Welcome to Enews+ for August 5

The latest resources, important information and more.

This is for all Clergy, Churchwardens, Treasurers and PCC Secretaries, and is your chance to find out what is going on across the diocese!

In This Edition

New from Church House

  • Consultation on membership of PCCs
  • Place Audits
  • Change to accessing diocesan email accounts while outside of the UK
  • Diocesan Intern Scheme - now recruiting!
  • TEND 2024 – final event Saturday, September 7 – there’s still time to book!
  • Whole Church and Outdoor Worship
  • Resourcing and supporting parishes
  • Ministry with Children and Young People course
  • Online workshops
  • Learning Communities
  • Staying connected with our Children, Young People and Families Team
  • Churchwarden training events
  • Lay Training courses
  • Treasurer Forum Meeting
  • Generosity Week Newsletters
  • Legacy Resources - Faith Will
  • Money for Mission: Issue 60

Key Dates for 2024



Other Useful Links and Information

New from Church House

Consultation on membership of PCCs

On behalf of the General Synod Business Committee, the Election Reviews Group (ERG) is undertaking a review of qualifications for membership of PCCs and is looking at a Code of Conduct for PCCs. These issues have been raised at previous Synod meetings, and the ERG would like to bring forward suggestions to a future group of sessions on how to streamline the qualifications for PCC membership, with an aim to encouraging and enabling more people to put themselves forward; and to share good practice on how to support PCCs to address issues related to conduct.

This consultation is aimed at anyone with an interest in the issues around PCC membership and conduct and further details will be sent directly to PCC Secretaries, with responses invited by the end of September 2024.

Place Audits

We would like to say a very big thank you to all the parishes that have completed their place audits. We really appreciate taking the time to complete this.

Place audits are sent out once a year, and is a request for a list of parish roles that is used to keep the diocesan database up to date. This information is vital to make sure the diocese only contacts the relevant people in parishes. Even if there have been no changes, it is very helpful to know that the information is still correct.

An individual link was sent to the PCC Secretary, clergy and or administrator back in March. If parishes can’t find the link, have any questions, or would rather complete it over the phone, please get touch with Nicola Thurlow on 0113 3535 0205 or at database@leeds.anglican.org, and she will be very happy to resend the link or help in any way.

Change to accessing diocesan email accounts while outside of the UK

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the cyber-security posture of the diocese, we have recently implemented a new policy that, by default, blocks access to Leeds email accounts while outside of the UK. 

We have seen an increasing number of malicious attempts to access diocesan email accounts from various locations around the world, so by implementing this policy we hope to mitigate some of the risk of accounts being compromised.

If you know you will be travelling outside of the UK and will require access to your diocesan email account during that time, please raise a support ticket with our IT provider Mansys – support@man-sys.co.uk - to request temporary access. They will require your return date so that the access can be reset once you return to the UK.

Diocesan Intern Scheme - now recruiting!

Our Diocesan Intern Scheme has been running for a number of years, and at this time of the year we are always looking to see who God might be calling to be an intern. If you know of someone who would benefit from a year of training and discipleship as they service in a local church then please put them in touch with Katharine Greathead, our Intern Co-Ordinator - katharine.greathead@leeds.anglican.org.

TEND 2024 – final event Saturday, September 7 – there’s still time to book!

We are delighted to invite all children, young people and families workers, leaders and volunteers to attend one of our TEND events this year.

This year’s theme is Encouraging Confidence and the days will include workshops, speakers, worship, reflection and the opportunity to meet others involved in ministry with and to children, young people and families. The dates and venues are:

  • Saturday, September 7 at St Matt's Leeds


Please click here for more details and to book.

If you require any specific help or information, please do contact us at childrenyouth@leeds.anglican.org.

Whole Church and Outdoor Worship

  • Saturday, September 21, 9.30am - 2pm, St Stephen's West Bowling

Many churches are exploring what it means to worship together as the whole family of God – all ages, all backgrounds and abilities – and gathering outdoors to encounter God in nature is wonderful way to do this. If you are interested in creation care, using your church yard space for worship or gathering all the generations together to worship God, the Children, Young People and Families team have invited Engage Worship to lead a day’s workshop ‘Whole Church and Outdoor Worship’ to inspire and equip you to develop this in your churches. The tickets are £10 each and include a delicious lunch. Click here to find out more and to book.

Resourcing and supporting parishes

Starting a conversation about children and young people (open for enquires, online)

This is a workshop for parishes wondering about starting something for children and young people. Please contact the team if this would be helpful in your context.

Ministry with Children and Young People course

  • Thursday, October 10, 9.45am - 1pm, Church House, Leeds

This is an in-person course designed for everyone; whether you’ve been working with children and young people for a long time or you are just starting out, and it aims to help you develop and refresh skills and knowledge so you can serve children and young people well.

For more details, and to register your interest for the course, see here.

If you require any specific help or information, please do contact us at childrenyouth@leeds.anglican.org.

Online workshops

Youthscape Essentials – YSE Monthly Mondays (Starting Monday, September 9, 7pm - 9pm, online)

We are delighted to be offering the Youthscape Essentials course with sessions beginning on Monday, September 9. This course is ideal for anyone involved in work with young people.

Learning Communities

Messy Church Learning Community on Tuesday, September 17

This learning community is a place for all those involved or interested in Messy to explore best practice, encourage each other and to share ideas to help people grow in faith and discipleship.

Toddler Teams Learning Community on Tuesday, October 8                     

This new online community aims to support and encourage all those involved in church toddler groups. The session will include looking forward to Christmas and potential ways to share the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth with our groups.

New Growing Faith Learning Community

This is a new learning community for exploring opportunities to develop stronger links between church, home and school to enable children, young people and families to grow in faith and discipleship.

If you are interested in finding out more and would like to book your place on any of these, please contact childrenyouth@leeds.anglican.org.

Staying connected with our Children, Young People and Families Team

If you would like to receive the Children, Young People and Families Team newsletter, please subscribe to the Digital Learning Platform here and be sure to tick the ‘Children & Youth’ and ‘Sign me up’ boxes! In addition we host a Facebook group for anyone involved in children, young people and family ministry where people share details of events, resources, activities and training and also ask questions, debate ideas and learn together. As always, if you require any specific help or information, please do contact us on childrenyouth@leeds.anglican.org.

Churchwarden training events

We are hosting an online training event for Churchwardens across the diocese.

  • Experienced training for churchwardens: Wednesday, October 16, 7pm - 9pm

Please contact the Archdeacon's PA for your episcopal area to book onto this training and to recieve the Zoom link.

Lay Training courses

Introduction to Theology (ITT)

Do you have potential leaders in your congregation? Are there those who are wondering what theology means and how to study it? Please encourage them to sign up to this free and updated course. Although the course runs three times throughout the year, it does get booked up very quickly. Those wanting to start in September need to sign up NOW!

Introduction to Theology (ITT): A 12-session journey looking at the Christian faith, thinking about your own faith journey and developing theological skills. This is a great place to start when considering where God is calling you. Attending this course is a pre-requirement for Licensed Lay Ministry training in the diocese of Leeds and is also useful for those considering any of our other Lay Ministry pathways.

Three courses for 2024-25 are advertised on the DLP. Follow the link for further information and booking details: Autumn 2024: in-person at the Mirfield Centre

Booking deadline extended to midnight on Sunday, September 1.

If you require any specific help or information, please contact the School of Ministry administrator at shuna.hartley@leeds.anglican.org.

Treasurer Forum Meeting

The second Treasurer Forum meeting will take place online on the evening of Tuesday, September 17 at 6.30pm. This online forum will feature informative talks from Diocesan staff and our treasurer ambassadors along with a Q&A session and networking opportunities with fellow treasurers.

Please sign up to join us in this second Treasurer Forum meeting Tuesday, September 17 at 6.30pm by registering on the link here.

Generosity Week Newsletters

Read the second of this year's generosity focused newsletters to discover more about the impact of generosity and discipleship. This year’s newsletters focus on the eight elements of generosity, embodied in the acronym MINT IDEA, which enable giving and encourage generosity. Generosity Week will run from Sunday, September 29, until Sunday, October 6. 

Get in touch with the Stewardship Team at resourcingparishes@leeds.anglican.org to discuss ideas for activities in your church during Generosity Week and how we can help support your church.

Read the newsletter here and access Generosity Week 2024 resources here.

Legacy Resources - Faith Will

Your faith is powerful and so is your will – congregations are signing up to leave a lasting legacy of change for their communities and beyond. 

This autumn Christian Aid and church leaders are asking congregations up and down the country to start conversations about leaving gifts in Wills. The aim is to encourage congregations to sign up for free resources to hold Faith Will moments – services, meetings and get togethers when we can talk about the power of gifts in wills and how people’s generosity can help create change in their communities and around the world. 

A range of free resources, including a guest speakers, short film, service materials and leaflets for congregations, is available here.

Money for Mission: Issue 60

The August edition (Issue 60) of Money for Mission is out now. Click here for this edition, which includes:

  • Thinking About Generosity
  • Tuesday, September 17 – Treasurer Forum Session 2
  • Faith Will Legacy Resources
  • Generosity Week Newsletter and Resources
  • Digital Giving Updates – New SumUp Verification
  • Online & Contactless Giving Webinars
  • Join easyfundraising to fundraise for your church through food shops
  • Treasurer Resources: Free Treasurer & Gift Aid Training
  • Expense Plus Accounting Software – Free Demo and Trial
  • Parish Share Update
  • Late Finance Return Submissions
  • Transpennine Route Upgrade Community Fund
  • Newly Updated Funding Directory

If you would like to receive Money for Mission directly, you can sign up for direct mailing by clicking the link in the newsletter.

Key Dates for 2024

Diocese of Leeds Synod:

  • Saturday, October 19


Church of England General Synod:

  • Monday, November 18 - Wednesday, November 20

Creationtide: Sunday, September 1 - Friday, October, 4

Yorkshire Churches Day: Saturday, September 14


Diocese of Leeds Generosity Week: Sunday, September 22 - Sunday, September 29


COP 29: Monday, November 11 - Friday, November 22

First Sunday of Advent: Sunday, December 1

Christmas 2024: Wednesday, December 25

Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is the way in which the Diocese of Leeds wants to support churches to move forward in mission, ministry and sustainability. Find out more here

Leeds @ 10

The 10th anniversary of the Diocese of Leeds took place on Saturday, April 20, 2024 and this year is an opportunity for us all to both reflect and look forward to coming decades.

The Diocese of Leeds comprises all the ecclesial traditions of the Church of England. It also reaches across urban, suburban and rural communities, where the challenge for the future is how the Gospel is to be faithfully and creatively proclaimed and lived in a changing world.

We are a vibrant diocese, equipping confident clergy to enable confident Christians to live and tell the Good News in our large region. Find out more here

Saving Creation
The Diocese of Leeds has a wealth of resources to help churches reach carbon net zero by 2030, 'Saving Creation: Strategic Action to Combat Climate Change'. These include a video, toolkit, and case studies, with more to come. Read more here.
The latest edition of the Prayer Diary is now online to download.There are fresh prayers for Sudan as well as prayers for Tanzania. Download prayers here.
For information, resources and more, visit www.leeds.anglican.org

School Adviser: Leadership (Primary) - Diocese of Leeds

The Diocese of Leeds supports a diverse network of 236 Church of England schools across nine local authority areas and within eleven multi academy trusts. Our vision of ‘loving, living and learning’ is lived out through our team focus on the flourishing of pupils and adults in all of our schools. Our Education team is small but highly effective, we work collaboratively, supportively and professionally together. We are seeking an experienced headteacher to join our team to help us to enhance education quality within our primary schools. This role involves developing relationships, providing school improvement support, delivering training and keeping the distinctive Christian foundation of our schools a central focus. Find out more about this role here.

Chief Officer - Wellsprings Together

Wellsprings Together is an established, growing, regional charity with a vision to see faith transforming communities. We work across the Anglican Diocese of Leeds in both urban and rural areas with a desire to see the flourishing of all who live there. Wellsprings Together aims to support faith communities in social engagement with a particular focus on parish-based community engagement and community cohesion. We want to help nurture and inspire a movement of faith-motivated social action which will enable people and communities to thrive. The Chief Officer role is an exciting opportunity leading the dedicated Wellsprings Together team to implement this vision. Accountable to the Trustees of the charity, the Chief Officer is responsible for coordinating and supervising the work of the Team, delivering on the strategy and vision of the charity, managing stakeholder relationships, securing funding, and the effective management and leadership of the charity including budgetary responsibilities. Find out more about this role here.

Other Useful Links & Information


For safeguarding issues, contact our advisers on:

safeguarding@leeds.anglican.org or call 0113 353 0257 

Juliette Mclellan - Head of Safeguarding

Jenny Leccardi - Safeguarding Adviser

Narinder Lyon - Safeguarding Adviser

Nikki Rose - Safeguarding Adviser

Sam McMorland - Assistant Safeguarding Adviser

Moves and Appointments

The Revd Jonathan Fleury has been appointed as Interim Priest in Charge of East Leeds Revival – Cross Green, Richmond Hill, Leeds St Wilfrid in the East Leeds Deanery in the Leeds area

The Revd Nat Gibbons (resides in the Huddersfield Episcopal Area) has been granted Permission to Officiate in the Diocese of Leeds

The Revd Andrew Wagstaff (resides in the Bradford Episcopal Area) has been granted Permission to Officiate in the Diocese of Leeds

The Revd Caroline Pinchbeck has been appointed as Interim Vicar for the Benefice of Aldbrough St John, Forcett and Melsonby (0.5) in the Ripon area and as Diocesan Rural Change Enabler (0.5) in the Diocese of Leeds

The Revd Lottie Jones has been appointed as Interim Priest in Charge of the Stanningley Benefice in the Leeds area

The Revd Michelle Lepine has been appointed as Vicar of St Edmund’s Church Roundhay in the Leeds area

The Revd Felicity Cowling–Green, currently serving as Team Rector of Almondbury with Farnley Tyas in the Huddersfield area, will resign this post in September 2024 to become part time hospital Chaplain at Sheffield Children’s Hospital in the Diocese of Sheffield

The Revd Harry Gwinnett, currently serving as Vicar of St James Thornton in the Bradford area, is to also take on the role of Interim Priest in Charge of St Peter and St Francis, Allerton in the Bradford area

The Revd Angela Hannafin, currently serving as Vicar of Bardsey Benefice and East Keswick in the Leeds area, and as Lay Training Officer, is to be licenced as Vicar of the Benefice of Moseley in the Diocese of Birmingham

The Revd Adrian Smith, currently serving as Team Vicar in the Benefice of Leeds St George in the Leeds area, is to retire from his post in September 2024

Our Who is Who section offers useful Diocese of Leeds contacts. Access it here 

Contact us with your news

Please contact the Communications Team with your news so we can share it with the wider diocese. Our parish-facing Enews is published twice a month.

All news stories to communications@leeds.anglican.org.

Many thanks!  

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© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2024

Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX

 0113 200 0540

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