The annual Pediatric Puzzles conference, although hosting a smaller audience than previous years, treated attendees to a varied and dynamic in-person educational opportunity. Several attendees remarked that they were thrilled to be able to reconnect with colleagues face to face. Perennial attendee Dr. Subha Aahlad managed to make it despite already administering 800 pediatric COVID vaccines, and Dr. Patrick Burke traveled from Fresno because he found the list of topics compelling. Notable was a strong contingent of UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland alumni and staff, including the esteemed Dr. Pat Chase and 2 residents, Drs. Natalie Pierson and Sonia Subudhi. A new feature, group exercise, led by committee member Dr. Yasuko Fukuda, energized everyone in the afternoon. A number of folks stayed after for the Nutella and Networking session hosted by CME committee member Dr. Janice Kim. Those of you who wished you could have been there can get a taste of one of our most riveting speakers, Dr. Nusheen Ameenudin, whose recorded talks on Advocacy and Equity, Inclusion and Diversity will be available shortly on our chapter website. In addition, we plan to post Q & A that our speakers did not have time to answer. Planning is now underway for our Spring meeting – stay tuned!