I wanted to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported our Foundation projects this year. Anyone who has participated in the energy clearing project, thank you for your wonderful testimonials and support of this amazing project.

We wish you and your families a joyful and calm holiday season! May you receive the best of everything in 2021!

April Grace
Director of Communications, Raymon Grace Foundation
A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks,

Those of you who attended class were given a suggested affirmation:
'I am always at the right place at the right time.' 

You heard my stories of various times I set an intention to be somewhere at a specific time and was there at that time.

Here is a new story. I drive a truck that is 20 years old and it's just common sense to know that it will need repairs at some point in time. 
Recently, was driving it and pushed in the clutch to shift to a lower gear and the clutch just didn’t work. 

I drifted it into the nearest driveway and stopped. Whose driveway was it?  My mechanic’s garage. 

Of all the places I have driven, it couldn’t have happened at a more convenient place. 

You might say this was a coincident~~ I will say we can make coincidences happen.

Am wanting to share useful information with you folks every month instead of 4 times a year as in the past. April will be sending all the newsletters and hopefully help me with giving you good stories.

For the Holidays Nancy is sharing one of her recipes from the sweet potatoes we grow. Here are some pictures and the recipe.

Wishing you a healthy holiday,
Sweet Potatoes with Pineapple

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

6 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into bite size pieces
Steam for 10 - 15 minutes or until tender

In saucepan mix;
1/2 cup honey
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
3 Tablespoons corn starch
3 Tablespoons lemon juice, bottled is fine
1/3 cup room temperature butter
Bring to a slow boil and boil 5 minutes. 

Add; 8 1/2 ounce can crushed pineapple.
Stir and cook until it starts to thicken.

Place steamed sweet potatoes in lightly greased 9 x 13 inch baking dish. 
Pour pineapple mixture over all and bake 20 - 25 minutes or until bubbly. 
Makes 8 to 10 servings. 

Hopefully this will give you a new dish for the holidays to share with your family. 
Class Calendar

  • Raymon is not traveling at the moment but his webinar may be purchased at anytime. For more information click the link below.
Comments From Our Friends

  •  "Raymon, Just to inform you that our water from the kitchen faucet tastes much better. There is a significant improvement. Please keep up your amazing work. Thank you for all your help and great work. Much love and blessings, Karolina" 

  • "Thank you for the increased clearings, I have noticed and it does help tremendously, the water from the sink is noticeably better as well. Much love and many blessings to you and yours, Nathan" 

One of my friends grew a field of hemp and VA Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com