Volume 9 Issue 3 March 2022
A monthly newsletter published by MKSA LLC
CDC and AAP Change Developmental Milestones
For the first time in decades, the developmental milestones checklist for infants and young children has changed to make it easier to identify delays that could signal autism or other social-communication disabilities. Updates raised the percentage of children meeting certain milestones from 50 to 75 percent. Read more here.
Do You Read to Your Child?
Reading to children is important for many reasons. It has cognitive benefits: It strengthens the part of the brain associated with visual imagery and word meaning. Reading also strengthens children's social, emotional and character development. Reading to babies help build bonds and vocabulary. And by just reading pictures, illustrations are visual clues that can help children build their vocabulary. Specific to children with special needs, looking at faces and body language in a story, helps them learn about nonverbal cues of communication. With a vast assortment of books from which to choose, we are sharing a wonderful list of 100 Books Every Child Should Hear Before Kindergarten. Happy reading!
SIDS Risk Factors
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death of a healthy baby under a year old. This usually occurs during sleep, hence the term 'crib death.' While there are physical and sleep environment risk factors, other factors may also increase a baby's risk, such as sex, age, secondhand smoke and prematurity. Click here to learn more and read about prevention tips.
What are YOU reading?
Our list of recommended books continues with a theme of spring time for children:
- A Little Book About Spring by Leo Lionni and Julie Hamilton
-Worm Weather by Jean Taft
-Spring is Here by Will Hillenbrand
March is...
National Nutrition Month, National Celery Month and National Craft Month. In honor of healthy eating, grab a stalk or two of celery and plan your next homemade creation. Enjoy.
We're very social!
We are enjoying sharing on social media and we value all of our friends and followers. If you don't already follow us, we hope you will! We welcome your input and feedback and look forward to seeing you!
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