Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Betsy Cutler
Ala Hamilton-Day
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
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Hi, My name is Betsy Cutler and I live in Allentown, PA and am a member of Unit 133. I am very excited to take on the role of President of District 4. While it is a huge responsibility, it is also a great way to meet more of our members. At the same time, I want get to know all the units and clubs better. Over the years I have played in a regional, sectional, online or face to face game in all 8 units. My new goal is to try to play in more clubs to get the “local” flavor of each area.
Thank you so much to Jeanne Gehret for her three years of devoted service as President of our District. She has not only been a great mentor and sounding board, but also a bridge partner, confidant, chauffeur, and most importantly, a good friend. She has left behind some very huge shoes to fill. I know I should install a hotline to her condo but hope you all will bear with me as I learn to be President. Please understand I will make some mistakes, but I will do my best to make our District a great place to play bridge.
The Inaugural 0-750 NLM Regional in Allentown is just around the corner on Friday, December 15 and Saturday, December 16 at Lehigh Valley Active Life. We expect a large turnout and encourage you not only to carpool but to arrive early as parking onsite is limited. There is plenty of street parking near the facility, but please remember to allow extra time to get to the site and pay for your entries. This is a wonderful way for newer players, as well as those needing that last little bit of red and gold, to earn those points in games especially designed for the 0-750 players. Get your lunch orders in early! This is a cashless tournament, as well as zero tolerance and fragrance free.
With 2024 right around the corner, I am looking forward to more great District 4 events and hospitality. I hope you all enjoy a safe, healthy and joyous holiday season!
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From the District Director | |
Joann is already in Atlanta for board meetings - stay tuned for a complete report next month.
As always, please contact me with any questions –
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The 4Spot features fantastic contributors on a regular rotation: | |
January, April, July, October:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen
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February, May, August, November:
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus
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March, June, September, December:
Schwaidelson's Fractured Four-Hand Tales
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Schwaidelson's Fractured Four-Hand Tales | |
MethMan meets Bergen-Devil: read all about it here.
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Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
I get the impression Andy's still in the rest room. Find out why here.
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Visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online here. | |
News from Around the Units | |
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
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Unit 112 congratulates its advancing players:
Junior Masters
Daniel Eisenberg
John Frank
Xuanyu Li
Club Masters
Barbara Natale
Judy White
Sectional Masters
Paul Kardjian
Katie Sullivan
Regional Master
Augustus Garnsey
Silver Life Masters
Rola Cotran
Mike Rudnick
Sapphire Life Master
Barry Passer
Unit 112 members brought home gold from the Lancaster Regional, and Dan Boye, East Syracuse, was the top master point winner with 104.84 points! Also in the top 100 were: Phil Geibel, Betty Youmans, and Larry Sunser. Congratulations to all the Unit 112 members who attended.
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~Photo taken at Spooky Nook by Richard Popper | |
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
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Hello, Unit 120!!
Our Unit had some impressive achievements recently, so let's get right to them. Please note, the members with an * before their name achieved new ranking at the Lancaster regional held at Spooky Nook, PA last month.
Please give a resounding standing applause and acknowledgment to the following members:
Silver Life Master
*Joe Distini
Life Masters
*Jane Bovard
*Victoria B Tarleton
Club Master
Margaret A Conahan
Junior Masters
James Spencer
Marc Alpert
Also, we had two former and/or honorary members who have achieved new ranking at the Lancaster Regional.
Silver Life Master
*Gretchen A Jack (Hendersonville, NC; formerly Clarks Summit, PA)
Life Master
*Marie Wildman (Beth Rosenthal's sister and honorary Unit 120 member)
Wow! What a list. Congratulations to all!!
If you haven't already made your reservations for the holiday party hosted by Beth Rosenthal, you have until December 6 to send in your check.
The party is held at the Appletree Terrace on Newberry Estates in Dallas, Pa on December 17. Bridge starts at 1:00 PM followed by a bountiful dinner buffet which includes:
beef tenderloin, grilled chicken, grilled salmon, pasta with a variety of choice sauces, cheddar mashed potatoes, green bean medley, salad station, mini pastries and cookies, coffee and soft drinks, plus cash bar.
The cost is $42.00 per person which includes the bridge game, all day cookies and coffee station, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, and dessert.
Please include your partners name on the memo of your check made payable to Beth Rosenthal and send to 765 Greens, Dallas, PA 18612.
We have a new achievement to announce, Lucy Stone of Buck Hill Falls, PA passed her club director exam! Well done!
Last, I would like to extend to each and every one of you, from Unit 120 and myself, thank you for your continued support of your Unit.
We wish you all the very happiest of holidays and a grand and healthy 2024!
See you at the face to face and virtual bridge tables.
Here's to you!!! Tink Tink!
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Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Carl Ziegler
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Check back next month for Unit 121 news. | |
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
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No matter what holidays you celebrate with friends and family this season, may they be filled with joy, love and good health. Hopefully, you will find some time in your busy holiday schedule to enjoy a game of bridge at one of our clubs!
In Memoriam
Clarence John Kofron
With heavy hearts, we announce the death of Clarence John Kofron of Kunkletown, Pennsylvania, who passed away on November 16, 2023 at the age of 85. Clarence played in several of our games and was a popular partner who was well liked by everyone he played with. He will be missed by all our members.
November STaC Game Winners
There were sixteen tables at the November STaC games at Lehigh Valley Active Life. Thanks to Betsy Cutler for scheduling the STaC games.
Monday, November 13
1st Sylvia Edmonds and PhyllisMcDowell
2nd Rita Keiper and Lois Fuini
3rd Harold Koehler and Victoria Tarleta
1st Clyde Halstead and Martha Phelps
2nd Barbara Dopera and Michael Dopera
3rd Karen Myers and Pat Saegar
4th Nancy Trawin and Patty Fosselman
Friday November 17
1st Judy Cary and Kay Hays
2nd Beth Stelts and Lois Fuini
3rd Betty Abrams and John Turoczi
1st Mike Kohler and Deb Butz
2nd Pat Saegar and Karen Myers
3rd Carol Turoczi and Betsy Cutler
ACBL Grant Presentation to
Lehigh Valley Active Life
This year ACBL presented District 4 with a grant of $10,000 to distribute to the individual units included in their district. Each unit was given the opportunity to apply for the charity of their choice in accordance with the criteria set forth by the District Charity Chairperson. Unit 133 applied and was approved for a grant of $2000. Unit133 President Betsy Cutler presented the check to Rick Daugherty, Executive Director, Lehigh Valley Active Life.
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Annual Meeting and Holiday Party
More than sixty people attended the Annual Meeting and Holiday Party at Brookside Country Club on Saturday, November 11.
The following Board Officers were elected:
President, Jim Kenny
Vice President, Lee Stanley
Secretary, Vivian Kane
Treasurer, Nelson Rabenold
Tournament Chairperson, Lois Fuini
The following Board Members at Large were elected:
Paul Barilla Barbara Berk
Betsy Cutler Barbara Dopera
Lois Fuini Paul Irvine
Mike Kohler Bryan Snapp
Grace Sutherland John Turoczi
Stan Yellin
In addition to the election of board and officers, Betsy Cutler presented awards. Thanks to Lois Fuini, Bryan Snapp, and Lee Stanley for organizing the event After the meeting, members enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch and an enjoyable game of duplicate bridge.
Open Game Winners:
1st in A - Naim Risk and Bob Cole
1st in B - Gil DeLeeuw and Lee Stanley
1st in C - Lois Fuini and Beth Stelts
1st in A and Overall - Peg and Paul Irvine
1st in B - Arup and Bagisa Mukherjee
1st in C - Chuck Campbell and Jim Kenny
0-500 Game Winners:
1st overall -Carol and John Turoczi
1st in B and C - Bill Halstead and Martha Phelps
In Memoriam Game
Saturday, December 9, 2023
The In Memoriam Game is scheduled for 1pm at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown. Please join us to recognize the members of Unit 133 who have passed away in the last year. We will celebrate their lives and achievements by playing a charity game of bridge in their honor. Family and friends are invited to join us to share special memories of their loved ones. Proceeds from the game will benefit active older adults at Lehigh Valley Active Life.
Questions? Please contact Lois Fuini:
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Unit 141: Philadelphia
John Dickenson
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The big news this month is we are holding our first ever split-site Sectional in early January (1/5 to 1/7). Open events will be held at the King of Prussia Bridge Club and I/N events (all players under 500) at the North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club. KOPBC has agreed to be the single point of contact for advance entries for both sites. Each site can accommodate only 21 tables, so if you want to be guaranteed an opportunity to play, get your entry form and check into the mail now, or drop it off at KOPBC. Details here.
A warm welcome to our newest PCBA members!
Doreen Barca
Laurie Buechle
Devika Chakraborty
Patricia DiSesa
David Ellison
Grace Ermey
David Ermey
Brett Falk
Ridley Frazier
George Gainer
Elfie Haab
Roslyn Hansen
Marsha Herb
Deborah Herrmann
Vivian Zegarra
Congratulations to our members who achieved a new rank!
Junior Masters
Dan Walters
Mary Lou Wasco
Beverly Cutler
Ellen Garber
Lynn Kupchik
Andrew Levin
Pamela Tobias
Club Masters
John G Bakley
Deborah A Freisheim
Francis J Hartman
Sectional Master
Karen M White
Regional Masters
Charles Schelke
Linda Schelke
Clifford Sokolic
Advanced NABC Master
Katharine Link
Life Masters
Huiyao Liu
Brendan H O'Malley
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Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Russell Poppleton
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Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:
Patricia Bennett
Barbara Loeper
Jane Snyder
Fran Byrnes
Betsy Calder
Harriet Reuse
Robert Deitzel
Diane Fearen
Susan Perkey
Jane Detra Davenport
Joseph Marter
Lee Morrison
Stephen Male
South Central PA continues to host virtual games; see the website for a complete virtual schedule. Games are held daily.
The Lancaster Regional, chaired by Unit 168 members Jeanne Gehret and Tom Coxey, was well attended with 1245 tables and 814 players winning 9295 masterpoints. That table count is up from 1053 tables in 2022. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped make this a successful tournament and congrats to all those winning masterpoints.
The HBC annual meeting will be held at 11:00 on Dec 09th. The meeting will be followed by lunch and bridge. All HBC members are invited to attend.
The Harrisburg Bridge Club (HBC) will be hosting its monthly Swiss Team game on Wednesday, December 20. Both a 0-750 and an open game are scheduled. Game time is at 6:30 P.M. with food available at 5:45. Advance registration is requested to plan for sufficient food.
Hand and analysis submitted by Ben Hawn:
Here’s a hand from the Lancaster regional that I found instructive. At both tables, the contract was 2♣️. However, at one table North/South played 2♣️ doubled, while at the other table 2♣️ was played undoubled, by East/West.
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I was West and opened 1♣️. North quite rightly doubled, and my partner redoubled. South ended in 2♣️ doubled as follows:
1♣️ X XX P
P 1♦️ X 2♣️
X all pass
The auction consisted of twelve calls and in my view all twelve were correct. My partner’s initial call of redouble announced ten or more HCP and no great fit for clubs. A strength-showing redouble like this announces that it’s our hand and we are very interested in playing for penalties. My partner’s double of 1♦️ was perhaps the key call in the auction. It was purely a penalty double. Accordingly, when South bid 2♣️, I had an easy penalty double of that. There was not much to the play. Declarer is entitled to one spade, one heart, and three trump tricks and that’s what he got.
We gained twelve imps for +800 against our teammates -90, for 2♣️ making two.
I feel that the strength-showing redouble is underappreciated and underused. When partner opens at the one level and RHO makes a takeout double, be ready with the redouble when you have 10+ and no fit for partner. The opponents are outgunned in high cards, and playing for penalties at a low level can be very profitable.
Wishing everyone a joyous Holiday season.
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Unit 190: Delaware
Tammy Holm and Paula Varrassi
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Coming Event
Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 8-10
Bridge Studio
Delaware Clubs
The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington
Harold Jordan
MOT, Middletown
Cheryl Shields
Monday Morning Bridge Club
Friday Nooners
Clare O’Brien
Shore Bridge
Monday @ 12:30
Wednesday @ 9:30
Anna DeLapo
Shuffles 2
Ocean View Presbyterian Church
Thursday @12:30
Donna Heckscher
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Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
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Congratulations to Jim Bloom our new Club Master.
It’s a while off, but please plan to join us for our next sectional tournament May 31 – June 2, 2024.
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