VIRGINIA BEACH - Delegate Scott Taylor - former Navy SEAL, Iraq War veteran, author, and entrepreneur - announced today the creation of an exploratory committee for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. Taylor also released a video which can be viewed below.
Taylor stated,
I am only be here before you today, because I stand upon the shoulders of those whom I had the honor and privilege to serve with - better men than me. Happy Veteran's Day.
I understand that many of us Virginians feel like we are running in place, that sometimes we just can't get ahead. We want:
* Security in our jobs, knowing that they still will be there and there will be future job prospects.
* Security in our families that the education our children receive will help catapult them past our own achievements and that our families and religious beliefs will be secure from attack.
* Security for our veterans, that those few who have left these shores repeatedly over the past two wars will be welcomed home and even encouraged to lead purposeful and productive lives.
I believe that we need strong leaders in Virginia who will fight against the governor's and billionaire Bloomberg's gun control agenda.
I believe that we need strong leaders to ensure that Virginia doesn't expand budget-busting Obamacare, because success should be measured by how few Virginians we sign-up for government entitlements as opposed to how many.
I believe that
we need leaders who can bridge the generational gap and who can deliver our conservative message to all Virginians and who have vision for the commonwealth.
We need leaders who have a forward-looking, positive vision for freedom, responsibility, opportunity and growth in the commonwealth.
And that is why today, I am announcing that I will explore a run for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. I'm looking forward to listening to and learning from folks from all around the commonwealth. Let's work together on an agenda for 2017 that appeals to Virginians in every corner of the commonwealth.
If you want to join our team, or learn more about me, or pass on your insights about the future of Virginia, please sign up at Thank you and God bless you.