JULY 11, 2022



First of all, the person who held the Mechanical Engineer seat on the Code Advisory Committee has resigned which means there now is an open seat for a Mechanical Engineer. There is also an open seat for a Member-at-Large and I believe also for an Architect.

If you fit any of these categories and are interested or if you know anyone who fits any of these categories and is interested please contact Thomas Fessler at 628.652.3721 or Thomas.Fessler@sfgov.org.

These are volunteer positions. The Code Advisory Committee meets once a month for about two hours also there are sub committees which meet once a month. This as an excellent opportunity to do some public service and to contribute to implementing codes.

Watch the June 29 webinar which covered the Enhanced In-House Review Permit Process: https://youtu.be/FffTSaQuZII

There were many people who called in but as the webinar was just for one hour, there were many, including yours truly, who did not get the chance for Q & R. If you have comments or suggestions I suggest your contact Neville Pereira 628.652.3560 or Neville.Pereira@sfgov.org.

Learn more at: sf.gov/DBI.PrePlanCheck.

Henry Karnilowicz


Consulting Design Construction Management

CSL #319153

1019 Howard Street

San Francisco, CA 94103-2806

415.420.8113 cell

415.621.7583 fax


President Emeritus

San Francisco Council of District Merchants Associations


SFPD x Small Business Advisory Forum