A Note From April

Hello Friends,

As the year comes to a close and a new one begins we generally reflect on what went right, wrong, or what we could do better. We make resolutions for the new year...how in the new year we will do so much better than the last. This is why gym equipment is always on sale in January. While at times these grand resolutions are sometimes hard to keep going through the end of the first month I think they are a wonderful way to set goals for ourselves. A few tips I have come across over the years to help achieve them...

  • Set goals that are realistic for you.. if you want to start exercising but have never done it don't say "I'm going to exercise every day for three hours!" ... say "I'm going to exercise for thirty minutes three times a week." It's always better to expand on your goal than feel you failed.
  • Set reminders of your goals. You can stick a post it on your bathroom mirror or set a daily reminder on your phone.
  • Always visualize yourself doing your goal or yourself as the result of your goal.
  • Drink a glass of water each morning visualizing your goal or what you want to accomplish that day. Your thoughts will go into the water and then into your body.

No matter what your goal is.., to exercise, get more organized, be a kinder person... you can achieve it! Just set your mind to it.

Wishing you a very successful and happy new year!

April Grace

Director of Communications, Raymon Grace Foundation

A Note From Raymon

Raymon's Website
Raymon Grace Foundation

Comments From Our Friends Around The World

  • Wow! My goodness! ….I let the tap run for a while and for the first time in years and years! I could actually stand there without being bothered by the smell … Significant change in taste and smell! Wowww 😲 I’m amazed!! Thank you so very much… 

  • Yes, my water 💦 does taste better and it runs with more pressure in the faucet. Already you have saved me $7K as I was about to enroll in a cybersecurity class but decided not to - I used your dowsing chart on both the school and recruiter and found they had no integrity. I feel so empowered because of this newfound skill. I am so happy I took your course. 💕☀️Sincerely, M

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com