Special Edition: April 3, 2024

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It's almost time for our MES Dolphins to take the field for


MES Field Day is always one of the best days of the year - a day for all of our students to get outside and enjoy a full day of sun, fun, and friendly competition! Coach Corso and the Field Day Committee have been hard at work pulling together ambitious plans for the day, so please read on for all the details you need to know about MES Field Day 2024!


When: Friday, April 19th during normal school hours

Where: Throughout the MES campus!


All parents are invited and welcome to come cheer on our Dolphins throughout the day, so please make a plan to join us! Note that while we are (of course) hoping that it doesn't rain, but just in case, our rain date will be on Monday, April 22nd. We will let you know via email if we need to make this change.

What Will Students Be Doing on Field Day? 

During Field Day, all students will rotate with their classes and grade levels through three activity stations as well as lunch:

  • Zone 1 (in the gym and on the turf field): Super Hero-themed field games like Hulk's Tug-of-War, Thor's Potato Sack Races, and Wolverine's Wheelbarrow Race
  • Zone 2 (in the MES auditorium): Dance Party/Contest
  • Zone 3 (in the amphitheater): Super Hero-themed art project, popsicles, and a special surprise activity!

You can learn more about our fun plans for the day, including the class rotation schedule, in this helpful MES Field Day Guide that Coach Corso has prepared. If you would like to come cheer on your students during Field Day, we recommend coming while your students' class is in one of the two outdoor stations (Zones 1 and 3).

What Will My Students Need for Field Day? 

Because active participation is strongly encouraged, ALL MES students should plan to wear athletic clothing and t-shirts for Field Day. Students will be outside for most of the day, so please be sure to have them wear sunscreen and bring their water bottles and morning snacks.

NOTE: Unlike in recent year, we will *not* be assigning each class their own color for the day this year. In order to highlight that we are ONE Morningside where EVERYONE belongs, we are instead asking for students to wear either MES spirit wear or our school colors of green and blue. Super hero tees are also encouraged!

Sounds Fun! How Can I Help? 

As you can imagine, pulling off an event of this size requires a lot of volunteer support. Please consider signing up to volunteer during Field Day via the button below, which will take you to this SignUp Genius.

As of Sunday, March 31st, we are still looking for a bit more help in the following areas:

  • Volunteer Check-In and Floaters:
  • 10am - 12:15pm time slot - 2 slots still open
  • 12pm - 2:15pm time slot - All 3 slots still open
  • Zone 1 (Gym/Field Super Hero Activities):
  • 4th and 5th grades [10am - 12:15pm] - 3 slots still open
  • 2nd and 3rd grades [12pm - 2:15pm] - 6 slots still open
  • Zone 2 (Auditorium Dance Party):
  • 4th and 5th grades [8am - 10:15am] - 1 slot still open
  • K and 1at grades [12pm - 2:15pm] - 1 slot still open
  • Break Down [2:15 - 3:15pm] - All 6 slots still open!

Want to learn more about what volunteering will entail? Coach Corso has laid it all out in the MES Field Day Guide!

For more information on Field Day, please visit the Field Day website or contact Matt Fox.