The Holiday Season is truly upon us! The Barristers really stepped up with our Annual Thanksgiving Baskets.  We sincerely thank you for all the wonderful donations.  With your help, we were able to donate plentiful baskets and hearty turkeys to families in need with Guardian Ad Litem and the Tallahassee Housing Authority. 

December is another great month to rejoice in the Holiday spirit.  We will start this month off by participating in the Riley House Rock-a-thon.  We NEED volunteer Rockers! Please sign up

Also, in conjunction with Tallahassee Bar Association and Tallahassee Women Lawyers, we are hosting a retirement reception for Justice Perry on December 6, 2016.  The last day to RSVP is this Friday.  

Stay tuned for information on our Annual Christmas party.  We have a tentative date of December 16, 2016.  

Finally, we still need your help to make our Scholarship Luncheon in February 2017 a success.  Barristers, we have set an ambitious goal of awarding two outstanding law students with $1,000 scholarships.  Your sponsorship is the ONLY way we can achieve this goal.  Can we count on you?  Read below for more ways you can serve.  

We hope to see you at our December 15th general body meeting!

Yours in Service, 

Brandi Thomas

Executive Board
President: Brandi Thomas
Pres-Elect: Matthew Williams
Treasurer: C. Erica White
Secretary: Kirsten Sencil
Director: Adrian Mood
Director: Jasmyne Henderson
YLS Chair: Haben Abraha
Past President: G.C. Murray

Join or Renew Your Membership!

Annual membership dues are as follows:

Dues may be paid online* or mailed & payable to: 

Tallahassee Barristers Association
PO Box 111
Tallahassee, FL 32302

*Online payments subject to $3 convenience fee.
Barristers Swag

Shirts, mugs, totes, and cell phone cases are here! Get your Barristers Swag today!  Shop Now!
Barristers on Your Device
Our membership is growing: Click Here for a List of Current Members

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December Events
Harmonious Kings
Thursday, December 1, 2016 | 5:30 PM
Carriage House at Goodwood Museum & Gardens
1600 Miccosukee Rd

Join the Barristers for an evening with the Boys Choir of Tallahassee

Barristers at Riley Rock-a-thon
Saturday, December 3, 2016 | 9 AM to 3 PM
Cascades Park Amphitheatre
1001 S Gadsden St
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Join the Barristers at the 17th Annual John G. Riley Center/Museum Rock-a-thon! Enjoy family-friendly holiday fun and performances from Tallahassee's notable arts and cultural organizations. Most importantly, help the Barristers keep our rocking chair rocking: sign up to rock a while!

Justice Perry Retirement Reception
Tuesday, December 6, 2016 | 4:00 PM
Capitol City Country Club
160 Golf Terrace Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Please join TBA, TWL, and the Barristers for a celebration of Justice James E.C. Perry. Entry is $15; RSVP December 2 to Maya Hendry,

December General Body Meeting
December 15, 2016 | 6:15 PM
FSU Law Room Forthcoming

We are looking forward to spreading more holiday cheer this year! Join us December 15 and share your ideas. We want to hear from you!

Thankful for Your November Service
November was an awesome month:

November 21st - Thanksgiving Baskets