Christmas and Holidays Newsletter
December 2019
As the sun sets (here in Fiji) on 2019, I want to extend my sincerest gratitude and thanks to each of you I had the pleasure of working with in creating wonderful travel memories this year.

Wishing you all a joyous festive season and may 2020 inspire the wanderlust in you!
Travel Because You Can
Christmas came a little early for me this year – October in fact, as I embarked on one of the best safari experiences I’ve ever had in Botswana with AndBeyond. 
I've fallen back deeply in love with Africa.  Not that I really fell out of it. This trip just simply deepened my connection to the first time I was there many years ago and has since inspired me to return time and again.  
This year, Botswana has been experiencing what is thought to be the worst drought in 90 years. The Okavango Delta, known for its meandering channels and waterways, received very little water due to the lack of flooding. As much as it was dry, the wildlife viewing was prolific and made for a spectacular 7 day safari. Such is nature, where one cannot predict and only the strongest and sometimes the luckiest survive. 
AndBeyond Safaris and Tours is an extraordinary company and one that has cemented my appreciation for their conservation and ecotourism efforts. This can be seen throughout their lodges and camps and their Rhinos Without Borders project, just to name a few.
They run and operate lodges in Southern and East Africa and have extended "and beyond" to India and Latin America.
Lastly, I would like to share with you some words of a friend I worked with earlier this year, who wrote of his recent trip to Ethiopia in the Vancouver Sun. You can find his article here
Ste 221-8678 Greenall Ave Burnaby, BC V5J 3M6
(604) 739-3652
Travel Because You Can