December 2019
The Mel King Institute for Community Building offers training and educational opportunities to help build just and inclusive communities. This newsletter contains MKI and partner trainings, upcoming conferences, educational opportunities and resources for further exploration of the field.
This forum will showcase some exciting business models for Community Developers to think about and provide a place for discussing their efficacy and whether/how they can be replicated, adapted and/or scaled.

Presenters will include:
MKI Intern Network
After the success of our Fall Pilot MKI Intern Network, we are excited to announce the Spring semester session of the Network! If your organization is hosting interns for the Spring semester we would love for them to join our intern network. The internship network is designed to expose interns who are enrolled in any concentration area to the field of community development. They will have access to MKI trainings and workshops, network building opportunities, partner events, and other activities that provide participation in the MKI Community. Interns will meet staff in different roles, leaders from the field, and learn about possible career paths.

If your intern is interested in joining us please have them fill out
THIS FORM by January 20, 2020 and have them mark January 23rd , our launch event date, in their calendars!
Featured Event
January 10, 2020
Urban Edge Board Room
1542 Columbus Ave.
Boston, MA 02119

~ Instructor ~
Laurie Jo Wallace , Health Resources in Action
This training focuses on supervision and program management for adult staff. It addresses the roles and responsibilities of supervisors, communication, work relationships, program management, and the specific supervision of staff.

Participants will leave with the following skills and learnings:
  • Overview of Supervision
  • Supervisor’s Roles and Responsibilities
  • The 5 Star Management Model
  • Situational Leadership
  • The Forms of Supervision
  • Team-builders and Program Planning

Upcoming MKI Events
Start Date:
~ Wednesday, January 22, 2020 ~

This program is a comprehensive examination of establishing and operating a small business in today’s dynamic business environment. It provides the knowledge and business technical skills needed in order to deliver high quality business consultation and technical assistance to small businesses including women, immigrant, veteran, and minority owned businesses. 

This program will include six Modules of learning:

  1. Introduction to Small Business Environment - Jan 22
  2. Business Planning Basics - Feb 5
  3. Bookkeeping and Forecasting - Feb 26
  4. Marketing Fundamentals and Brand Management - Mar 11
  5. Small Business Legal Overview - Mar 25
  6. Small Business Coaching - Apr 8

Check out what our partners have to say about this Certificate Program in this BayState Banner article and BNN Interview:

Brought to you by Cambridge College, Lawyers for Civil Rights, Mel King Institute, and Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation ( MGCC)

Contact Fehintola Abioye at for more details or with any questions.
Public Housing Training Program 

This training helps participants handle challenges unique to their particular role as both a resident and a Board Member of a public housing authority. Participants learn about the role of the Board Member, take an in-depth look at budgets and capital improvement plans, and receive a free resource binder. 

Upcoming Training Opportunities:

This training builds on the Public Housing Training Program’s Resident Leader training to help participants work more closely and effectively in their communities. It is being offered in partnership with trainer George Luse as part of the Resident Leader curriculum update process. 

Upcoming Training Opportunities:
Partner Events
Community Organizing & Planning

Economic Development

Nonprofit Governance

Racial Equity

Real Estate Development


Application Deadlines

Share Your Programming with Us!
Do you have a training, conference, or program application you'd like us to promote in our next Newsletter? Send it our way to .
In the subject line please include: MKI Newsletter Programming
Featured Resources
Hanna Thomas
Anna Hirsch

This style guide provides language for organizations & individuals to use in their communication materials that are in support of intersectionality and cross-sector power building.
Sponsored by:
U.S. Department of Arts and Culture

When events are held, it's important to know who's physically in the room, but also those who occupied the land before we all came along. Honoring and acknowledging Native land is extremely important and needs to become more of a consistent practice. This Guide, which was created in partnership with Native allies and organizations, offers instructions on how to begin this type of practice and context of what acknowledgment really means. It also provides tips for moving beyond acknowledgment into action.
In Case You Missed It
Check out this article by MACDC's Program Director for Health Equity, Elana Brochin, which outlines the ways in which MACDC has been engaged in moving health care institutional focus toward racial equity.
If you like what Elana Brochin has to say, take a look at what she will be teaching in her upcoming MKI Training Health Equity and Community Development coming up on February 12, 2020.