Our Continuation products can provide your clients with permanent protection for the cost of a term product.

  Americo's Continuation products work just like our Term 125 product, but at the end of the initial term period, the death benefit will be decreased to 10% or 25% of the initial death benefit for the life of the insured's policy.

  • Two product options: Continuation 10 and Continuation 25
  • Protection against replacement
  • Instant Decisions are available with the Agent Tools eApplication
  • A more complete sale
  • All sales count towards qualifications for a UFirst Cash Bonus. Earn an additional 25% credit on Continuation 25 business. See Cash Bonus qualifications for details.

Check out the Continuation Product Flyer for more information on how these products work. 

Want to know more about our Continuation products? Join us tomorrow, March 10, 2023, at 11 am ET / 10 am CT / 9 am MT / 8 am PT for product training covering sales ideas and concepts. 


Webinar Number: 2455 314 4584  l  Password: Training1

  *Register and use the link in your confirmation email to join the training. Or you can go to Americo.WebEx.com and enter the meeting number and password above when the meeting starts.

Earn a $1,000 cash bonus when you use Agent Tools eApplication to write Term and UL products until the end of March!

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