Dear Friends:
We have been following the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, working closely with our board, staff, teaching artists, volunteers, community partners, and local leaders to enact plans of action that will help protect Arts for the Aging's vulnerable clients and their caregivers . Given the importance and effectiveness of social distancing to slow community transmission, last week we made the difficult decision to suspend our programs through March 31.
While it is heartbreaking to all of us that our programs will not be available this month to support and uplift the lives of older, frailer, and lonelier adults --- which also adds an additional burden to caregivers --- we share a priority to keep communities safe. We also believe it is important to provide a safety net to those at the heart, soul, and frontlines of this organization --- our gifted faculty of 26 teaching artists who are our practitioners. We are keeping monetary supports in place for our faculty this month despite the program postponements now, recognizing it's hard enough to earn a living as a professional artist. We deeply value their extraordinary gifts and sacrifices, knowing that engagement in the arts bring us closer to one another and to our most divine selves.
In hard times the arts bring us joy, comfort, and hope. Witness one of many videos emerging on social media and in the news of Italians singing from their windows and balconies during quarantine, and the messages of solidarity Chinese communities have sent them. 
We're all in this together.

"Lovely Ladies," made in teaching artist Carol Siegel's workshops with seniors at Alexandria Adult Day Services Center, to help keep spirits up during this time of community care
Please stand with us.
Your continuing generous support of Arts for the Aging --- whether a one-time or sustaining monthly gift -- - is an investment that will ensure that our mission and our caregivers weather the storm while we adapt to this "new-now." In the coming months we will be helping fill the void left by the virus --- the isolation and stress of this public health threat.  You can count on us to make good on our community commitment and your support which makes it possible.
Our staff is adapting practices and ensuring secure access to resources needed for potentially extended remote work. We are looking to virtual networking technology so we can continue to inspire optimism in creative aging.  We will continue to monitor the situation in the days and weeks to come, and we'll stay in touch. 

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at .
I thank you for your care for our mission, which spreads joy, combats isolation, and improves the health and wellness of older adults most vulnerable and their caregivers.
One day at a time.
Be safe and stay well,

Janine Tursini
Director & CEO
P.S. -- The Centers for Disease Control has lay-friendly information for individuals and organizations, and with regularly updated FAQs available  here

  • Virtual tours of 12 museums from around the world are available for your art-looking pleasure, visit this link for details.
  • Poetry walks on Facebook Live, by creative aging colleague Gary Glazner, will take place at 3 p.m. E.S.T. March 16 - 27, exploring Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. Visit Gary's Facebook page linked here.
  • Inspired by MacArthur Fellow, Dr. Anne Basting, of TimeSlips, "in this uncertain time, sharing notes with a poem or drawing of something that makes you happy can brighten someone's day." Private message Arts for the Aging at and we will send you the address of one of our senior care partners for your mailing.


The information contained in this email is not all-inclusive nor is it offered as professional medical advice. Please seek advice from a professional healthcare service provider as and when necessary.

Image source, here, Harvard University


Since 1988, Arts for the Aging combats isolation and spreads joy and better health through creative self-expression. Our mission engages older adults and professional and family care givers in health improvement and life enhancement through regular participation in multi-disciplinary and therapeutic group-arts programs. Arts for the Aging Teaching Artists facilitate workshops in community and residential care settings, especially those that wouldn't otherwise have access to our top-notch creative aging services for reasons of affordability, availability, or ability to use such programs. Our client partners include adult day centers, community centers, affordable housing communities, senior centers, nursing homes, assisted living communities, and museums and cultural institutions. We are n amed for non-profit excellence, cost-effectiveness, and impact in Greater Washington, D.C.

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