With your help, we were able to raise $4852 out of our $5000 goal on #GivingTuesday! Thank you to all who participated in our interviews as well as a huge thank you to those who shared their stories, the videos and gave to CVSA on #GivingTuesday. Our stories of Hope and Helping were shared all over the globe! The number of people reached on CVSA's Facebook page went up 2879% in the last month!! We asked all of you to share the videos and together we helped reach thousands of people. Not only did you share the videos, but we also had 40 people start their own Facebook fundraisers in support of CVSA. A record number of people encouraging support! Thank you to everyone who supported CVSA on #GivingTuesday!
Thank you to everyone who participated in CVSA's November Virtual Expert Presentation! Our presenter was Dr. Robert Issenman and he talked to us about navigating ER care for CVS patients including the perspective from the ER doctors and nurses; and how to use that to help you get the best care in the ER.

You can watch the presentation in its entirety on CVSA's YouTube channel.
We continue to provide opportunities like this once a month. In December, we will hear from Dr. Sally Tarbell. Dr. Sally Tarbell is a former Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, as she has recently retired. She has been an active member of the CVSA medical advisory committee for 16 years. She has been actively engaged in treating CVS patients and in conducting research to understand the factors that contribute to illness onset and health related quality of life. She has a particular interest in the relationship between anxiety symptoms and CVS, to develop treatments to manage anxiety to potentially reduce the frequency of episodes and to assist with coping with the symptoms of CVS. She was a member of the adult guidelines committee and is a current member of the pediatric committee to update the guidelines for the management of pediatric CVS.

Tickets are available. Register here

Follow us on social media for the latest updates!

Bend for the Bucket

Moved to February 2021

Davie, FL

Do you live in South Florida? Or know someone who does? Consider this yoga class fundraiser to support CVSA as well as raise CVS awareness!! Can't attend? You can donate on the Facebook page!

You can now show your CVSA pride on your mask!
Check out all the options at the CVSA store!

Join CVSA on Monday, December 14th at 6PM PST, for the monthly support call on our new Zoom platform! Have questions? Newly diagnosed? The support call is the place to get your answers.
Thank you to all that set up fundraisers on Facebook with Facebook Donations!

Please note that due to Facebook's algorithms and privacy restrictions, CVSA is unable to determine the dates that fundraisers take place.
If your CVSA fundraiser raised more than $200 please send a screenshot to the CVSA office to receive your complimentary 1 year membership, please email
Any fundraiser for CVSA, that raises at least $200, will receive a complimentary 1 year membership. Check out our fundraising page for ideas.