Know what’s happening in 2021.
First Quarter, 2021
In the Know

Letter from the Chair

Dear IAEE DC Members and the DC area events industry,


Welcome to 2021. Spring is here, and the Board of Directors is looking forward to presenting a calendar chock full of opportunities for DC Chapter Members and event professionals to engage with their peers, learn from event experts, and get involved in our community service programs to help others in need.






Events Calendar:


Be sure to attend these upcoming events:


Friday, April 9, Virtual Event, 1pm – 2pm ET:

  • Hybrid Events - Using Data to Develop Creative and Successful Solutions for Exhibitors & Sponsors
  • Speakers: John McGeary, SVP, Business Development & Brand Strategy, National Association of Home Builders; Kari Rice, Quirks Event Planner - Federal Conference and Alyssa Peltier, Senior Manager, Industry Marketing - Cvent
  • Moderator: Simon T. Bailey, motivational speaker and 30+ year veteran in the hospitality industry, including former sales director for the Disney Institute

Friday, May 14, Virtual Event, 1:00pm – 2:00 pm ET:

  • Attendee Safety: Testing, Temperature Checks, Social Distancing, and Compliance
  • Moderator: Walt Galanty, President, AIM Meetings and Events
  • Panelists: Adam Hall, President, Nervanix and Scott Harvey, Vice-President, Representing Inspire Health Alliance and Unisys

Monday, April 5 – Thursday, April 8:

  • Virtual 2021 Global Meeting Industry Day: The 2021 Global Meeting Industry Day events will be held virtually including our Hill Week Virtual Visits to lawmakers and their staff.

Go to IAEE DC Chapter Events for more information and to register.


Past Events:


If you missed the previous action-packed lunch & learn sessions, have no fear! You can still watch the recorded sessions and download the key takeaways and presentations. If you attended, watch the presentation again and download the content to help you plan, budget, and implement your next in-person, hybrid, or virtual event! Click here to access recordings and materials.


January 2021:

A Quick Look Back to Move Forward with Your Virtual Expo in 2021


February 2021:

Going Onsite in 2021: Budget & Contract Implications


March 2021:

Navigating the Evolving B2B Exhibitions Industry: Where We Are Today, Considerations for 2021 and What’s Next for 2022


Results Corner

brought to you by mdg, A Freeman Company


When it comes to hosting a live event, preparations look a lot different than they used to. We’ve seen what works—and what doesn’t—over the past few months. Using those learnings, we recommend associations implement these tips for a successful experience.


  1. Keep your website updated with health and safety guidelines. Everyone’s thinking about safety, so answer their questions up front using a dedicated FAQ page, along with contact information for questions.
  2. Be transparent about changes along the way. People don’t like to be surprised, especially now. If or when your organization makes a change that inform attendees, communicate them to your audience.
  3. Let attendees know what they can expect on site. To support your health and safety guidelines, include a code of conduct during registration to update attendees before they arrive.
  4. Monitor comfort levels to speak directly to issues. Stay tuned to what people are talking about using social listening and Google searches. You may also consider sending a survey to gauge the current sentiment.
  5. Have a PR/communications plan prepared to handle naysayers. Tough questions are going come your way. Create and refine talking points—with some help from your legal team—to clearly communicate your event message.

Community Service

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month.


IAEE DC Chapter Chair has selected the Michael J. Fox Foundation as our national charity recipient, chosen to honor the memory of the IAEE DC Chapter Chair’s father, John Jarvis, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s approximately 10 years before his passing in 2021.


Donna and Dad

Michael J. Fox Research Foundation funds necessary research to end this terrible disease, with 88 cents of every dollar going directly to fund science and research efforts. Please consider donating to this wonderful organization when you register for any chapter event.

Chapter and Industry News

Phil Saims


Member Highlights:


Phil Saims recognized as the 2020 Chairperson’s Award Recipient

“Without Phil’s leadership and willingness to help, the past year and my legacy would have been a far different story. There was not anyone more deserving of this award than Phil. I am so grateful to him for everything he provided to the IAEE DC Chapter, our Board, and me personally, and I am truly honored to call him my friend. Please congratulate Phil on the Chairperson’s Award for 2020!" – Paula Herz, CEM, 2020 IAEE DC Chapter Chair.

Jim Kelly


IAEE Member Spotlight

Learn more about IAEE DC Chapter’s member, Jim Kelly, Vice President of Marketing & Industry Relations at Fern, in the recent IAEE Member Spotlight.

Board of Directors


Your DC Chapter Board of Directors has been hard at work developing education programming and networking opportunities for our members and event professionals in the DC area. If you would like to get involved in the Chapter and volunteer to help in one or more of the committees, complete the volunteer interest form.


Meet the 2021 IAEE DC Chapter Board of Directors



Industry News:


IAEE has partnered with Fern in a specialized program for IAEE chapters that targets topics each chapter finds most relevant to its members. Read more about the speakers and topics here.


Thank you to our Sponsors


Newsletter sponsor






Virtual platform sponsor



Your company logo could be HERE


Reaching thousands of event organizers in the DC metro area every quarter


Check out the video on IAEE DC Chapter’s sponsorship opportunities to learn more about this and other sponsorship opportunities to build your company brand awareness and generate leads.

Connect with our chapter!
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IAEE DC Chapter • PO Box 253 • Ashburn, VA 20146 • (888) 919-4677

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