Vincentian Community News
“You see a great deal of distress that you are unable to relieve. God sees it also. Bear the pains of the poor together with them, doing all you can to give them whatever help they need, and remain in peace."
– St. Vincent de Paul
The St. John Neumann Conference recently assisted a woman who called seeking financial assistance for her family of four. Her husband, a landscaper, is the family's only support, but his company was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Vincentians pledged an amount toward rent and HEB cards and shared other resources. They also prayed with the neighbor.
Vincentians across Central Texas are on the frontlines everyday helping our neighbors in need financially and spiritually. Thank you for all you do in the community!
City of Austin RENT Assistance Program
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is partnering with the City of Austin and the Housing Authority to assist eligible Austin residents, impacted by COVID-19, with applying for rental assistance through the Relief of Emergency Needs for Tenants (RENT) Assistance Program. The RENT Application Portal is now open and will remain open through December 2021 or until funds are spent.
Applicants are welcome to use our computer lab at the Vincentian Family Center
Tuesday - Friday from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Mondays are by appointment only. Email We will assist applicants with creating an account, completing the online application, and uploading the required documents.
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store is open Thursday - Saturday from 10:00am - 5:00pm. You are invited to come, explore, and shop for great items at affordable prices. We receive new donations weekly, so you never know what treasures you will find.
Everyone is still required to wear a face mask and practice social distancing. Hand sanitizer will also be available when you enter the store.
The Thrift Store is in need of volunteers to assist with many tasks including: sorting, organizing, and pricing. Are you interested in volunteering? You can sign up by clicking on this link.
Ozanam Orientation Announcement
Save the Date! We are excited to announce that the next Ozanam Orientation will be
in-person on June 19, 2021.
Ozanam Orientations are designed to set up our new Vincentians for success and re-energize those Vincentians who have already served. All new Vincentians are asked to attend an Ozanam Orientation within their first year in ministry; current Vincentians should attend an Ozanam refresher every 3-5 years.
More information about where the event will be held and about registration are coming soon!
The National Council is excited to announce that they will be holding the 2021 National Assembly as a live event, with a hybrid component. More information will be coming soon, but please SAVE THE DATE: August 25- 29, 2021 in Houston, Texas.
New Volunteer Opportunities
You can make a difference by sharing your time and talents. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Austin has new volunteer opportunities available in the Thrift Store, Client Services, and Council Office. We now have a new and easy way for you to sign up. Visit the volunteer page on, complete the form, and submit it. You will be contacted by a Council staff member.
Ready to volunteer? Click on this link to sign up!
Gospel Reading: (John 15: 26-27; 16:12-15)
Jesus said to his disciples: “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me. And you also testify because you have been with me from the beginning. I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.”
Vincentian Reflection:
Jesus tells us that he is sending the Spirit to us. The Spirit is the Word speaking to us in a most profound way because he dwells with us and guides us to all truth. This Spirit is all we need, provided we allow the Spirit to speak through us and not turn God’s word into our word. Openness to the Spirit within is our guarantee that what we speak as disciples is spoken in Jesus’ name. This Pentecost commemoration isn’t simply recalling a past event but celebrating what God is doing with us now. In baptism each of us received the Spirit; that was our Pentecost. The Spirit dwells within us so we can be faithful and true disciples. The indwelling of the Spirit is a continual Pentecost! (Living Liturgy, p.144)
Vincentian Meditation:
While at times one can hear the Spirit speak even in a noisy crowd, it is often only in silence that one hears the deepest voice, that one plumbs the depth of meaning. It is only when what is heard is pondered, that its full meaning is revealed. The quest for truth, therefore, involves prayerfulness and reflectiveness. Jesus turned to his Father again and again in prayer to listen to him and to seek his will. Prayer is then surely one of the privileged ways of listening. But it must always be validated by life. One who listens to “what the Spirit is telling me” in prayer, but who pays little heed to what others are saying in daily life is surely suspect. Prayer must be in contact with people and events, since God speaks not only in the silence of our hearts, but also (and often first of all) in the people around us. (Maloney, The Way of Vincent de Paul, p.24)
How have you listened to the Holy Spirit through people and events?
We will offer them up in prayer weekly.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing. However, people are required to follow federal, state, local rules and regulations, including local businesses and workplace guidance.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Austin will still require staff and volunteers to wear a face mask at the Vincentian Family Center. This policy will be evaluated weekly to determine if adjustments need to be made.
National Gazette Questions and Answers
Q: Is there is any guidance in the Rule or Manual about a Conference using an annual budget? If not, is it worthwhile pursuing?
A: The Rule does not address budgeting. There are a couple of statements on page 26 of the Manual under "Funds of the Conference" that apply. "The Society has held from the beginning that the funds donated to the Conference belong to the poor" and "Donations to Conferences ... are meant to address today's needs." Generally speaking, a Conference is expected to spend all of its funds for the purposes of the Society (primarily for assisting those in need). The normal Conference has no need to establish a budget unless it has fixed expenses. For example, some Conferences operate stores and, therefore, have a need to establish a budget for that operation. Some Conferences are expected by their parish to contribute to parish utilities or rent the space they use in the parish. Those are budget-worthy items. However, a normal Conference would have no need to budget set amounts for food, rent, utilities, medical, transportation, etc. A budget like that tends to turn people away rather than help them. Setting spending limits per person/family, however, are fine. The best bet is for the Conference to treat each case on its own merit and spend its funds as each need comes up.
Preguntas y Respuestas de la
Oficina Nacional
P: ¿Existe alguna orientación en la Regla o el Manual sobre una Conferencia que utilice un presupuesto anual? Si no es así, ¿merece la pena continuar?
R: La Regla no se ocupa de la presupuestación. Hay un par de declaraciones en la página 26 del Manual bajo "Fondos de la Conferencia" que se aplican. " La Sociedad ha mantenido desde su comienzo que los fondos donados a las conferencias pertenecen a los pobres" y "Donaciones a la Conferencia... su intención es enfrentar las necesidades presentes." En términos generales, se espera que una Conferencia gaste todos sus fondos para los propósitos de la Sociedad (principalmente para ayudar a la gente con necesidades). La Conferencia normal no necesita establecer un presupuesto a menos que tenga gastos fijos. Por ejemplo, algunas Conferencias operan tiendas y, por lo tanto, tienen la necesidad de establecer un presupuesto para esa operación. Algunas parroquias esperan que la Conferencia contribuya a los servicios públicos de la parroquia o alquilen el espacio que usan en la parroquia. Esos son artículos que merecen un presupuesto. Sin embargo, una Conferencia normal no tendría necesidad de presupuestar cantidades fijas para alimentos, alquiler, servicios públicos, servicios médicos, transporte, etc. Un presupuesto como ese tiende a alejar a las personas en lugar de ayudarlas. Sin embargo, está bien establecer límites de gasto por persona/familia. Lo mejor es que la Conferencia trate cada caso por sus propios méritos y gaste sus fondos a medida que surja cada necesidad.
Partner Programs
An easy and free way to support the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to join our partner programs. Sign up for one or both of the programs, and our partner agencies will donate a portion of their proceeds from your purchases to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. You can find more information by clicking this link.
Council Office:
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm
Client Services:
Tuesday - Friday
9:00am - 12:00pm
Food Pantry:
9:00am - 12:00pm
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Thursday - Saturday
10:00am - 5:00pm
Contact Us:
Rick Bologna, Stores Director,