Eagle Home Inspections

February 2024 | Issue 39

The fungus
among us.

Stopping the mold that winter brings.
Mold is a homeowner's problem all year long, but in winter months,
mold can become even more of an issue.

Snow and rain yield moisture which is then tracked into insulated homes with minimal means of escape. During winter, doors and windows are kept closed resulting in little fresh air turn-over. Warm rooms inside plus cold air outside equals interior condensation.

Mold spores are always present in the air. The warm, moist areas created by increased condensation conditions provide the perfect habitat for mold to proliferate.

Below are some simple do's and don'ts to help minimize mold growth during the winter months.

DO increase air circulation by using exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms and set your ceiling fans to turn clockwise for the winter months.
DO keep your home's humidity level below 45 per cent by using dehumidifiers in damp areas such as basements.
DO wipe down any interior condensation on all windows and on bathroom walls after a shower or bath.
DO clean your bathrooms with mold killing products.
DO inspect windows, exterior-to-interior doorways and skylights as well as hoses, pipes and fittings, particularly in laundry areas and under sinks, and promptly repair any leaks.
DO maintain your roof and gutters and remove any ice and snow build up.
DO hang wet entryway rugs up to dry or replace regularly and if you have carpet up to the door, vacuum regularly and inspect for signs of mold near baseboards or where carpet meets wall.
DON'T install carpets in damp areas such as basements or bathrooms.
DON'T let water accumulate in entryways from wet shoes and don't put wet coats in closets.

One common fungi that's welcome in our home? MUSHROOMS!

Here's an easy to make, absolutely delicious soup recipe that's perfect for this time of year.

Cream of Mushroom Soup
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