Recycle the Holidays! Rules for Conduct

1.      No Wish-cycling!
Everyone wants to recycle - you wouldn't be getting this newsletter if you didn't! 

Sadly, not everything is recyclable (yet). The old "I don't know if it can be recycled, so I'll just throw it in and let them figure it out" thinking doesn't work. We call that "wish-cycling."
The recycling sorting facilities are highly automated, with machinery and conveyor belts doing the sorting. Wish-cycling just gums up the works. Here's a great example. Check out this  video about what plastic bags do to the equipment in Chicago.  Our recycling facility uses the same equipment.

2.      Wrapping Paper, ribbons, holiday cards.
Sadly, most wrapping paper  CANNOT be recycled-unless it's very plain, meaning no metallic, glitter, or plastic embellishments. If you use brown paper bags and decorate them, they can be recycled. Ribbons? Never. Ever. Not recyclable. Holiday cards? Only plain cards can be recycled. No foil (that goes for envelopes too), no glitter, no cute little things glued onto the cards.
3.      Broken Glass
Too much wine? Cat knocked over the tree? 
Ornaments, drinking glasses, Pyrex, etc.  CANNOT  be recycled. Only bottles and jars.

4.      Broken tree lights.
If you hop to it, you can take them to Lowe's in Danvers through December 24. The box is located at Customer Service. You can also bring them to the next e-waste recycling event, Saturday, December 31, 2016 8 am -noon,  Salem High School, 77 Willson Street. Click here for list of items that will be accepted.
Too Much Trash?
The holiday season generates a lot of waste. In fact, most households increase their trash by 25% over the holidays!

Recycling Bin Overflowing?
You can take recyclables to Caraustar (Formerly North Shore Recycled Fibers), 53 Jefferson Ave in Salem. No charge, however it must be sorted. Cardboard and paper together in paper bags; rinsed cans, bottles and jars, plastic containers in another paper bag.  Hours: M-F 7-3.

Trash Bin Overflowing?
Salem is offering special holiday prices on the orange  overflow trash bags through  January 9. You can get a roll of 5 bags for $5 at the following locations: Collectors Office, City Hall (93  Washington Street), Room 4, and the Council on Aging, 5 Broad Street. Hours for both locations are Mon-Wed 8-4, Thursdays 8-7, Fridays 8-11:30, except Friday, Jan. 6, when the Council on Aging will be open until 4 pm.
Overflow bags can also be purchased at Crosby's Market or Winer Bros. Ace  Hardware for $2.50 per bag.
Out with the Old!
If Santa brought you new toys (things for adults with plugs, things like toasters, blenders and whatnot) you can either donate the old versions or recycle them at the upcoming e-waste event.


Donate anything that might be resold. Bring to your favorite thrift store. You will be keeping things out of the trash stream and helping a local charity.



Recycle at the E-waste event 

Saturday, December 31, 8am-noon, Salem High School, 77 Willson St. Special Notice About the E-waste Event:

Act now if you have old computers, TVs or large  appliances you need to get rid of. The $10 charge for these items is increasing to $20 at the e-waste  events in 2017! Most items are free. Bring anything with a plug. 
Questions? Click here.

Getting Rid of Old Furniture?
Couches, chairs, mattresses, furniture, washers, dryers and other "white goods," etc. will be picked up for free. However, you must make an appointment. Call Waste Management at 1-800-972-4545 and follow the prompts for residential customer service.
That's about it! For more information, please visit
SalemRecycles  wishes you happy holidays and an ecological New Year!
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