Dentist that Accepts Medicare
If you have been looking for a dentist that accepts Medicare in Northeast Ohio, AxessPointe is perfect for you. Our network of skilled dental experts can provide the attentive care you need.

Our Dental Services Include:

Dental Exams
Diagnostic X-rays
Fluoride Treatments
Pediatric Exams
Referrals to Oral Surgeons

AxessPointe Community Health Centers are the best source for doctors and dentists that accept Medicare in Northeast Ohio. Contact AxessPointe today or visit our website to learn more.
AxessPointe will connect you with an  affordable dentist that accepts medicare clinic , providing attentive care for a healthier you. 
AxessPointe Community Health Centers, Inc.
PO Box 7695 / Akron, OH 44306 / P: 888.975.9188 / F: 330.564.9984