Happy 2023 my beautiful soul sisters and brothers,
I'm sitting here speechless!
Is that a possibility?
My morning New Year conversation with my husband.
Me: "What do you want for your new year?"
Husband: "I don't know never thought about it."
Me: "OK let me put it in different words. What do you
want to create in the new year?"
Husband: "I don't know."
Me: "What are your dreams and desires?
Where do you want to travel, do, see?"
Husband: "We don't have money to do anything."
Me: "Well, if you believe this, then it is your reality.
What if you could take yourself out of the little box
that you put yourself in and discovered that life awaits you!"
Husband: "Huh?"
Me: "If wealth is what you want you need to create it.
We are not fated to be poor and struggling all the time.
We have the power to create a destiny filled with abundance!"
Husband: "Ya whatever."
Me: "Sigh"
Husband: "I need to get up."
so it was...
We are a couple that have opposite beliefs, separate feelings
and emotions.
I believe that the world is beautiful and limitless.
My husband believes that we have to struggle and life is hard.
We don't always have to agree on everything.
But I want to remind you that if you share a life with someone with
similar sentiments then...
It is not your job to change
or persuade the other to share your opinions in life.
You simply need to respect their reality.
Keep your power,
I've been working on a new mantra and it goes like this:
"As I take care of my needs first,
I can easily take care of the needs of my family,
and my business."
and so,
I got up out of bed
shook off my husband's attitude about life,
and said to self:
"Self, this is not your reality,
breathe through it and release it!"
I sat with an inhale saying quietly to myself
"I am"
and exhaling
"my breath".
Happy New Year Everyone!
My Musings & Ponderings
🦋 The Evolution of My New Years
When I was a young adult I put a lot of weight on my
expectations about New Years Eve and Day.
I would plan to participate at the biggest party I could attend
with my friends. My "good time" was rated by how drunk
I could get and to meet some cute guy.
All my New Year resolutions were met with a severe stomach
and head aches. Leaving me sick for days after the event.
If I wrote any goals down, it resulted in a waste of time.
Then I got a little older...
The parties ceased and the list of yearly goals got very long.
After a couple of months of committing myself to the gym,
diets and getting better jobs they eventually dissolved into the abyss.
I would feel so much shame from failing to achieve any of
the items on my list.
Then I stopped...
I stopped thinking that New Years was a special day,
I stopped setting goals,
I stopped wishing others a happy new year,
We stopped getting together as a family for dinners,
Everything stopped!
Don't feel bad because...
Something magical happened instead!
I awakened to the rhythms of Mother Earth;
the seasons, the equinoxes, the solstices and the moons.
These are the magical gems of ebb and flow through space and time.
I choose not to squeeze every wish into a tiny window of time.
I spend the winter months planting seeds of my becoming
and sit patiently to watch what will sprout come the spring equinox.
The New Year is simply a change in the way we now write our date.
Increasing one digit at a time.
The true magic lies in the seeds that you sow.
The seasons guide your seeds to blossom to beautiful creations.
This is where the mystery of life exists!
🦋 My Gratitude Expands
My nightly bedtime ritual goes like this:
I get all comfy in bed,
Take several deep breaths,
I ask myself the question: How did you serve today Carole?
I reflect on all the actions I took throughout the day
and list them in my head.
I look at how did I serve others,
and how did I serve myself.
I ask myself are these two in balance?
If not, why not?
Did I put the needs of others before mine?
Were my boundaries compromised?
Was there any guilt or shame for taking care of myself first?
What lesson can I learn from the day?
Then I keep the best for last.
I reflect what I am grateful for.
And it doesn't matter how small or how big the gratitude
is for in the eyes of the Divine it is all GREAT!
I fill my heart with love,
and fall fast asleep.