Vincentian Community News
"Let us bring an outlook of hope to our world. Let us bring it with tenderness to the poor, without judging them. For there, with them, is Jesus; because there, in them, is Jesus, who awaits us. ”
–Pope Francis
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Austin is excited to participate in #iGiveCatholic on #GivingTuesday, November 30, 2021. #iGiveCatholic is a Giving Day for the faithful to come together and raise as many charitable dollars as possible for Catholic ministries, parishes, and schools. Advanced giving runs from November 15, 2021 through November 29. We invite you to visit our profile page by clicking on the link or using the QR code. We encourage you to spread the word to your family, friends and network. Please spread the word to your family, friends, and network!
Annual Reports:
A Message from the National President
National President, Ralph Middlecamp, addressed the importance of annual reports in this letter to Vincentians.
"Last week, with the help of our national office staff, I filed our National Council Annual Report with the Council General International in Paris. Yes, I have to file an annual report, just as our Councils and Conferences are required to do. I know we all like to complain about these reports, but — collected from every Conference and Council across the world – they paint the picture of the worldwide network of charity envisioned by Blessed Frederic Ozanam. It is important for us to make the effort to document and share our activity." Read more here..
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store will have a huge Black Friday sale next weekend. The sale is so big, the hours have been extended just to give you extra time to shop. Items throughout the store will be up to 75% off. The Thrift Store will be open on Black Friday and Saturday from 9:00am - 5:00pm.
In preparation for the huge Black Friday sale, the Thrift Store will be closed on Wednesday, November 24 and on Thanksgiving Day!
We are taking every precaution to ensure your safety and to stop the spread of COVID-19. Everyone is required to wear a face mask and practice social distancing in the Thrift Store. Hand sanitizer is also available when you enter the store.
SVDP Online Thrift Store!
The St. Vincent de Paul Online Thrift Store is always open. The new website offers one of kind treasures that will only be available online! Visit and check out the unique treasures that are available now! Purchases made online must be picked up at the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store.
Benefit Day at Ten Thousand Villages
Save the Date! Ten Thousand Villages will hold a Benefit Shopping Day for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 from 11:00am - 7:00pm. 15% of sales from the day will go to the Society to support our programs and services for those in need.
You can help by volunteering to monitor the table at the store and by spreading the word to family and friends. For more information, contact Kanobia Blackmon at
Ozanam Orientation Announcement!
The next Ozanam Orientation is scheduled for Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 9:00am - 2:30pm. This will be a virtual event.
Ozanam Orientations are designed to set up our new Vincentians for success and re-energize those Vincentians who have already served. All new Vincentians are asked to attend an Ozanam Orientation within their first year in ministry; current Vincentians should attend an Ozanam refresher every 3-5 years.
To register, click on this link.
COVID-19 Stage 3 Risk Guidelines
Austin-Travis County is in Stage 3 of the risk-based guidelines. According to Austin health officials, COVID-19 cases and hospital admissions have decreased. Vaccinated and unvaccinated people should take precaution at private indoor gatherings and outdoor gatherings. You are still urged to wear a mask and social distance.
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
November 21, 2021
Gospel Reading: (John 18:33-37)
Pilate said to Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this on your own or have others told you about me?” Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.” So Pilate said to him, “Then you are a King?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a King. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
Vincentian Reflection:
Living the paschal mystery means that we see the victorious Christ even in the everyday trials and difficulties that we face. Living the paschal mystery means that we are ever faithful to the rhythm of dying and rising as it unfolds every day—in our prayer, work, leisure. Living the paschal mystery means that we are mediators for those whom we meet—that we are the body of Christ leading others to holier and happier lives. If someone should then ask us, “What have you done?” our answer would come quickly and surely—we have served our King. (Living Liturgy, p. 250)
Vincentian Meditation:
As you serve Christ your King, be an open door that is fully open to others, especially the poor. Be an open door to the members in your Conference, that is, be honest, truthful and simple in your relationships with one another. Be an open door to all: allow people to use you, to pass through you. Allow people to take you for granted. Be an open door by being humble. An open door does not discriminate, allowing some to pass and some not. Open the door of your heart widely to those who claim a little more understanding from you. Open the door of your heart so widely that you can belong to the truth and listen to the voice of Jesus. (McCullen, Deep Down Things, p.113)
How can you become more of an “open door”?
We will offer them up in prayer weekly.
National Gazette Questions and Answers
Q: Conference Bylaws, Document 1, indicates Conferences should meet at least twice a month. The standardized Conference and Annual Reports have a possible meeting time of once a month. Please confirm, or not, that if a Conference meets once a month they are not in compliance with the standardized Bylaws, document 1? Also, if a Conference meets less than once a month, what should be the selection for on the Annual Report, “Other?”
A: “Monthly” and “Other” are on the Annual Report for Conferences to be honest in when they meet. However, the Rule (Part III, Statute 5) is also emphasized in the bylaws. It is up to the Conference to be compliant with the Rule. It is the responsibility of the Conference President to ensure this. It is the responsibility of the District Council to ensure that all Conferences are compliant with the Rule. Any action related to bringing the Conferences into compliance must be initiated by the Conference President and the District Council. If this is ignored by the Conference President and the District Council, then the Conference, the Conference President, and the District Council are all non-compliant with the Rule. In that case, upper Councils must take action when they know this condition exists. Refusal to be compliant with the Rule is grounds for removal from the Society.
Preguntas y Respuestas de la
Oficina Nacional
P: Los Estatutos de la Conferencia, Documento 1, indica que la Conferencia debe reunirse al menos dos veces al mes. La Conferencia estandarizada y los Informes Anuales tienen un tiempo de reunión posible de una vez al mes. Por favor confirme, o no, que si una Conferencia se reúne una vez al mes, no cumplen con los Estatutos estandarizados, documento 1. Además, si una Conferencia se reúne menos de una vez al mes, ¿qué debería ser la selección en el Informe Anual, cuando una Conferencia se reúne menos de una vez al mes? ¿Pondría “Otro” en los formularios?
R: “Mensual” y “Otro” están en el informe anual de las Conferencias para ser honestos en cuando se reúnan. Sin embargo, la Regla (Parte III, Estatuto 5) también se enfatiza en los estatutos. Depende de la Conferencia cumplir con la Regla. Es responsabilidad del presidente de la Conferencia garantizar esto. Es responsabilidad del Consejo de Distrito asegurarse de que todas las Conferencias cumplan con la Regla. Cualquier acción relacionada con el cumplimiento de las Conferencias debe ser iniciada por el presidente de la Conferencia y el Consejo Distrito. Si esto es ignorado por el presidente de la Conferencia y el Consejo de Distrito, entonces la Conferencia, el presidente de la Conferencia y el Consejo de Distrito no cumplen con la regla. En ese caso, los Consejos superiores deben actuar cuando saben que existe esta condición. Negarse a cumplir con la Regla es motivo de expulsión de la Sociedad.
You can make a difference by sharing your time and talents. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Austin has new volunteer opportunities available in the Thrift Store, Client Services, and Council Office. We now have a new and easy way for you to sign up. Visit the volunteer page on, complete the form, and submit it. You will be contacted by a Council staff member.
Ready to volunteer? Click on this link to sign up!
Is your car gobbling up your wallet with costly repairs? Let it go and donate it to the Society of St. Vincent de Pau. We make donating your car, truck, motorcycle, or boat easy. Call 1-800-317-SVDP (7837) or visit The process is free and easy!
Partner Programs
An easy and free way to support the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to join our partner programs. Sign up for one or both of the programs, and our partner agencies will donate a portion of their proceeds from your purchases to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. You can find more information by clicking this link.
Day Before Thanksgiving
November 24, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Closed
November 25, 2021
Council Office Closed
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Closed
Client Services Closed
Black Friday
November 26, 2021
SVdP Thrift Store Open
9:00am - 5:00pm
Council Office Closed
Client Services Center Closed
November 27, 2021
SVdP Thrift Store Open
9:00am - 5:00pm
SVdP Food Pantry Open
9:00am - 12:00pm
November 25, 2021
Black Friday
November 26, 2021
#iGiveCatholic - Giving Tuesday
November 30, 2021
Benefit Shopping Day at Ten Thousand Villages
December 8, 2021
11:00am - 7:00pm
VIEWS Committee Meeting
December 11, 2021
10:00am - 11:00am
Ozanam Orientation
December 11, 2021
9:00am - 2:30pm
Location: TBA
Council Office:
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm
Client Services:
Tuesday - Friday
9:00am - 12:00pm
Food Pantry:
9:00am - 12:00pm
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Wednesday - Saturday
10:00am - 5:00pm
Contact Us:
Rick Bologna, Stores Director,
*Deadline submission for the eNews is Wednesday at noon.