Area26 news & updates
December 2019 | Issue 4
Revealing the Champion in all of us...
Athlete's Corner with Billy Duquette
So, now we are in Winter Season, and that means lots of Basketball. So far the athletes have started their season and have completed two practices for 2019/2020. Most of the athletes have enjoyed being back at practice and getting into game shape for all of the big basketball tournaments in January. Along with all of the returning players, there have been a few new athletes that have joined some of the newer teams and they are working to progress and get ready.

On November 16, I went down to Charlottesville, Virginia, and took part with the 2019 volunteer conference. I learned how the Area Councils are formed and how to help make progress and help their area programs continue and help with their athletes.

Some, but not all of the other area council members were at the volunteer conference and all brought back a lot of helpful knowledge to their councils. 

Happy Holidays,

Flag Football - the NIRSA Regional Championships
Area 26 achieved liftoff with competitive sport number 23 as our first team attended the NIRSA Flag Football Championships. Our team was ready to play, and super excited for their matches.
The team played two games each day, competing against teams from New Jersey, Pensylvania and Maryland in challenging matchups. Each of these teams have played together for over 8 years, so our first-year Avengers were recognized by Coaches and staff alike for their remarkable performance.

See you next season.
Besides the games, several players from the Avengers were specially selected (Chris R, Kyler R, Austin W, Sean M, Tom M, and Jay C) to compete in a Punt, Pass and Kick competition, against other players from 2 other teams. Our own Austin W WON the passing element, with a 35 yard spiral that went right past the measuring crew!!
During the Awards Ceremony, Global Messenger Kyler Reese and Coach Matt Elliston thanked the Law Enforcement Officials that both attended and sponsored the event.
November Featured Sport: Basketball
Basketball season is just getting under way, with our over 60 traditional and 20+ unified teams hitting the court all over the Area.

Tournament season begins right after the New Year, and continues well into March.

There are also special events such as training clinics which are available to improve skills for players of all levels. Basketball is the only sport in SOVA that has its own championships - a special two-day event sponsored by Geico in Stafford.

Contact: Elaine Tilton
Season: November - March
Practice Location(s): Various locations around Fairfax, Arlington and Alexandria
2020 Polar Plunge Donation Season is in full swing
The first Area plunge is less than two months away. Donation and plunging pages for the 2020 Plunge are now open. There are two sites this year for Area 26 - the Mosaic District on January 25th, and Prince William, February 22nd.

This fundrasier is our best chance of getting something good out of the winter chill!!

Sign up and get more information by clicking below. 50% of funds raised go direclty to Area 26, and the other 50% funds athletes (including ours) across VA.
Upcoming Events
Winter Sport Registration - Ongoing...see the website
4-5 January - First Round Basketball Tournaments at several sites
25 January - Mosaic Polar Plunge
Area 26 Points of Contact
Area 26 Council

Elaine Tilton

Billy Duquette
Bruce Fingerhut
Veronica Jennings
Nancy Julia
Abby Lacy
Nancy Robbins
Paul Tierney
Bernie Woolfley

Season Directors
Elaine Tilton, Fall/Winter

Nancy Julia, Spring/Summer

Barry Tilton

Medical Coordinator
Barb DeLisa

Senior Director, Potomac Region
Veronica Jennings

Area 26 Special Olympics |