Technology in Support of National Security


December Newsletter from the Technology Ventures Office at MIT LL

Technology Highlight

Chrisp Compact Visible-Near and Shortwave Infrared (VNIR/SWIR) Imaging Spectrometer (CCVIS)

MIT Lincoln Laboratory, in collaboration with NASA, developed an imaging spectrometer that maintains state-of-the-art optical and signal-to-noise performance in a unit that has a volume ten times smaller than that of other spectrometer designs. Coupled with a freeform telescope, the spectrometer can acquire spectral imagery over a wide area, enabling remote monitoring for atmospheric science, geology, and agriculture.

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Newsletter Highlights


Omics Analysis and Quality Control Pipelines in a High-Performance Computing Environment

This article highlights the importance of data quality in omics data analysis, particularly in studies involving chemical and pathogen exposures affecting an individual's epigenome and transcriptome. The authors developed portable quality assurance pipelines for 12 omics assays, demonstrating their effectiveness in early identification of lower quality datasets and experimental protocol refinements, and these resources are now available as open-source tools for the omics and life sciences communities.

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Real-time packet speech communication was first achieved via the ARPANET between Lincoln Laboratory and the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute in August 1974. Development of packet speech networking, protocol, and coding technology from 1974 to 1982 produced internet speech communication and conferencing linking packet radio nets, local Ethernets, and telephone interfaces over international and domestic packet satellite nets. This technology laid the foundation for voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) communications and related real-time internet applications. In 2011, the IEEE awarded the packet speech program an IEEE Milestone plaque that is showcased in the Lincoln Laboratory lobby.

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MIT Lincoln Laboratory

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