Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Passaic County’s DMHAS continues outreach to the County Senior Sites for outreach and supports within mental health and substance use. Monthly visits are conducted currently at Passaic County’s Senior Center in Totowa and collaboration with other agencies throughout other senior sites. .
Passaic County’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services continues to outreach our County’s Senior Sites to generate discussion and provide education on Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Over the Counter Medication Safety and Suicide Prevention. Our seniors have been visited by our Division’s Health Educator along with other staff to generate discussion and provide education. In addition, Seniors have been given access and information on the County’s Virtual Resource Hub where residents can search for hundreds of community agencies and supports in the County. Our visits have provided Seniors a chance to discuss some challenging topics while learning beneficial information. Moving forward, we are aiming to provide continued supports to our Seniors and offer a chance to discuss one-on-one to provide additional resources and referrals to community supports.
Passaic County’s Hope One Van continues to outreach throughout Passaic County. If you are interested in having the van at a community event or if you have identified a place where the van could be of good support, please contact Erin Short at erinsh@passaiccountynj.org.
Mental Health First Aid
The Division is now offering both Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid Certificate Trainings to the public.

Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 12-18 while Adult Mental Health First Aid covers the challenges faced by adults in the United States.

What Mental Health First Aid Covers:
  • Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges
  • Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges
  • How to interact with persons in crisis
  • How to connect a person with help
  • Expanded content on trauma, substance use and self-care

To learn more about MHFA and YMHFA or to schedule a training for your team, please contact Shannon Ferray at shannonf@passaiccountynj.org
Office of Recovery
Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
IDRC is a court ordered 12-hour and 48-hour program for persons convicted of alcohol or drug-related driving or boating offenses in New Jersey. The IDRC educates, detains, screens, and refers participants. Upon screening, participants may be referred to a substance use treatment provider for further assessment. If treatment is recommended, the IDRC will monitor enrollment in treatment services.

Attendance is mandatory as it is court ordered in lieu of jail, however, jail time cannot be substituted for IDRC participation. The IDRC is responsible for reporting non-compliance to the sentencing court and the New Jersey Intoxicated Driver Program (IDP).

NOTICE: All IDRC classes are being held virtually. Clients must receive a scheduling notice and follow the steps in that notice to register for the virtual program.

Questions about the IDRC program can be directed to: IDRC@passaiccountynj.org or (973) 881-2714.
Children's Interagency Coordination Council
Please see updates from CIACC’s subcommittees:

Community Voice Committee- The Community Voice has been helpful to identify gaps and barriers from experiences that have been reported directly by families on system issues. The CIACC has received the “Promise 2.0 Grant” to promote engagement and have youth and families become more active in the planning process. The council is working on making meetings more accessible through hybrid options, and through printed flyers to post throughout local neighborhoods.
Planning/Education Committee- is committed to partnerships with the School Systems. There is an Annual Conference held in February for both Educators and those in behavioral health. Also, the committee is working toward providing districts with presentations on access to resources within the county.
Racial Equity Committee- Formed to address Racial Inequities within our community. They have created a Commitment Statement to share within their agencies to join us in promoting racial equality starting within our own agencies. The committee have also hosted Youth Forums to directly hear from our youth in the community. A total of four Forums have taken place thus far.
The CIACC is a planning council to advise both the state and the county on any trends/challenges within children’s treatment services, including emotional & behavioral health, substance use, and intellectual developmental disabilities. This is done through the involvement of parents, youth, child serving agencies, and community representatives. The CIACC, through coordination of system partners, also identifies service & resource gaps and priorities for resource development.
If you are interested in learning more about CIACC and our committees please reach out to:

Jenny Vuksic | (973) 225-3193
or visit the Passaic County website
at passaiccountynj.org/ciacc.
Division of Juvenile Administration
The Youth Services Commission (YSC) assists the County in the development of a comprehensive plan for services and sanctions for juveniles adjudicated or charged as delinquent and programs for the prevention of juvenile delinquency as prescribed by the Juvenile Justice Commission. The YSC is the single county agency responsible for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the juvenile justice service system.
Last Quarter Highlights:

  • In collaboration with CUMAC, the Youth Service Commission provided over 220 healthy food boxes to communities and organizations.
  • On December 2, 2022, the Youth Services Commission held it’s 8th annual Youth Service Conference at Passaic Community College in Wanaque. This was the first in person conference post COVID-19.
  • On December 14th, 2022 The Division of Juvenile Administration/Youth Service Commission held an open public meeting for the Restorative Transformative Justice Pilot Program.
  • Our Probation Life Skills Program and our Station House Adjustment programs held graduation ceremonies for their participants.
  • The Evening Reporting Wellness Program held a family night at the brownstone. 
Division of Workforce Development
Last Quarter Highlights:

  • The Workforce Development Board has hired two new employees, Daysi Gonzalez (Policy Coordinator) and Khadijiah Slade (Job Developer) under the umbrella of Passaic County Human Services. 
  • The Workforce Development Board of Passaic County has relocated to 401 Grand Street, Room 506, Paterson, New Jersey 07505.
  • The WDB has participated in several job fairs and community service events over the past few months held by the NJ Courts and the Office of Passaic City Councilman Gary Schaer.
  • On January 10, 2023, the Youth & Education Committee held their first meeting of the year. The committee reported updates with Title II Refugees from Haiti & Afghanistan and how they are doing in the new programs.
  • On February 28, 2023, the In-Demand Industry Council Committee met and discussed having another Career Readiness Event which is part of their Career Readiness Series that works in collaboration with Passaic County Public Schools, Passaic County Community College to educate youth about Apprenticeships that are available as well as other trades. The Committee hosts an apprenticeship week every year partnering with NJ Youth Corps.
  • On March 3, 2023, the Faith-Based & Community Based Committee met and meet quarterly. The committee had a presentation by Massiel Sanabria from McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program. The Faith-Based Committee members participated in an RFP for Restorative Justice Initiative.