Dedicated to Equip
I would like to introduce to you my team member, Pastor Biswas from western Bangladesh. Like me, Pastor Biswas's ministry to make disciples of Jesus is full-time. He is dedicated to equip pastors, church leaders and church members through the CCI ministry. He also, works hard to plant new churches and share the Gospel.
Continue reading below to learn more about Pastor Biswas and to view a few pictures of my current classes.

Pastor Sam
I’m Pastor Biswas from a district located in mid-western Bangladesh, which is a part of the India Subcontinent. I am a CCI Certified Trainer, which means I help start CCI classes and teach the CCI curriculum. I am married to my beautiful wife for 22 years and in that time, God has blessed us with three children.

My life verse is “But I consider my life of no value to myself; my purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24 (CSB)
This passage entails the life of a focused minister to serve God through sharing the Gospel. A part of that is: training/teaching, persevering through hardship, and representing Christ.
Although Bangladesh is fairly small, the population is more than 166 million.
150 million of those are Muslims, and Christians account for roughly 500,000 or -1%. Bangladesh is home to at least 60 indigenous people groups, which speak different languages and have their own culture. Therefore, there is great reason to share the Gospel among the unreached people. We are dedicated to equip the disciples of Jesus Christ through the CCI ministry to fulfill the Great Commission. We need your support and encouragement so that we can continue this great work!

I have begun to train unreached people who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We have planted two churches among them. Both buildings need to be finished, but we worship and praise God there anyway. I am also helping to translate for the Paharia people, a Bible in their own language for the very first time.

We are all about making disciples of Christ!
Thank you for your prayers and support.

Pastor Biswas
CCI Bangladesh
Pastor Biswas:
New construction of the church building:
Bible translation group in Malto language:
From Pastor Sam:

Thank you for learning more about Pastor Biswas. Please remember him, his ministry, family and needs in your prayers, as he needs this support to continue to do the ministry in Bangladesh.

Below are pictures from my classes in north-eastern Bangladesh, northern Bangladesh, and the Bengal region. I am teaching Course 3.
Northeast region
North region
Bengal region
Students are sharing the Word of God in the church after learning:
Meeting with the youth:
Mr. N is a regular student of a CCI class and is also attending college. Before the CCI training, he did not speak well, he was shy, fearful, and unwilling to participate in Bible study, youth seminars or Sunday service. He was baptized last month because of the obvious acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Savior. His parents and siblings are not believers, but he is committed to sharing the Gospel with them. There is great transformation in Mr. N’s life. Now, he can share and preach the message from the Bible. He conducts Bible class for the youth. He joined in the God's Financial Principles (GFP) seminar and then God blessed him and answered his prayer to bring other people to Christ from his community. He wants to be an evangelist and share the Gospel everywhere among the youth.

We are really grateful to God that the CCI training is supporting us to grow the ministry through these students in Bangladesh. His parents and neighbors are amazed to see the transformation in his life. It was possible only through the training and discipleship. So, we convey thanks to our God for bringing CCI to make a great impact in this area.
Prayer Requests & Praises
From Pastor Biswas:

·      Please pray that our students can continue the CCI classes and that we will expand into new areas.
·      We travel outside regularly to teach CCI classes, share the Gospel, visit church members in new areas, conduct Sunday services and for our ministry purposes. We need your prayer support for our safety and security.
·     Please pray for the need of a motorcycle to be able to get to areas more frequently and to visit the CCI classes and students.
·      Pray for CCI ministry in Bangladesh.
·      Pray for our CCI students, to be more patient to do the classes.

From Pastor Sam:

·      Pray for my recovery, I currently have a cold and cough.
·      Give thanks for Ananto, God blessed him with a job.
·      Give thanks that Shahanur's moms who completely recovered from surgery.
·      Give thanks for Anju, God blessed her with a baby girl.
·      Pray for Tony’s mother, she is going through some health issues.
·      Pray for Robin, he needs a job.
·      Pray that spiritual stimulation increases in all believers in Bangladesh.
·      Please pray for the salvation of Shahanur’s grandmother and wife.
·      Pray for Josinta, she is having skin problems.
·      Continue to pray for the CCI ministry in Bangladesh.