Celebrating Children's Book Luminaries
December 2021
In Tribute: Children's Book Luminaries 2021
The children's book world lost many lions of the industry in 2021. Among them, the three pictured above, Beverly Cleary, Eric Carle, and Jerry Pinkney -- all beloved by children and parents around the world. NOVA RIF board member Dora Sue Black, librarian at Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School in Arlington, took a look back at ten of those we lost this past year in a celebration blog about their works and contributions. Some are well known; others might surprise you! The entire blog is clickable, with links to author/illustrator bios and book reviews. Where to find Dora Sue's blog? Click right here!
Book Distributions are Happening All Over Town!
Several NOVA RIF schools and sites have held distributions so far this fall, during which children have been able to pick out a book of their own -- and sometimes even more than one, thanks to support from YOU, our NOVA RIF community! In a brand new page on our website, see a photo review of fall 2021 distributions so far by clicking here! As more distributions happen, more photos will be added...so click back often to see the fun! See also our Supporter Spotlight about the New Dominion Women's Club and its role in helping to provide books for children at the Falls Church-McLean Children's Center. Find that by clicking here!
Falls Church-McLean Children's Center
Camp Read A Lot at Lynbrook ES
Cora Kelly Elementary's Fall Festival

Pictures help tell the love-of-reading story! This is the final photo in our Book Baby feature. We hope you have loved seeing babies and toddlers and their efforts to read. We appreciate photos from everyone who participated and hope all will continue to read to babies because early reading matters! To see all the Book Babies, please check out our website.

New! December's BOOK BABY caption: Colorful shoes, colorful book, colorful reading fun!
New! I’m a nature girl at heart!
So says author Maria Gianferrari. Her latest book -- Be a Tree! -- celebrates the human bond with trees. In fact, all her books "honor our bonds with creatures both domestic and wild and celebrate the natural world around us."

Meet Maria Gianferrari and learn more about her many children's books celebrating the wonder of nature in our feature New(ish) Books with a NOVA Connection.
Book Update: The Good Stranger's Sancocho Surprise -- NOVA RIF's December 2020 NOVA Connection book pick -- has been chosen for a special honor from School Library Journal. In a list curated by SLJ's Senior Editor for Picture Books, Sancocho Surprise was chosen as as a top book for its focus on empathy. Find the SLJ listing by clicking here! This is super news! Congratulations to author John McLaughlin!!!
Donated Books ...
... over 12,000 Collected!

Ilan Rotem is 12 and in 7th grade. He will have his bar mitzvah in September 2022, and he is collecting books until then. He originally started his collection for a prison program that sought children’s books for inmates to read to their children via the internet. When that program filled with enough books, Ilan searched for another local organization where he could donate his growing collection. Voila! RIF of NOVA! Thank you, Ilan!
And where do the gently used books go?

In early December, several boxes went to Bailey's Upper Elementary School! Librarian and NOVA RIF liaison Linda Lindgren accepted the delivery with help from two Bailey's students. Thank you, book donors! Your donated books helped to make this donation happen!

If you have or want to collect books for children from Pre-K to grade 8, contact us at rifnova@gmail.com. We will arrange to pick them up. So far, we have collected over 12,000 books for the children we serve! A full list of book donors can be found on our website at: http://www.rifnova.org/contribute-books.html.
*Contribute online by Paypal or credit card at: https://donorbox.org/donate-to-rif-of-nova. Donate links can be found on every page of our website, too.
*Send a check to our mailbox:
P. O. Box 7012
Arlington, VA 22207-0012

NOW through January 15, 2022! The Combined Federal Campaign is open for donations! If you are a federal employee or retiree or a federal contractor working in a federal facility, you are eligible to participate ... and we hope you will! Find RIF of NOVA at this link or by using our CFC code: 18818.
Other options to help:

*Register with smile.amazon.com. Type in Reading is Fundamental of Northern Virginia, Inc. to select us as the charity you want to support. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to RIF of NOVA. The 0.5% can really add up, particularly at holiday times!
*If your workplace holds a United Way campaign, designate RIF of NOVA as your chosen philanthropy. Our United Way # is 8959.

*Celebrate a graduate, a birthday, or memorialize a loved one with a special donation.

Thank you for any donation -- no matter how big or small! And thank you for being part of the RIF of NOVA community!
Please share the RAP! Forward our newsletter to your friends and anyone interested in providing books to children who need them! 
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