December 1, 2023

Bethesda & Immanuel Lutheran Newsletter

Sunday Worship

8:30 Bethesda

11:00 Immanuel


Pastor Dale P. Chesley

809 Ellis Avenue

Ashland WI 54806

715 209-0600


Pastor Will Mowchan

3015 Weeks Avenue

Superior, WI 54880

715 416-3408

Parish Office:






Bethesda/Immanuel Website

Bethesda FACEBOOK 


Immanuel FACEBOOK 


We pray for Ukraine, Israel and Gaza and all those afflicted by war.

 Hello Nancy,

Sunday services are available online.
Use the Bethesda Facebook link above.

From the Pastor


Enjoy this!. It’s by O. Henry, early 20th Century short story author and master of the surprise ending. It’s shortened somewhat for this column.


       One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. Pennies saved one and two at a time. Della counted three it times. $1.87. She cried.

       The next day would be Christmas and she had only one dollar and eighty-seven cents to buy Jim a present. Her Jim. She had spent many happy hours planning something nice for him. Something fine—something worthy of the honor of being owned by her Jim.

       There was a long, thin mirror between the windows of the room. Maybe you have seen such a mirror in a very old apartment. A very thin and very agile person can manage a fairly accurate look at herself in a mirror like that. Della, being slender, could do it.

       Suddenly she whirled away form the mirror. Her eyes shone, but she was scared. Quickly, she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length.

       Jim and Della were extremely proud of two of their possessions.

One was Jim’s fine, old gold pocket watch that had been his father’s and grandfather’s. They just didn’t make watches like that anymore.

The other possession was Della’s hair. Long, thick, dark, its beauty crowned her beauty.

       Now Della’s hair rippled and shined like a cascade of brown water. It reached her waist. And then she nervously did it up again. She faltered a second, and a few tears splashed on the worn old carpet.

       Then, on went her old jacket, on went her old hat, on went her old gloves. She ran out the door and down the street. Where she stopped running the sign said, “Madame Sophie. Hair Goods of All Kinds.”

Della ran in. Sophie, very large and very pale hardly looked the ‘madame’.

       “Will you buy my hair?”, asked Della.

       “Take yer hat off.”, said madame.

       Down rippled the brown cascade.

       “Twenty dollars.”, said Madame.

       “Give it to me quick!”, said Della.

       The next two hours flew by as Della ransacked the stores for Jim’s present. She found it at last. It must have been made for him and no on else. It was a beautiful gold watch chain, simple yet elegant. It was even worthy of Jim’s watch. And it was like Jim—full of quietness and value.

       When Della got home she got out her curling iron and went to work repairing the ravages caused by mixing generosity with love. And that is always a big job, my friends, a big job.

       At 6 o’clock dinner was ready. Jim was never late. Della held the watch chain in her hand and sat on the chair by the door he always entered. She heard his step in the hall and said a little prayer:

“Please God, make him think I’m still pretty.”

       Jim stepped in. He saw Della and just stood there and stared with an expression she could not read. It was not surprise, not anger, not disapproval. He just stared.

       Della jumped off the chair. “Jim! Don’t look at me that way! I cut it off and sold it so that I could buy you a Christmas present. I just had to do it!”

       “You cut off your hair?” asked Jim.

       “It’ll grow back. My hair grows fast!”

       “You say you hair is gone?” he said, like he was an idiot.

       “It’s gone! Sold, so I could buy you a present! I love you Jim!

       Jim suddenly woke out of his trance. He held his Della. Then he pulled a package out his overcoat pocket.

       “Don’t worry Dell. There’s no haircut that make me love you less. But if you open that you’ll see why you had me going.”

       She tore open the package. A scream of joy; and then a quick, feminine change to sobs. For there lay The Combs—the beautiful set of combs, side and back that Della had worshipped for so long in the jewelry store window—the perfect combs to wear in her beautiful, vanished hair.

       She clutched them, and then clutched her Jim, and said, “My hair grows so fast Jim.”

       Then she jumped and said, “I can’t wait for you to see what I got for you Jim!” She held it out to him.

       “Isn’t it just perfect Jim? I hunted all over for it. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it.”

       Jim just tumbled down on the couch and smiled.

       “Dell, let’s just put our present away for awhile. I sold my watch to get the money for the combs. So, how about dinner?”

       This is the story of two nobodies who had nothing, people who unwisely gave the best they had to give each other. But let it be said that of all who give gifts, these two are the wisest.


       Now, here is the exact same story, told another way.

The birth of Jesus took place like this. His mother Mary, was engaged to

Joseph. Before they came to the marriage bed, Joseph discovered she was pregnant. Joseph, chagrined but noble, determined to take care of things quietly so Mary would not be disgraced.

       While he was trying to figure a way out, God’s angel spoke to him in a dream: “Joseph, don’t hesitate to get married. Mary’s pregnancy is Spirit-conceived. She will bring a son to birth and when she does, you Joseph, will name him Jesus, which means ‘God saves’.

       Then Joseph woke up. He did exactly what God had commanded in the dream.” (Matthew 1:18-25)

Christmas means that strength, hope and light are always possible. Anyone can give them. Anyone can receive them. Anyone.

Joseph was a nobody. All he did was give Mary what he had to give. He just did what he could. What Joseph gave Mary didn’t seem like much at the time. And yet what he did gave Mary dignity and gave her safety. That let her give birth to Jesus. And resulting even to this day, 2,000 years later, blessing enters countless lives.

       Joseph could give little, and Mary less. And yet, she did what little she could…have a baby in a hard situation. Now, a lot of mothers have babies in tough situations. And yet, that filled her life, filled Joseph’s life and fills our lives too.

       All Della did was give what she had. She didn’t have much…just her hair. And likewise, all Jim did was give what little he had, his old watch. And yet, could either of them have given anything more? Anything better? What else could have blessed each other so much?

       What about you? If blessing comes through God given chances to give what little you are able, then keep on giving it. I don’t mean presents under the tree now. They are great fun and they are wonderful. They can be powerful symbols. But now I mean, remember the times you gave kindness. Remember when you gave hope. Remember the times you blessed people. You have given and are giving what you have to offer when times to do that found you. That is, you too have given and still help sacred hope and courage enter the world. Remembering what you already have given and are now giving assists, guides and encourages you.

       Christ is the promise and gift that God gives everyone of us times to give what we can, times like He gave to Joseph and Mary, to Della and Jim. Chances to do give what we can. No matter who we are, or how small our gifts might seem, peace and courage grow from what we do.


View December Calendar

Bethesda will be celebrating its 130th anniversary on Sunday, December 10. Please join us for this special day. The following comes from our archives courtesy of Dianne Judd:

On Wednesday evening, December 6, 1893, after a service had been held, a congregation was organized with the name, “Bayfield Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church,” and a constitution was adopted based on the model used in the former Norwegian Lutheran Conference.  Thereupon Pastor Yderstad was unanimously called as the pastor of the church, and to conduct services on a weekday evening every other week.

Once again we will honor Marilyn Larsen who always placed a Christmas tree in the corner of our social hall. You will see the tree there again this year. It is one way that we can remember those in need. Like the last two years, we will be donating these gifts to the New Hope Supportive Housing in Red Cliff. The list of needs is below.

Marilyn's Tree Gift List

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year. There will be no morning worship services. Instead, we will have our Christmas Eve services at both churches at 2:00 with Pastor Will officiating at Immanuel and Pastor Dale at Bethesda.

On New Year's Eve Day, Sunday December 31, there will be no 8:30 worship at Bethesda. We will have a joint worship service with Immanuel in Cornucopia at 11:00 followed by a potluck lunch.

Bethesda's annual Lutefisk dinner was held on Saturday, November 11. We cleared $1,690 to go toward capital projects at Bethesda. Thanks everyone!!!

There will be holiday gift wrapping days at the Bayfield Carnegie Library on Friday, December 8 from 2:00 - 4:30 and Saturday, December 9 from 11:00 - 1:30. Presented by the Russell Community Club as a fundraiser for the Bayfield playgrounds. $2.00 per package. All wrapping materials will be provided. Please bring your gifts in a box no larger than a microwave.

Bethesda Basement Update

Repairs to the basement are complete. The new flooring has been installed.

A huge thank you to our volunteers and to all who've contributed financially to the project. We have received $37,265 in donations and have disbursed $25,659 to date.

Bethesda & Immanuel

are looking for volunteers for:

Altar Guild

Lay Readers

Sunday Fellowship Coffee Hour

Email Nancy with the link above.

The next pancake breakfast will be on Sunday, January 28 from 9:30 - 11:00.

Bethesda has a large supply of Thrivent T-shirts to give away. Please take as many as you like. They are on the bookshelf in the fellowship hall. If you have any ideas where we could donate them, please let the office know.

A message from Alla -

November was normal. Pavel was busy with his projects and car repairs. Oleg changed the job while continuing to study online. Everything is as usual for me: children and home. Now I have the opportunity once a month to have some free time in the form of dancing. It will be December 1st in Ashland, at Northland College.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! I am sure that the New Year 2024 will be richer in interesting and positive changes in our lives and not only;-)! peace, light and goodness to all!

The BRICK’s Food Shelf Program focuses on providing a wide variety of food options in a range of forms (canned, frozen, fresh) to program participants. At times, some of the items we offer are not available through our usual donations network. This means we either need to purchase those products or go without. YOU can help out to ensure that the Food Shelf Program has wide variety of nutritious foods to offer pantry shoppers. Throughout December The BRICK is asking for donations of fruit juice, preferably not refrigerated or frozen. At the end of the month, please connect with our Food Shelf Manager Amaris Shrider to drop off your donation. Reach her by phone at 715-682-7425 or email at Thank you for your support!

Discussion based on the book The Lost Message of Jesus by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann continues led by long-time friend of BPC and Bethesda, Pastor Dick Boutin. We willl resume meeting in January, each Wednesday from 1-2 pm in the church fellowship hall to share our thoughts as we explore the book. There will be no meeting Thanksgiving week.

Anything in the color blue is a clickable link

Council Meetings

November 15, 2023

May Draft Immanuel Council Minutes (No subsequent meetings)

Immanuel Council 6:00

Joint Council 6:30

November Draft Joint Council Minutes

Bethesda Council 7:00

October Draft Bethesda Council Minutes

Women's Gather

Hello all “Gather” book/Bible study participants!  we will be meeting on Wednesday, December 13th.  

Lake Superior Bridge Builders

Tuesdays, December 12 & 26 at 7:00

See our website for the Zoom link
Meeting ID: 812 1484 1692 Passcode: 948203
Dial by your location       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Monday Book Club

Join us for a Book Study on Zoom

Mondays at 1:00 PM

We will not be meeting on December 25 or January 1.

See our website for the Zoom link

Meeting ID: 851 3905 2851

Passcode: 467574

Dial by your location

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

The Coming of the Cosmic Christ: The Healing of Mother Earth and the Birth of a Global Renaissance by Matthew Fox

Questions? Call Leanne 715.742.3553

South Shore Quilters
Wednesdays 9:00 am - Noon at Immanuel

The mission-quilt group at Immanuel is always in need of donations of clean usable bed sheets--preferably flat sheets--which we use as backing for the quilts, spools of thread (whether full or not) and fabric.

The Knit Wits

Knitting & Crocheting at the Corny coffee shop Fridays 1:00 - 4:00

The Brunch Bunch
Tuesdays at Bethesda 10:00 - 11:30
Conversation and coffee with women from the community.

Retired Old Men Eat Out
Every Friday at 8:00 AM

Meet at Immanuel Church

New information is Red
If you would like to be added to the list or have an update, please contact us at:

Pavel, Alla, Oliver, Viktoria, and Melissa Anna Elizabeth

Marty Burkel

Marty still waiting patiently as his lungs continue to improve. Please keep Marty in your prayers.


PO Box 1284

Bayfield, WI 54814

Kerissa Morrin

Casey French

Joe Volpe

Sherman and Jane Edward's son-in-law

Judy Faragher

PO Box 1226

Bayfield WI 54814



Pastor Dale Chesley

809 Ellis Avenue

Ashland WI 54806



Chick Anderson


34200 S County Hwy J

Bayfield WI 54814


Jim Brockmann

Knee replacement surgery


Bill Peterson 

Bill is struggling with Parkinson's. If you have the time he sure would appreciate a call or card and of course your prayers.


Walker Methodist Care Suites

7400 York Avenue South

Edina, MN 55435

Janet Hunt


34955 S Cty Hwy J

Bayfield, WI 54814

Max Paap


Ed DePerry

37420 State Hwy 13

Bayfield WI 54814

Doctoring at Mayo

Sharon Johnson


86520 Valley Rd

Bayfield WI 54814


Kelli Ann Clapero


Char Sunde


Konnie LeMay

Chris Pedersen


Myrna & Rich Northrop


87202 Co Hwy C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Kermit and Judy Del Main

Kermit and Judy have moved to St Paul for at least the winter months where family will be able to assist them. Please keep them in your prayers.

900 Old Lexington Avenue Apt 101

St Paul, MN 55116

Colleen Nozal


PO Box 341

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Lorayne Reedy


PO Box 358

Cornucopia WI 54827

Lois Osterberg

702 Bratley Dr

Washburn WI 54891

Courtney Byerhoff

Bill Bodner


87560 Bark Point Rd

Herbster WI 54844

Chuck & Marcia Perry


87140 County Rd C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Julie Monroe

636 E Kimball Avenue

Woodstock IL 60098

Rhiannon Tourdot

Holly Tourdot

Tim Fleming


Westen Michael Wilson

Born Sept 28, 2023 with a hare lip cleft palete

Pastor Dale Chesley

809 Ellis Avenue

Ashland WI 54806



December Birthdays

1 - Arnie Carver

1 - Nathan Leding

3 - Andrew Leding

10 - John Thiel

12 - Kim Glau

13 - Linda Barnes

15 - Jim Gordon

15 - Jim Moeller

19 - Curt Johnson

19 - Janet Johnson

19 - Ernie Korpela

21 - Alex Kramer

27 - Finley O'Dell

29 - Alice Glasener