Volunteers (we call them Resource Persons) help us continue our ministries despite no apportionment support and minimal staffing. We need people to serve in the following capacities, either as a team member or supporting specific projects:
South Central Jurisdiction representative member to the DMC (at least 2 meetings each quarter and independent work between meetings)
- Participate in quarterly DMC meetings
- Take on assignments and support a DMC team.
- Make contacts and build relationships within the annual conferences of your jurisdiction.
- Time needed: 5-10 hours a month.
Fund-raising team (meets quarterly)
- Research grants and identify potential donors
- Develop and promote fund-raising ideas and campaigns.
- Track stories that show the difference we make.
Grants team (meets 1-2 times each spring)
- Review and discuss accessibility grant applications
- Submit funding recommendations to the DMC for voting
Storytellers and writers
- Share stories of your ministries of inclusion and ways you create an accessible place of belonging for all.
- Write a blog post or contribute to the VOICE newsletter.
Consult the DMC Author's Guide for more information on writing,
- Forward relevant stories to us from your conference or other media.
- If you are already a Resource person and ready to take on a new task, or need to update your information.
- If you have questions.
- if you know someone who may be just the right person to work with us!
Please prayerfully consider how you can help. If you are interested in becoming a Resource Person to serve in any capacity, please check the Get Involved - Volunteer page on the DMC web site, read the Role of the Resource Person, and complete a Resource Person Application.