December 2023
Professional Advisor Newsletter
Greetings from Whidbey Community Foundation and happy December! 
The final weeks of 2023 are upon us. We always enjoy hearing from attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors about the questions you're hearing from your clients as year-end approaches.
In this newsletter, we’re covering three highly-requested topics: numbers to know, giving in the golden years, and how to keep clients sticky across generations.

Thank you for your partnership. We wish you all the best for the holiday season!

– Whidbey Community Foundation
By The Numbers: What’s Around the Corner in 2024
Numbers to know. It's that time of year! The IRS has issued increases to key planning thresholds, including tax bracket breakpoints, standard deductions, QCD increases, and Social Security cost-of-living adjustments. We break down what each of these increases means for your clients' charitable giving plans and how Whidbey Community Foundation can help. 
Charitable Giving Tips for Clients’ Golden Years
Golden opportunities for giving. Your retired clients are more likely to get involved in the community, less likely to itemize deductions, more likely to want to get their children and grandchildren involved in their philanthropy, and excellent candidates for QCDs. Learn how to make the most of these techniques by working with the community foundation.
Philanthropy Keeps Your Clients Sticky
Preventing client attrition across generations. Did you know that philanthropy is an excellent tool for retaining children as clients after their parents pass away? Learn how charitable giving strategies with the community foundation can help avoid an unfortunate situation that affects so many attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors at key inheritance transition points. As many as 90% of children fire their parents' advisors. Learn how to avoid this happening to you! 
This newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice. 
Whidbey Community Foundation is a resource and sounding board as you serve your philanthropic clients. We understand the charitable side of the equation and are happy to serve as a secondary source as you manage the primary relationship with your clients. This newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice.  
Thank you for letting Whidbey Community Foundation assist in your charitable efforts!