LWVOPRF December 4 Week in Preview
Holiday Social
We hope to see everyone this Wednesday, December 6, at our Annual Holiday Social being held at Maya del Sol, 144 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, from 6:00-8:30 pm. Come alone, come with friends, but stop by! RSVP to Kathy Balk.
Conversion Application
At the May Annual Meeting, members voted to approve the application for our League to convert to 501(c)(3) tax exempt status . Since June, our Conversion Committee has been working on this application. We submitted our 1023 form along with a stack of supportive information on November 28. Now we wait for the IRS to do their magic. LWV Glenview/Glencoe also applied this year and have received their approval already. We hope our application is approved as quickly. Many thanks go out to Joan Fiscella, Peggy Kell, Angelika Kuehn, Marge Massarello, and Sarah Shirk for all their efforts in this endeavor.
Coming Up
Second Tuesday - December 12, 9:30-11:00 am, Arbor West Neighbors presentation.

Deputy Registrar Training - December 12, Oak Park Library, 7:00 pm, register at geaacpoliticallyaware@yahoo.com before December 7.