- Community alerts by email to keep you informed
- News about DABC events, workshops, and training
- Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting for members with disabilities
Memberships are $15/year and can be paid by credit card over the phone, by cheque, or online via Paypal,
If you haven't already watched it, be sure to check out our new video,
Access RDSP - Planning for the Future: A Success Story.
Job Posting: DABC Executive Director
As we announced earlier this month, DABC's Executive Director Jane Dyson will retire this year. We are accepting applications for the Executive Director position and the job posting is online in the following locations:
The deadline for applications is March 5th, 2018. Please note only electronic applications will be accepted. No phone calls or faxes, please.
Promote your business or event to our subscribers and help support DABC's important programs and services by advertising in our e-newsletter.
You can choose from 3 ad types to fit your needs and budget:
- Banner Ads to draw maximum attention to your business, organization or event
- Text Plus Ads, that include text, logo and link
- Text Only Ads with text and a live link
Advertising space is also available in our quarterly magazine, Transition.
Information and bookings:
Thank you for your support from our Board, staff and volunteers.
If you would like to speak to us about our work, please do not hesitate to telephone Jane at 604-875-0188 or
Best regards,
Jane Dyson Executive Director, Disability Alliance BC
P.S. Your donation will help realize our vision of a world where people with disabilities live with dignity and independence, contributing fully in our communities.