Vincentian Community News
"Love, following in the footsteps of Christ, in concern and compassion for all, is the highest expression of our faith and hope."
–Pope Francis
Meet our neighbor Mariam who supports three of her grandchildren on her disability check. While fighting to regain canceled SSDI for a grandson suffering ADHD and autism, she struggled financially due to the loss of those funds. When her gas was disconnected, she called the St. Vincent de Paul St. John Neumann Conference for help. Two SVdP Vincentians pledged for the amount owed and scheduled a re-connection time. Vincentians prayed with Mariam for her and her family.
Thanks to the St. John Neumann Conference for sharing this story. If your Conference would like to share a story, send it to Kanobia Blackmon, the Director of Development and Marketing, at
2021 Friends of the Poor Walk
The Diocesan Council of Austin will host a Friends of the Poor Walk on Sunday, October 31, 2021 at 9:00am at the Vincentian Family Center. This annual event raises awareness of the challenges faced by our neighbors in need. The walk is a unique opportunity to engage the youth, fellow parishioners, families, and groups.
The Diocesan Council needs three to five volunteers to help organize this year's event. Please share your talents to bring together Catholics in Central Texas for a couple of hours of service, spirituality, and fun. To learn more about this event and this volunteer opportunity, email Andy Vasquez, Voice of the Poor Chair, at or Janie Alonzo, President of the Board of the Directors, at
City of Austin RENT Assistance Program
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is partnering with the City of Austin and the Housing Authority to assist eligible Austin residents, impacted by COVID-19, with applying for rental assistance through the Relief of Emergency Needs for Tenants (RENT) Assistance Program. The RENT Application Portal is now open and will remain open through December 2021 or until funds are spent.
Applicants are welcome to use our computer lab at the Vincentian Family Center
Tuesday - Friday from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Mondays are by appointment only. Email We will assist applicants with creating an account, completing the online application, and uploading the required documents.
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store is open Thursday - Saturday from 10:00am - 5:00pm. You are invited to come, explore, and shop for great items at affordable prices. We receive new donations weekly, so you never know what treasures you will find.
The huge 4th of July sale happens this weekend! All furniture pieces are 25% off the ticketed price. Lamps are just $6.00 each. You will also find amazing savings during the Christmas in July sale.
Per the CDC guidelines, masks are optional for fully vaccinated people. However, we still encourage guests, volunteers, and staff to practice social distancing. Hand sanitizer will still be available when you enter the store.
The Thrift Store is in need of volunteers to serve as greeters, cashiers, donation sorters, taggers, and to assist customers in various departments. Are you interested in volunteering? You can sign up by clicking on this link.
New Volunteer Opportunities
You can make a difference by sharing your time and talents. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Austin has new volunteer opportunities available in the Thrift Store, Client Services, and Council Office. We now have a new and easy way for you to sign up. Visit the volunteer page on, complete the form, and submit it. You will be contacted by a Council staff member.
Ready to volunteer? Click on this link to sign up!
Register now for the 2021 National Assembly! The event will be held August 25-28 in Houston, Texas. The keynote speakers are Dr. Jaime Waters, Bishop Donald Hying, and Father Dennis Holtschneider.
Here's a glance of the schedule:
Tuesday, August 24 – 3:00 p.m. Registration Opens for Early Arrivals & Exhibitor Set-up
Wednesday, August 25 – Disaster Preparedness Workshop, National Stores & Executive Director Meetings, Exhibitor Showcase Open, and Welcome Reception
Thursday, August 26 – Workshops, Exhibits Open, National Committee Meetings, Presidential Welcome & Keynote Address, and Host City Event
Friday, August 27 – Spiritual Retreat, Workshops, Regional Meetings, Exhibits Open Until 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 28 – General Session Presentation, National Business Meeting, Workshops, Vigil Mass, and Closing Dinner Banquet
For more information about the Assembly and to register, click here.
Happy Fourth of July from all of us at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Austin! We hope you have a wonderful, safe weekend and enjoy spending time with your family and friends.
The Diocesan Council Office will be closed on Monday, July 5th in observance of the Independence Day Holiday. Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, July 6th.
God, source of all freedom,
this day is bright with the memory
of those who declared that
life and liberty are your gift
to every human being.
Help us to continue a good work
begun long ago.
Make our vision clear and
our will strong:
that only in human solidarity will
we find liberty,
and justice only in the honor that
belongs to every life on earth.
Turn our hearts toward the family
of nations:
to understand the ways of others,
to offer friendship,
and to find safety only in the
common good of all.
We ask this through
Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC.
All rights reserved.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 4, 2021
Gospel Reading: (Mark 6: 1-6)
Jesus went to his own part of the country followed by his disciples. When the Sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue in a way that kept his audience amazed. They said: “Where did he get all this? What kind of wisdom is he endowed with? How is it that such miraculous deeds are accomplished by his hands? Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, a brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon. Aren’t his sisters our neighbors here?” They found him too much for them. Jesus’ response to all this was: “No prophet is without honor except in his native place, among his own kindred, and in his own house.” He could work no miracle there, apart from curing a few who were sick by laying hands on them, so much did their lack of faith distress him. He made the rounds of the neighboring villages instead, and spent his time teaching.
Vincentian Reflection:
“Where did this man get all this?” They saw but they didn’t believe. The challenge of this gospel is to look beyond our own knowledge of others preconditioned by what we think we know about them and listen to them, allow them to teach us about God and how to be faith-filled disciples. God does not very often visit us in the unusual and spectacular, hitting us over the head so that we don’t miss God’s message of salvation. Most often God visits us in the ordinary circumstances of our own lives through ordinary people we meet who are faithful as Jesus was to their own mission to make known the gospel. It is too easy to dismiss the events of this gospel reading as past history. After all, we like to think, if we had been there and seen those mighty deeds, we would have believed. Really?
(Living Liturgy, p.168)
Vincentian Meditation:
Had we but eyes of faith, we would see that each day we are being surprised by joy. We have come to take so much that is good in life for granted. Is not your call to serve the poor a surprise, seeing that so many others are so imprisoned in themselves that their hearts remain untouched by the sufferings of the poor whom you are serving? Your unselfish service of the poor is for the poor themselves a surprise.
(McCullen, Deep Down Things, p. 378)
We will offer them up in prayer weekly.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing. However, people are required to follow federal, state, local rules and regulations, including local businesses and workplace guidance. If you have not been vaccinated, you are encouraged to do so.
National Gazette Questions and Answers
Q: I am struggling with a decision made by our Conference. I disagree with it. How do I deal with this?
A: Members make Conference decisions as a whole through either consensus or vote. Once the decision is made, all members must abide by the decision whether they agree with it or not. The Rule. Part III Statute 16 states, “To ensure democracy in the Society decisions are often made by consensus. Consensus decision-making requires that everyone agree with a decision, not just a majority as occurs in majority-rule processes. In consensus-based processes people must work together to develop an agreement that is good enough, though not necessarily perfect. In rare circumstances, if consensus cannot be reached the decision may be put to a vote.
All decisions made by a Conference or Council must be made consistent with the Rule and Statutes of the Society, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and governance policies of the Society.”
Preguntas y Respuestas de la
Oficina Nacional
P: No estoy de acuerdo con una decisión tomada por nuestra Conferencia. ¿Qué hago?
R: Los miembros toman las decisiones de la Conferencia en su conjunto por consenso o votación. Una vez que se toma la decisión, todos los miembros deben acatar la decisión, estén de acuerdo o no. La Regla, Parte III Estatuto 16 dice: “Para asegurar la democracia en la Sociedad, las decisiones son a menudo hechas por consenso. Hacer decisiones por consenso requiere que todos estén de acuerdo en una decisión, no solamente una mayoría como ocurre en los procesos de decisión por mayoría. En procesos basados en el consenso, las personas tienen que trabajar unidos para desarrollar un acuerdo que sea suficientemente bueno, aunque no necesariamente perfecto. En raras circunstancias, si el consenso no se puede alcanzar, la decisión puede someterse a voto.
“Todas las decisiones hechas por la Conferencia o Consejo deben ser hechas consistentes con la Regla y los Reglamentos de la Sociedad, Artículos de Incorporación, Estatutos y con los procedimientos de gobierno de la Sociedad.”
Partner Programs
An easy and free way to support the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to join our partner programs. Sign up for one or both of the programs, and our partner agencies will donate a portion of their proceeds from your purchases to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. You can find more information by clicking this link.
Council Office:
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm
Client Services:
Tuesday - Friday
9:00am - 12:00pm
Food Pantry:
9:00am - 12:00pm
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Thursday - Saturday
10:00am - 5:00pm
Contact Us:
Rick Bologna, Stores Director,