Diocesan Operations Update

from the Standing Committee

February 13, 2024

Dear Members of the Diocese of Florida,

As part of our ongoing commitment to stewardship and transparency, the Standing Committee wishes to share some important updates regarding our diocesan office and operations.

The Reverend Canon Eddie Jones is returning to retirement effective today, February 13. Canon Eddie came out of retirement in June of last year to support Bishop Howard as Canon to the Ordinary and remained to assist the Standing Committee as Chief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer since November 1. We appreciate Canon Eddie and his service to the Diocese and wish him well in this next chapter of his life and ministry.

In the near term, the diocesan office will be managed directly by the Standing Committee with a view towards implementing a restructured approach and leadership in the coming months. We'll be sharing more information with you on what that will look like just as soon as we are able to do so. In the case of Title IV matters, we have appointed two new intake officers—The Rev. Sara Rich and The Rev. Quinn Parman—and hope to add at least one more Title IV intake officer in the very near future. While Revs. Rich and Parman are undergoing training for this new responsibility, they are also prepared to receive any Title IV complaints at this time. The appointment of at least one additional intake officer will be announced soon.

In our pursuit to better serve our community and uphold our mission, we have undertaken several strategic steps to work towards improved diocesan operations. These steps are taken with a deep sense of responsibility and a clear vision for a sustainable diocesan future. These steps include reevaluating our operations, investigating and implementing new approaches to diocesan operations, and identifying how we might strengthen the environment in which the diocesan staff work so that they may better partner with you and us in the work of bringing Christ's kingdom to the world.

A significant portion of our efforts involve analyzing and addressing human resource and operational "structural" issues. Although legal constraints often require that personnel matters be handled with utmost confidentiality, please be assured that we are committed to handling all of these matters with the highest standards of integrity and care for both those employed by the diocese and you, the people of the diocese yourselves.

We also want you to know that we are committed to renewing and empowering our canonically required committees to fulfill their roles effectively.

Your prayers, support, and understanding are invaluable as we move forward. Together, we can build a stronger, transparent, and accountable Diocese that reflects our commitment to our faith.

May God guide us and bless our efforts as we strive to serve Him and our community.

In Christ's Service,

Your Standing Committee

The Rev. Teresa Seagle        Mr. Keith Daw

The Rev. Sarah Minton         Ms. Jackie Jones

The Rev. Justin Yawn           Ms. Heather Prox